HAPPY NEW YEAR!!1-3 to 1-13


Herbert ELA 6  1-3  to 1-13

Due 1-11 Independent Reading Homework : page 516 517 “Letter from a Concentration Camp”  “Letter from Scottie”

Independent Selection vocabulary: regret, documentation, misery

In your composition book : Write one sentence for each blue vocabulary word.  Each sentence should include an appositive phrase or clause.


Academic vocab:craft and structure argument, claim, historical fiction,  primary source, author’s style, author’s purpose,

Figurative language: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, onomatopoeia


Due 1-11 Independent Reading Homework: “Letter from a Concentration Camp”  “Letter from Scottie”


Selection vocabulary: regret, documentation, misery, In your composition notebook, write a sentence for each word.  Each should contain an appositive.


reading:short stories, historical fiction “The Bracelet”  and “ Song of the Trees”

Non-fiction:    “Children of Japanese Relocation Camps”  ed.helper essay  reading level 6th


    :   detainee, ikebana, redress, swampland, relocate, historical, mistrust, amongst, frequently, traditional, failure, towers, poorly, camps, loyalty, reminders
    content words:   Manzanar War Relocation Center, Ansel Adams, Pearl Harbor, World War II, Soviet Union, Great Britain, United States, President Franklin Roosevelt,Japanese Americans, West Coast

Reading fluency Passage 4 p 316 AIO


Roots port, miss, mit  =20 words given in class


Grammar Only in class:

Recognizing and punctuating appositives and conjunctions


Diagramming subjects and predicates  GWB 44-45


Troublesome words: There’s, theirs, they’re


There will be a gold test on everything covered in class starting on 1-13