Important dates for February

Silver Bio and Vit root words test Feb. 9  

All students have chosen a novel from a collection of historical novels that they should be reading independently  at home independently. Students should not be listening to the novel as someone else reads it to them.  Research shows that just listening does not help with reading comprehension skills though it may help with written and oral communication. However, they may listen to a reading if they are following along word for word.

The due date to have the novel read is Feb 13.  We will be completing in class projects and packets regarding these novels.  Students will need a shoe box with a lid by Feb. 13.  They will be making a float that will include an event or scene from the book.  Please don’t spend a fortune at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby.  More info will be given as we go.


We are studying poetry and poetic devices.  Students were given a study guide and they may also use pages 550-555  in the big yellow books that  they have all been issued.  It is not necessary for students to lug these back breaking books to school as they have been given instructions to leave these at home.  I have extra books in my room that they can use before school and during lunch.

GOLD Poetry Terms Test  : Feb. 15