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In class: 1. Setting goals 2. Introduction to “Roots” vocab / student teacher tango 3.Intro to folktales, oral tradition ,tall tales two handouts given in class Homework: none |
In class 1.word invention using comm,gen and con using noun forming suffixes 2 sing “Roots”.3.discussion of cultural context and Tall Tales 4.preview vocab slides for and read “Pecos Bill”
Homework: none |
In class: 1.list details from the story that prove the assertion-PB is a tall tale filled with hyperbole 2. Discuss craft and structure in “Pecos Bill’
Homework: none |
In class: meet in the media center 1. Check out novels 150 pages 5th grade reading level Research using chrome books: scientific or geographic facts and illustrations to prove hyperbole in “PB” Homework: none |
In class: 1’Discussion of evidence found on Friday 2. Presentation of rnon-fiction reading warmup vocabulary and reading the warm up, 3. See It video Julius Lester Homework: none |
In class: 1Read “The Talking Skull” 2, Discuss sequence of events, time order craft and structure in story Homework: closely read 832-836 |
In class: 1reading check :silver grade 2 oral analysis of reading assignment
Homework: Write one sentence for each vocabulary word. Sentence must contain a subordinate clause |
In class:Quiz on vocab words and folktale terms:gold 1. Homework check: bronze grade
Quiz on vocab words and folktale terms
Homework: |
15 In class: novel Introductions
Homework |