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Announcements – January 5

Beta Club will have a meeting next Wednesday, January 13, before school from 7:25 – 7:40 a.m. in the library. All members need to attend.
Are you a good speller? Mrs. Spinks is looking for students in 6th, 7th and 8th gr who are interested in participating in the ChMS Spelling Bee. If you are interested, stop by Mrs. Spinks classroom on the 8th gr hall today through Friday to sign up and pick up a list of words. The local competition will be held on Wednesday, January 13, at 7:15 a.m. in Mrs. Spinks’ room. Winners will advance to the District Spelling Bee on January 29.
If you know state capitals, countries, and continents, make sure you sign up for Chelsea Middle School’s Geography Bee. This year’s Geography Bee will take place after school on the week of January 19. Sign up for the competition and get access to the app outside Mr. Laseter’s classroom.
Tryouts for Battle of the Books will be January 13th. Please see Mrs. Grainger if you are interested.
Art Club will meet this Thursday (1/7) after school.

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