April 22nd – 26th

Progress reports go out on Friday, April 26th. I entered some grades after reports were ran. If you would like an updated PR emailed to you, sign your childs PR (and include your email if I do not have it) and send it back on Monday.

M – Review for Russia Test
T – Review for Russia Test
WRussia Test
Th– Intro Unit 4 (10/11) The Birthplace of Civiliztion/North Africa
F – Unit 4; Unit 4 – 10 & 11 Vocabulary

MPolitical Parties; CIV9 SAQs: 9-1 (222) #2,3,5; 9-2 (226) #2,5 EC (225); 9-3 (230) #2,4,5 EC (228); CAA (232) #11-18
TPolitical Parties; PPT and D
WVoting and Elections; SAQs: 10-1 (240) #4,5; 10-2 (244) #3,4,5 AG (243); 10-3 (250) #5 AG (249); CAA (252) #8-15
ThVoting and Elections – Paying for Election Campaigns
FVoting and Elections; PPT and D