Week of August 22nd – 26th

Monday – 2-2 quiz; WS – BODN-NFG
Tuesday – The Declaration of Independence (2-2)
Wednesday – The Nation’s First Governments (2-3)
Thursday – Ch. 2 Test
Friday – Dr. Cound Speaks
Monday – The Earth in Space (1-2)
Tuesday – Forces Under the Earth (1-3)
Wednesday – Ch. 1 Voc. Quiz
Thursday – Landforms and Waterways (1-4)
Friday – Dr. Cound Speaks
AP Government
Monday – Intro the Constitution (30-40); Read Declaration of Independence (p.739)
Tuesday – Constitutional Convention (40-48), Give out Roche reading
Wednesday – The Madisonian Model (48-55)
Thursday – Constitutional Change (55-65); essay # 1 Due, give essay #2
Friday – Discuss Roche reading; HW – Read text (p.74-81), Read Federalist #16 and 39 (see blogroll for link to Federalist Papers)

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