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Announcements – September 10


This is an announcement for anyone planning to wrestle or thinking about wrestling this season. You need to go see Coach Butler in the Auxiliary Gym on Thursday at the beginning of GPS. You need to be sure to sign into your classroom for attendance and then immediately go to see Coach Butler. Again, this is for anyone who is wrestling or thinking about wrestling this season.”

Softball tryouts will be held Monday, Tues, & Wed. Oct. 6th – 8th 6-8pm at CHHS
Sign-up and an information sheet are available outside Ms. Cook’s door…Sign-up ends Sept. 19th

Big Time 7th grade girls Bible Study will meet in Mrs. Burdette’s room Thurs morning at 7:10. Please see Mrs. Burdette for a pass.

If you are running for SGA, you can hang up your posters this week. You need to bring Ms. Houston a copy of your speech by Wednesday. Speeches will be on Thursday. 8th graders will be 1st period, 7th graders will be 2nd period, and 6th graders will be 3rd period. If you are not running and would like to, Ms. Houston will accept your application this week. Currently, no one is running for vice-president, secretary, treasurer, historian, or 8th grade rep. These are all 8th grade positions.

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