August 21, 2017


Happy Birthday: Xavier Perez


*Tonight will be Open House from 5:30-7:30pm.  Remind your parents to attend.  You should write down your schedule and give your parents a copy of your schedule. The office will not be printing schedules tonight.

*Students who did not return signed Solar Eclipse forms will remain in the library when the other students go outside.

*We will begin testing with Scantron Performance Series starting tomorrow in your ELA and Math classes.  You cannot bring cell phones or smart watches into the testing center.  Please do not be absent this week as all students must test.

*Students remember to turn in your signed Code of Conduct forms to your 4th period teacher.  You will receive silent lunch until you bring in your form.

*Please turn in box tops to the office. If you turn in 10 box tops, you will receive two tardy to class passes.

*Friday we will be on activity schedule and you will report after 7th period to your LEAD teacher.

Have a Marvelous Monday