Week of December 12 – 16

It’s finally here!!!

This is exam week for the HMS Green Team! Our 2nd Nine Weeks Benchmark Exam in math is scheduled for this Wednesday, December 14th. Students were given a study guide last Thursday in an effort to ready their skills for our comprehensive exam. It is due in class Tuesday totally completed as I will assign a grade for completion of the study guide. Tuesday will be an in class review day in order to clarify student understanding and practice any skills we need to reinforce.

Monday, December 12th……………..complete study guide; completed study guide due in class on Tuesday
Tuesday, December 13th…………….Mrs. Horton to assign grade to study guide; in class, whole group review of study guide
Wednesday, December 14th…………..2nd Nine Weeks Math Benchmark Exam
Thursday, December 15th……………Improper Fractions/Mixed Numbers; homework assignment to be announced
Friday, December 16th……………..Improper Fractions/Mixed Numbers; classwork

We made it through our 2nd nine week period of sixth grade!! Way to go guys!!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Week of December 5 – 9

Our unit of study this week will focus on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. On Monday, students will learn an interesting technique to find the Least Common Denominator (LCD). This strategy should give them a quick way to determine the LCD when converting fractions to equivalent fractions in order to add or subtract them! We should have a quiz on fractions mid-week followed by a study guide for the 2nd nine weeks exam.

Our 2nd Nine Weeks Math Exam is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14th in all classes.

Monday, December 5th……………………complete Least Common Denominator (all problems)
Tuesday, December 6th…………………..complete “Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators” (both sides)
Wednesday, December 7th…………………complete “Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators” (both sides)
Thursday, December 8th………………….Fractions Quiz; study guide for 2nd Nine Weeks Exam given out after quiz
Friday, December 9th……………………work on study guide for next Monday

Have a terrific weekend!!!