January 13th – 17th

MThe Earth in Space/Forces Shaping the Earth; Unit 1 PPT and D(1-2 & 1-3)
TLandforms and Waterways; Unit 1 PPT and D(1-4); 1-3 & 1-4 SAQS:

    1-3 – (38) # 4,7,8; ATD (35,36)
    1-4 – (42) # 4,6,7,8; OL (40), AMS (41)

WClimate; 2-1 & 2-2 SAQs:

    •2-1 –(50) #2,3,4,7; ATD (49)
    o Making Connections – “Exploring Earth’s Water” (51)
    •2-2 –(59) #2,3,8; OL (53), AMS (54, 57), ATD (56,58)
    o Social Studies Skill“Using Latitude and Longitude” (60)

ThClimate and Climate Zones

    •S3 –(68) #2,3,6,7; OL (62,65,66,67,68), AMS (63, 64)
    •S4 –(72) #2,7,8; OL(70,71)

F – Unit 1 VQ

MBirth of a Democratic Nation; SAQs:

    Section 1 – (32) #2,3,4,6,7; EC (30), AV (31)
    Section 2 – (38) #2,3,5,6,7; IM (34), AV (36,38)

TBirth of a Democratic Nation; Ch. 2 VQ; PPT and D(2-2)
WBirth of a Democratic Nation; PPT and D (2-2)

    Section 3 – (42) #2,5,6; EC (41), AV (42)

ThBirth of a Democratic Nation; PPT and D (2-2)

    Chapter Assessment Activity (CAA) – (48-49) #1-10,13,16,18,20,23

FBirth of a Democratic Nation; V – “Declaring Independence

January 3rd – 7th

Welcome back!

M – TB issue
Th- Geo Skills VQ
S1(27) # 2,3,7,8; OL (23,25,26)
o Making Connections – “Geographic Information Systems” (28)
S2 – (32) # 5,6,7; ATD (30,31)
o Social Studies Skill – “Using a Map Key” (33)

M – TB issue
T – Of the People, WS
W –
FOur English Heritage, PPT and D