April 21st – April 25th

MNorth Africa and SW Asia; Unit 4 SAQs

    Chapter 10The Birthplace of Civilization
    •10-1 – (305) #2,3,6,7; AMS (301)
    o Making Connections –“The Egyptian Pyramids” (306)
    •10-2 – (311) #2,3,4,5; ATM (308)
    o Study and Writing Skill – “Using Library Resources” (312)
    Chapter 11 North Africa
    •11-1 – (322) #2,3,5; AMS (319)
    o Making Connections –“An Egyptian Folktale” (323)
    •11-2 – (327) #2,5,7,8

TNorth Africa; V – Jeff Corwin – Morocco
W – Egypt; News Article “Egypt/US Relations” w/ questions; GEO – Unit 4 – RAA
Th– Unit 4; GEO – Unit 4 (10-11) Review
F – Unit 4 Test

M – Intro Ch. 8, The Judicial Branch; Civics – Chapter 8 Vocabulary
TThe Judicial Branch; V – “Just the Facts – The Judicial Branch”
WThe Judicial Branch; Ch. 8 SAQs

    •Section 1 – SAQ (195) #2,3,5; IM(193); AV(194)
    •Section 2 –SAQ (199) #2,3,6; EC(197); AV(198,199)

ThThe Judicial Branch;Ch. 8 SAQs

    •Section 3 –SAQ (204) #3,5; AV(201,203);
    -Reading a Bar Graph (205)
    •Section 4 –SAQ (210) #3,5,6; EC(207); AV(209,210);
    -LSCC – Marbury v. Madison(211)

F – Ch. 8 VQ

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