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Announcements – Wednesday – September 16

• Progress reports and other information will be coming home with your student today. Please take time to look through the material.
• You will notice that below your student’s grade for each class there is an explanation of how the grades are categorized. It is our hope this will give you a better understanding of your student’s strengths and weaknesses.
• You will also receive your student’s ACT Aspire score from last spring and an information sheet that explains how to read and interpret the scores your child received.
• Information regarding vaccine privacy laws and flu immunization should also go home with your student today.
• We are still planning on scheduling an Open House as soon as construction is completed. If you have specific concerns, please feel free to call us to set up a parent-teacher conference.
• We have been very pleased with the attitude and work ethic of our students to this point in the school year. Thank you for the support you provide at home.

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