Week of 4-1

 The Hollywood Producer project is due  Tuesday, April 2 and I am very excited to review them. Projects handed in late for any reason other than excused absence will be worth 50% or less.

       My Book Would Make A Blockbuster Movie!!!

     A Herbert Book Project Due April 2

Let’s pretend!!   Here is the scenario:

 I (Mrs. Herbert) am a very wealthy banker( in my dreams). You will pretend be a Hollywood producer.  A producer does all of the big planning needed to produce a movie. You want me to give you $2,000,000 so that you can turn your novel into a movie.

You must convince me—

 using a really cool power point presentation that you will present to the class,

or a 3-8 minute   infomercial

or large tri-fold presentation poster as a visual aide— that I should fork over the money.

Your project should include the title and author of the book. Your name and period should be included on or in your project where I can easily find them.

Your poster, infomercial  or power point should include

* text and graphics that gives a paragraph description about at least 3 major characters and what actors you would hire to play their parts

*at least 1 paragraph describing 2   different scene settings and where you would film those settings.

* in a form you choose,  tell about the major events, conflicts and themes.

 * tell me about the target audience and why the target audience would spend millions to see your movie.

* tell me about costumes, special effects, sound tracks(music)—anything cool that will get my attention

 In other words–What would make your movie so great I would give you $2,000,000 to make it?

Our next log is due April 23.


 This week’s vocabulary words are taken from Vocabulary Builder lesson # 16 and are:    accumulate, attain, ban, gorge, gratify, habitat, heed, pesticide, toxin, unaccountable. 

The essay students are given on 4-1 uses all of the words and is an expository essay on the subject of the Peregrine Falcon and the banning of DDT.  As on every vocabulary test, extra credit is available.

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