Week of Mardi Gras–2-21-12

We have completed Part 3 of Daniel’s Story   —well at least those of us who did our reading assignment and study guides  for tomorrow  have completed Part 3.  We will not have an announced test assesment for Part 3.  Students were given study guides  for chapter 10, 11 & 12 and a new vocabulary list on Friday.  We will have a test on those words and the entire novel on Wednesday, Feb. 29.

Home reading and log:

Students will have a reading assignment every night either from Daniel’s Story or from the litereature text they were assigned to bring home.  These assignments can be used for their 20 minutes of reading per night.  The next log due date is 2-24 (logs are for 2 weeks)

Our next Independent reading assesment will not be due  until  May.  Requirements and directions will be given in March just before Spring Break.

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