February 8th – February 17th

2/8 – Ch. 4 Test
2/9 – Intro Ch. 6 Congress, V – Civics – Chapter 6 Vocabulary
2/10 – Organization of Congress – Organization of Congress
2/13 – Powers and Duties of Congress – Powers and Duties of Congress (BR)
2/14 – Powers and Duties of Congress (BR)
2/15 – Ch. 6 VQ
2/16 – How a Bill Becomes a Law (BR)
2/17 – Ch. 6 Test

2/8 – CH. 3 Test
2/9 – Intro European History, V – European History Vocabulary
2/10 – MA #77 – Map Activity # 77(map and Instructions)
2/13 – PPT and Disc., 4-1 SAQ (BR)
2/14 – PPT and Disc., 4-2 & 4-3 SAQ (BR)
2/15 – VQ, PPT and Disc., 4-4 SAQ
2/16 – PPT and Disc. (BR)
2/17 – European History Test

Friday, January 20th

VQ – Ch. 2
V“Strange Days on Planet Earth: Predators”

Creating the Constitution
CW – Complete CTC WS, review
V“Key Constitutional Concepts”

EconEd lesson – “Is Avatar Really King of the Box Office?”
– Read article, Use Boxofficemojo.com to help you answer assesment questions.
– email results to Coach Marsh: cmarsh@shelbyed.k12.al.us
Follow Link – http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lid=1010&type=student

Citizenship and Geography