
IMG00476Read chapters 12-13 this weekend and prepare your Pizza Box Project as well. You’ve known about the PBP for almost a month. Don’t procrastinate any longer!  That is due on Thursday.

Hint for quiz on Monday:  I’ll be asking for the name of Calpurnia’s oldest son.

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9 Responses to Remember

  1. C.W says:

    wha? do we need to put this on top mrs.C?

  2. jculver says:

    No–I will ask that as a question. You have a heads up to find out now! 🙂

  3. Jamie Thompson says:

    ok well that is a helpful hin, and thank you for explaining bc i was thinking the exact same thing.

  4. Jamie Thompson says:


  5. jose cuicahua says:


  6. jculver says:

    No way, Jose. HAHAHAHAHA. Kindle=not cool.

  7. Savannah says:

    Thanks for doing this blog for us Mrs. Culver!!! 😀

  8. jculver says:

    You are welcome, Miss Savannah!

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