March 10th – 14th

M – Intro Ch. 4: Early European History; The Spartans
TEarly European History; Early Europe Vocabulary
W Early Europe; Ch. 4 SAQs

    •Section 1 – (131) #3,5,6; AMS (129); OL (130)
    •Section 2 – (136) #2,3,5,6; AMS (135)

ThEarly Europe – Classical Greece and Rome; PPT and D; Ch. 4 SAQs

    •Section 3 – (141) #2,6
    •CAA – (144) #1-21

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M – Intro Ch. 6 (part one); Civics – Chapter 6 Vocabulary
TThe Legislative Branch; Ch. 6 SAQs

    •Section 1 – (144) #3,5,6; AV (139,144), IM (141), EC (142)
    •Section 2 – (150) #3,5; EC (149), AV (147,148,150)

W Congress – Organization; PPT and D
ThCongress – Powers and Duties; PPT and D; Ch. 6 VQ
F –