9/16 – 9/20 Homework

Monday, 9/16 – Western States Test this Friday, Chapter 18 Test next Tuesday, 50 States Test will be October 4

Tuesday, 9/17 – Western States Test this Friday, Chapter 18 Test next Tuesday, 50 States Test will be October 4

Wednesday, 9/18 – Western States Test this Friday, Chapter 18 Test next Tuesday, 50 States Test will be October 4

Thursday, 9/19 – Western States Test this Friday, Chapter 18 Test next Tuesday, 50 States Test will be October 4

Friday, 9/20 – Chapter 18 Test next Tuesday, 50 States Test will be October 4

9/3 – 9/6 Homework

Monday: Finish up Guided Reading 18-1 & SE States Test is on Friday

Tuesday: SE States Test on Friday!

Wednesday: SE States Test on Friday!!

Thursday: SE States Test TOMORROW!!

Friday: Midwest States Test next Friday!

8/26 – 8/30


Monday: Northeastern States & Captals Test on Friday; Students received study sheet today

Tuesday: Northeastern States & Capitals Test on Friday; Chapter 18 Vocabulary due Wednesday (tomorrow)

click here for Chapter 18 Vocabulary: Chapter 18 Vocabulary

Wednesday: NE States & Capitals Test on Friday!

Thursday: NE States & Capitals Test tomorrow!

Friday: Southeastern States & Capitals Test next Friday – Sept. 6

6th Grade Remind 101

To receive text message reminders from Mrs. Lee follow the instructions below.

Text this number: 1-229-471-1189 and

put this code into the message box: @dc9c.

You will receive an automatic text back asking for your name, Reply using your first and last name.

When you are signed up, you will receive a thank you text message.

Wednesday, August 21

Please make sure you have all forms turned in to the correct teacher.

Turn in your code of conduct and discipline forms to your Social Studies teacher. That is either me or Mr. Conte.

If you have not brought in your paper towels, Kleenex and Clorox Wipes, please do so ASAP.

Also, you must have your school supplies on Monday, August 26!! That is a white binder with a clear cover, 1 pack of paper, 1 pencil pouch, 2 pencils, 1 black pen, and 1 highlighter (any color).

Thank you!!

Chapter 29 Test

Chapter 29 Test will be on Monday, April 15. Study guides will be given out on Thursday, April 11. Students will have Thursday & Friday in class to work on them! Notebooks will also be checked on Monday, April 15.