The week of August 24 to August 28, 2015 in English 11

faulknerMonday: Bellringer, reviewed “A Rose for Emily” questions, took up, read William Faulkner’s Nobel Prize Speech on the pages that followed and filled in the reading guide in the workbook, HW was to answer the questions on page 829 in textbook. 1-5

Tuesday: Bellringer, reviewed HW (see above), put HW in notebook as number 3 on the table of contents.  Writing assignment: Informal essay, personal narrative—write about an event which had a big impact on your life. Has to be five to six paragraphs and this is a silver grade. It will be your second silver grade.

Wednesday: Bellringer, then you will have time to work on writing assignment.  When finished, answer the questions that are on page 830 1-9. Write question and answer or write in a complete sentence. SCHOOL PICTURE DAY AND SCHOOL ID DAY. HEAVY SCHEDULE


1. Bellringer,

2. then review questions on page 830 (hw if not done in class yesterday).  Put in folder as #4 and list on your table of contents.

3.  How does Faulkner’s speech and short story fit into our essential questions for this 9 week?

4. Speaking of Faulkner, let’s review the quiz from Monday. Has everyone taken it?

5. Pass back personal narratives with the rubric attached. Do you need to fix anything? Fix it tonight and return tomorrow for a silver grade. Feel free to type and share with me via Google Docs. I’m at

6. Before we get into “The Turtle” tomorrow, remember this?



1. Bellringer, then take up bellringers for bronze grade.

2. Turn in personal narratives so I can grade them over the weekend. Silver grade.

3. “The Turtle” by Steinbeck, page 197 in Reader’s Notebook (What I call your workbook)  Theme, Allegory, Symbolism.

4. Mark in your workbook if you would like as we read and listen to “The Turtle.”

5.  Answer the questions along the sides of the story and answer questions on page 202 in the workbook.

6. Fill out the Note taking guide after we read “The Turtle.”

7.  Anticipation Guide for The Great Gatsby. Reminder: You must have the novel by next Wednesday, September 2!

8. Review Anticipation Guide

9. F. Scott Fitzgerald powerpoint  (if time)

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