Homework 12/1 – 12/5

Monday: Finish up Questions 1-4 on page 202; answers only

Tuesday: Study over Chapter 7, section 1 notes

Wednesday: Finish any classwork that was not completed; study over Chapter 7, section 1 notes

Thursday: Finish Chapter 7, section 2 reading & answer the questions given in class

Friday: NONE

Sixth Grade 10/22 – 10/24

Wednesday 10/22: In class we conducted a crime scene investigationĀ using photos taken on the day of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

Homework: Write 3-5 sentences about what you think happened on that day based on your investigation of the photos from class.

Thursday: 10/23: In class we read actual testimony from the trial on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

Homework: Write 3-5 sentences on what you think happened on that day based on the testimony you read in class.

Friday: No homework! Have a great weekend!

Sixth Grade Homework 9/29 – 10/3

Monday – Computer Lab to work on virtual tour of Ellis Island; no homework

Tuesday – I will be absent – worksheet in class; no homework

Wednesday – Computer Lab to finish virtual tour of Ellis Island; no homework

Thursday – Begin Immigrant Diary Project (In class project)

Friday – Time to work on project; no homework