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May 14 – 8th grade Science and Social Studies Benchmarks. Last Day to dress out for PE
May 15 -Math and ELA Benchmarks – all grades, All PE locks collected
May 16 – Math and ELA Benchmarks – all grades. List due of students who have incomplete academic work, CNP debt, library obligations, behavior issues, and/or lost/damaged textbooks (Students on this list will not be able to participate in Field Day for appropriate grade level). Yearbook Distribution for all grades in PE classes.
May 19 – 6th and 7th grade Sicence and social Studies Benchmarks. 8th grade make-up exams, locker clean-out, graduation practice, field Day, deadline for all 8th grade academic work
May 20 – 8th grade graduation practice, 6th & 7th grade makeup exams, 7th grade locker clean-out, 7th grade field day, 8th grade graduation list is finalized, deadline for all 6th and 7th grade academic work
May 21 – 8th grade graduation practice, 6th grade field day
May 22 – 8th grade Ceremony at 8:30 in Stadium
May 23 – 6th Awards Ceremony in Gym at 8:15 a.m.and 7th Awards Ceremony in Gym at 9:45 a.m.

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