Week of October 27th

Geography – Unit 2 Europe
Monday – Map Activity Axis and Allies
Tuesday – Ch. 6 Quiz, Western Europe Today PowerPoint
Wednesday – Eastern Europe Powerpoint, Ch. 6 & 7 WS, Unit 2 Study Guide
Thursday – Ch. 7 Quiz
Friday – Unit 2 (Europe) Test

Citizenship – Unit 4 State and Local Government
Monday – Local Government –
Tuesday – Unit 4 Study Guide –
Wednesday – Unit 4 Quiz State and Local Government
Thursday – Intro Ch. 9 Political Parties and Politics, 9-1 Quiz
Friday – Voting and Elections, 9-2 Quiz

Week of October 20th

Geography – Unit 2 Europe
Monday – Europe Map Activity #1
Tuesday – Early European History PowerPoint
Wednesday – Early European History WS – Europe – The Early Years
Thursday – 5-1 & 2 Quiz
Friday – 5-3 Quiz, Modern European History WS – Modern European History

Citizenship – Chapter 8 The Judicial Branch
Monday – The Judicial Branch – Part I – The Judicial Branch Part I
Tuesday – The Judicial Branch – Part II – The Judicial Branch Part II
Wednesday – The Judicial Branch Quiz
Thursday – “Its a Thick Book” – The Alabama Constitution
Friday – 12-2 & 3 Quiz, State Government WS – State Government WS