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Volunteers needed for Valentine’s Dance on Friday, February 21

Volunteers are needed for the Valentineā€™s Dance this Friday from 7-9! Dances are a huge undertaking so if you can help out in any way, please contact Ms. Jennifer Houston if you can do one of the following:

ā€¢ Help with set-up after school Friday afternoon

ā€¢ Sell tickets at the door for $10

ā€¢ Mark off studentsā€™ names who pre-bought their ticket

ā€¢ Work at food table

ā€¢ Take up money for the photographer

ā€¢ Judge the dance competition

ā€¢ Help with take-down after the dance

ā€¢ General Chaperone / A.K.A. ā€œThe All-Seeing Eyeā€ / A.K.A. ā€œPDA Patrolā€

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