Week of 1/15

In class readings for the week:  “Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is Not Smooth”,’ “Greyling”‘, “The Old Woman Who Lived With the Wolves”, “The Old Grandfather and his Grandson”, “The Whale Rider”

Reading not found in text at home:  “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

We are focusing on sentence revision and variety using different sentence structures including complex, compound  and compound complex.


Review all week for Oral Tradition test on folktales, fantasy, tall tales, fables, legends and the elements of literature and craft and structure we use to recognize them.  The gold test is Thursday

Tuesday night independent reading  ” The Lion and the Bulls” and “Mowgli’s Brothers”

Wednesday night sentences:

Done on loose leaf  paper.  1 sentence for each vocabulary word.

Underline or highlight the word and write the POS above.

Sentences should contain at least 3 modifiers (phrases,  single words or clauses).

I would like students to attempt to include a subordinate clause.

All words can be found in the readings in class and the homework readings.  They are highlighted in blue and defined in the beginning of the selection or on the page on which  it is found.  They can also be found in the glossary at the back of the book.

They are :   cordial   scrawny   thicket   peaceable   colossal   dispute   fostering   intently   cunning   monotonous   quarry   lure   slanderous   eloquent   famine   orator

Reading not found in text at home:

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail”