Exam prep, Exam date and Spelling Bee

The Reading Exam for the second nine week period will be on Friday, December 14.  It will consist of term definition recognition and reading comprehension. Students were given a study guide today and we will have 5 days of review in the classroom.

2nd nine week study guide   Herbert   6th grade  Exam date 12-14

graphic feature includes headings, titles, font, type color maps, pictures, bold print
fiction literature that is made up such as novels and short stories, fables, folktales
non-fiction literature that is not made up such as textbooks, newspapers, biographies,
character  traits/characterization traits are the qualities a character shows or adjectives to describe ; characterization is the process the author uses to reveal traits to the reader and can be direct or indirect
foreshadowing use of clues to suggest what will happen later in the plot
flashback  interruption in plot to tell what happened in the past
main idea most important idea in a story or essay.  It can be stated in a topic sentence or implied
supporting detail  details that add info to the main ides
mood the reader’s  feelings when they read a story or essay
style the way an author chooses to write including word choice
tone the attitude or feeling an author has towards his or her subject
genre type or category of literature
historical fiction fiction based on historical  events
science fiction fiction rooted in scientific fact and research
fantasy fiction based in magic, myths and events and characters that will and have never existed
mystery who done it?
compare/contrast compare shows what is alike and contrast shows what is different
fact/opinion a fact can be proven with research an opinion cannot
conflict/internal and external struggle between opposing characters or forces; internal takes place within a character’s mind and external conflict involves other characters or outside forces
 point of view relationship of the narrator to the story; first person is told by one of the characters in fiction or “I”; in 3rd person the narrator is not a character in the story; in 3rd person limited we know the thoughts and feelings of only 1 of the characters in omniscient we know the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters 
 novel/short story  
cause/effect cause is why something happens and  effect is what happens
context clue the words in a sentence that help you to understand what another word means
 autobiography/ biography/memoir  non-fiction life stories
diagram/graphic a textual feature that gives information in a an illustrative form
plot/plot parts  plot is what happens in a story it includes exposition where we learn the setting main conflict and characters, rising action or complications, climax and resolution or falling action
narrator the person telling the story
sequence the order of events or things in a story
infer to read between the lines and make a statement about meaning in text
predict to guess what might happen next by using information from a text
theme the moral or message of a piece of literature
dialect the regional accent a character or person uses in dialog
dialog what characters say in a story








2nd nine week study guide   Herbert   6th grade  Exam date 12-14

graphic feature includes headings, titles, font, type color maps, pictures, bold print
fiction literature that is made up such as novels and short stories, fables, folktales
non-fiction literature that is not made up such as textbooks, newspapers, biographies,
character  traits/characterization traits are the qualities a character shows or adjectives to describe ; characterization is the process the author uses to reveal traits to the reader and can be direct or indirect
foreshadowing use of clues to suggest what will happen later in the plot
flashback  interruption in plot to tell what happened in the past
main idea most important idea in a story or essay.  It can be stated in a topic sentence or implied
supporting detail  details that add info to the main ides
mood the reader’s  feelings when they read a story or essay
style the way an author chooses to write including word choice
tone the attitude or feeling an author has towards his or her subject
genre type or category of literature
historical fiction fiction based on historical  events
science fiction fiction rooted in scientific fact and research
fantasy fiction based in magic, myths and events and characters that will and have never existed
mystery who done it?
compare/contrast compare shows what is alike and contrast shows what is different
fact/opinion a fact can be proven with research an opinion cannot
conflict/internal and external struggle between opposing characters or forces; internal takes place within a character’s mind and external conflict involves other characters or outside forces
  relationship of the narrator to the story; first person is told by one of the characters in fiction or “I”; in 3rd person the narrator is not a character in the story; in 3rd person limited we know the thoughts and feelings of only 1 of the characters in omniscient we know the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters 
cause/effect cause is why something happens and  effect is what happens
context clue the words in a sentence that help you to understand what another word means
diagram/graphic a textual feature that gives information in a an illustrative form
plot/plot parts  plot is what happens in a story it includes exposition where we learn the setting main conflict and characters, rising action or complications, climax and resolution or falling action
narrator the person telling the story
sequence the order of events or things in a story
infer to read between the lines and make a statement about meaning in text
predict to guess what might happen next by using information from a text
theme the moral or message of a piece of literature
dialect the regional accent a character or person uses in dialog
dialog what characters say in a story














2nd nine week study guide   Herbert   6th grade  Exam date 12-14

graphic feature includes headings, titles, font, type color maps, pictures, bold print
fiction literature that is made up such as novels and short stories, fables, folktales
non-fiction literature that is not made up such as textbooks, newspapers, biographies,
character  traits/characterization traits are the qualities a character shows or adjectives to describe ; characterization is the process the author uses to reveal traits to the reader and can be direct or indirect
foreshadowing use of clues to suggest what will happen later in the plot
flashback  interruption in plot to tell what happened in the past
main idea most important idea in a story or essay.  It can be stated in a topic sentence or implied
supporting detail  details that add info to the main ides
mood the reader’s  feelings when they read a story or essay
style the way an author chooses to write including word choice
tone the attitude or feeling an author has towards his or her subject
genre type or category of literature
historical fiction fiction based on historical  events
science fiction fiction rooted in scientific fact and research
fantasy fiction based in magic, myths and events and characters that will and have never existed
mystery who done it?
compare/contrast compare shows what is alike and contrast shows what is different
fact/opinion a fact can be proven with research an opinion cannot
conflict/internal and external struggle between opposing characters or forces; internal takes place within a character’s mind and external conflict involves other characters or outside forces
  relationship of the narrator to the story; first person is told by one of the characters in fiction or “I”; in 3rd person the narrator is not a character in the story; in 3rd person limited we know the thoughts and feelings of only 1 of the characters in omniscient we know the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters 
cause/effect cause is why something happens and  effect is what happens
context clue the words in a sentence that help you to understand what another word means
diagram/graphic a textual feature that gives information in a an illustrative form
plot/plot parts  plot is what happens in a story it includes exposition where we learn the setting main conflict and characters, rising action or complications, climax and resolution or falling action
narrator the person telling the story
sequence the order of events or things in a story
infer to read between the lines and make a statement about meaning in text
predict to guess what might happen next by using information from a text
theme the moral or message of a piece of literature
dialect the regional accent a character or person uses in dialog
dialog what characters say in a story



The 6th grade bee will be in the cafeteria on January 7 during 1st period.  The 7th and 8th should be on Monday the 7th or Tuesday the 8th   at the time chosen by the teachers in that grade.  We will have the School Championship Bee on Wednesday the 9th.  The top five from each grade will participate in the Championship Bee that will be at a time yet to be determined.  Please encourage your good spellers to participate.

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