Category Archives: Daily Activities

February 20th – 24th

M – NO SCHOOL: President’s Day
Tu- The French and Indian War, PPT and D
W – Colonial Resistance, Annotating Text Activity
Th- Colonial Resistance, PPT and D; Review
F – Colonial America: Part II Test

M – NO SCHOOL: President’s Day
Tu- Climate Zones, PPT and D
W – Climate Zones, PPT and D, conclusion
Th- Natural Environments and Natural Resources, PPT and D; Review
F – Chapter 3 Test

February 13th – 17th

M – America: TSOU “Rebels”, Discussion
Tu- The French and Indian War, PPT and D
W – The French and Indian War, Reading Activity (active notetaking)
F – The Tuskegee Airmen

M – Climate; v – Strange Days on Planet Earth
Tu- Climate, PPT and D
W – Climate Zones; Ch. 3 SAQs:

    β€’ 3-3 (65) #1a, 1b, 2b; AV(63,65); CTS (64)
    o Geography and History – Earth’s Changing Environment (66-67)
    β€’ 3-4 (72) #1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 5; WA (70)
    o Literature – The River (73)

F – The Tuskegee Airmen

February 6th – 10th

M – Junior Scholastic

    “Cuba Under Fidel” & “A Viking Discovery?”; Skills Sheets

Tu- The Salem Witch Trials; Colonial America – Salem Witch Trials VDQ
W – English Settlements in the New World
Th- The Colonial Economy
F – Junior Scholastic

M – Junior Scholastic

    “Cuba Under Fidel” & “A Viking Discovery?”; Skills Sheets

Tu- Intro Ch. 3; Geography – Ch. 3 Vocabulary
W – “Strange Days on Planet Earth”
Th- Ch. 3 SAQs:

    β€’ 3-1 (54) #1b, 2a, 2b, 3b, 5; AV (51); MZ (52)
    β€’ 3-2 (61) #1b, 2b, 3a, 5; MZ (57); FO (58); AG (59), AV (60)

F – Junior Scholastic

January 30th – February 3rd

M – “Desperate Crossing” The Voyage
Tu- “Desperate Crossing” The Colony
W – English Settlements Booklet
Th- Review for Colonial America Test; Colonial America Part I Study Guide
F – Test on Colonial America

M – Ch. 2 SAQs:

    β€’ 2-3 (41) #1a, 2a, 2c, 4a, 5; AV(37,38,41)
    o Case Study – The Ring of Fire (42-43)
    o SSS (44) Using a Physical Map

Tu- “Fresh Water”; VDQ – Fresh Water – VDQ
W – Landforms Booklet
Th- The Land – PPT & D; Review
F – Chapter 2 Test

January 23rd – 27th

M – Junior Scholastic Work Due Today
Tu- Jamestown – PPT & D
W – Early Settlements in the New World
Th- Early Settlements; MA #8 – Map Activity # 8 (instructions)
F – “Desperate Crossing” The Pilgrims; VDQ – Desperate Crossing

M –
Tu- The Earth in Space; PPT & D
W – “Nature’s Fury”
Th- Physical Geo; Google Classroom; Ch. 2 VQ
F – Ch. 2 SAQs:

    β€’ 2-1 (29) #1b, 2a, 2c; AV(27,28); FO(29)
    β€’ 2-2 (34) #1b, 1c, 2a, 3b, 4; AV(32)

January 16th – 20th

Tu- Age of Exploration – Henry Hudson
W – Google Classroom – Colonial North America
Th- Junior Scholastic – 11/21/16
F – Jamestown

Tu- Branches of Geo; Ch. 1 SAQs:

    β€’ 1-1 – (9) #1b, 2a, 3b, 4; AV(5, 6, 8)
    β€’ 1-2 – (14) #1c, 2b, 2c; AV(11, 12); APS(14)
    o SSS(15) Analyzing Satellite Images
    β€’ 1-3 – (20) #1b, 2a, 2c, 4; BIO(18); CTT(19)

W – Review
Th- Ch. 1 Test
F – Intro Ch. 2; Geography – Ch. 2 Vocabulary

January 9th – 13th

What is Citizenship?
M – Read 1-1 & 1-2
Ch. 1 SAQs:

    β€’ 1-1: (10) #1b, 1c, 2a, 4, 5; AV(8)
    β€’ 1-2: (16) #1b, 1c, 4; ARL(13); RTL(13); FO(14)

T – Ch. 1 Vocabulary Activity (CW)
Ch. 1 SAQs:

    β€’ 1-3: (21) #1b, 2b, 5; AG(18); ETL(20)
    β€’ 2-1: (33) #1b, 2b, 4; APC (31); AM (32)

W – Issue Textbooks
Th- Bio – Christopher Columbus: VDQ – Biography – Christopher Columbus
F – Ch. 1 Quiz; Native American Cultures Activity (Google Classroom)

A Geographer’s World
M – Intro; “Life After People”
Tu- Ch. 1 Voc – Geography – Ch. 1 Vocabulary; “LAP”
W – Themes and Elements of Geo, Annotating Activity – GEO – Annotate Text 1-2 with instructions
Th- Ch. 1 SAQs:

    β€’ 1-1 – (9) #1b, 2a, 3b, 4; AV(5, 6, 8)
    β€’ 1-2 – (14) #1c, 2b, 2c; AV(11, 12); APS(14)
    o SSS(15) Analyzing Satellite Images

F – Ch. 1 Quiz; “LAP”

December 5th – 9th

The Middle East
e-poster projects
ME Vocabulary Quiz on Friday!

The Political System
M & Tu – Review and U4 Test
W – Electronic Field Trip (WWII Museum in New Orleans – Pearl Harbor Remembrance)
Th- Pearl Harbor/Sept. 11th Activity (FDR’s Date of Infamy Speech)