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January 28 Update – 9:00 p.m.

Chelsea Middle School Parents,
This is to bring everyone up to date on the unusual events of the day caused by today’s storm.
Students ate dinner at 6:00 p.m. and now approximately 63 students remain at Chelsea Middle School with 25 staff members, SRO, Deputy Morrow, and our school nurse making plans to spend the night. Both staff and students are having fun and displaying the typical spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, and adventure.
Please know that our outstanding faculty and staff have risen to the occasion and met the need caused due to inclement weather in a way in which each and every child is being cared for. Everyone has done everything possible to be sure your children are safe and secure. Staff prepared both lunch and dinner for our students today. Several of our teachers sanded roads close to our school in order to make roads more accessible so that parents could reach us during this time. Our front office staff has patiently answered the phones, checked out children, and taken care of children and adults alike. Teachers have worked together to plan interesting activities to keep the children engaged and calm while they tried to check on their own families to be sure they are safe and cared for during this unexpected situation. As always, Chelsea Middle School staff and students met the challenges of the day with enthusiasm and a positive spirit.
We thank the many parents who helped us check out students all day. Your appreciative comments, emails, and calls continue to motivate our staff.

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