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Google Apps – Letter due on December 13th

Dear Parents,
A letter was sent home today with your child regarding Google Apps. This letter will explain how this new tool will work. Students who opt-in will receive e-mail accounts that can only be used within the Chelsea Middle School environment and with carefully selected educational exceptions. If you permit your child to use Google Apps, just sign and return the letter by Friday Dec. 13th. If you do not wish your child to use Google Docs, please indicate that on the letter and return it by Friday as well.
Does our Google Apps EDU launch mean we’re banishing all paper from classrooms and forcing children to take their pens and pencils home? Absolutely not, we are simply incorporating another tool into each student’s tool box. We hope this will aid students and teachers with home to school transition of work products.
A key feature of using GDocs rather than MS Word is that students share their documents. This system promotes interaction between teacher and student as well as student and student. When working with in a shared document, multiple users may contribute from various locations. This will benefit students working on collaborative assignments.

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