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Announcements – December 6

The Chelsea Middle School Debate Team is looking for students who like to argue and don’t mind researching and writing arguments. If you are interested in trying out for the team, stop by Mr. Marshall’s room to get an information sheet. Mr. Marshall is in Room 5 on the 7th gr hall.

The cheerleaders will be selling Candy Cane Grams beginning Monday, Dec. 4 – Tuesday, Dec. 12 during lunch. Cost is $1.00 per candy gram.

Would you like to meet Miss Alabama 2016? Did you know she is a former captain of the ChMS Starlets dance team and Miss Chelsea Middle School Pageant Queen. She will be judging our Miss Merry Christmas Pageant this Saturday!

The Miss Merry Christmas Pageant will be December 9th at 2:00 pm here at CHMS. Please get details from the basket outside room 42 (next to Mr. Thompson), from the office or from Mrs. Nivens’ blog. There is a link to the pageant page in her blogroll. The pageant is open to girls from birth through 12th grade. Participants do not have to attend Chelsea school, so tell all of your friends and announce it on social media. 7th & 8th grade girls, you can wear your dress from the dance – no need to buy something new!

FBLA will meet Wednesday 12/6 at 7:15 am.

Help Your child’s School and get paid!!!

If you or someone you know would like a great part time job with excellent benefits, Shelby County Schools is now seeking school bus drivers and substitute drivers. Find out more by visiting our web page or by calling the Transportation Department at 205-682-7130. Call today to reserve a spot in our new driver training class.


I’m really excited to be a volunteer this year for the American Heart Association as I lead our school to participate in the Great Replay event. We ask the students to raise money to support the heart association’s research and education initiatives that save lives in our community.
I have challenged our students to get at least $10 in donations. Please join my efforts and make an online donation to our school fundraising page today! Each gift, no matter the amount, is extremely appreciated!

If you can raise $10 ONLINE in donations this week you will receive a wrist band from the American Heart Association & a FREE SITTING PASS for the whole month of January.

Thank you, I know I can count on your support. Together, we can create a nation of healthier kids and help save lives!

Make an online donation today by following the second link below to my group (school) web page.

-Coach Trice

Link to register online and raise funds:

Final Assessment Dates

Monday, December 11- Electives and Algebra I (Part 1)

Tuesday, December 12- Math and Social Studies

Wednesday, December 13- English and Science

Thursday, December 14- Makeup Assessments

We will run a normal schedule on these days and will not have advisory on the 13th.

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