Wednesday, October 1st


-Getting ready for our test on Friday (Chapter 3)-We went over material that will be on the test.
Quiz (3-4) was postponed until Thursday.
Nine week assessments are next week
Homework – Make sure you have read chapter 3 section 4…be prepared for quiz tomorrow.


-Getting ready for our test on Friday (Chapter 6)-We went over material that will be on the test.
Quiz (6-4) was postponed until Thursday.
Nine week assessments are next week
Homework – Make sure you have read chapter 6 section 4…be prepared for quiz tomorrow.

Tests and quizzes need to be made up ASAP!!! List is available on the bulletin board. Late work has to be turned in no later than Wednesday, October 8th by 3:15. Most assignments are available for download. Check the page for your class.

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