Homework – Feb. 27 – March 15

Students should be studying Chapter 26 Vocabulary & notes each night.

February 28 – Students will receive Chapter 26 Study Guide

March 6 – Chapter 26 Test

March 7 – Chapter 26 Binder Check

March 8 – Students will receive Third Nine Weeks Test Study Guide

March 12 – Third Nine Weeks Test

Feb. 11 – 15 Homework

Monday: Complete reading strategy started in class; look over notes, Chapter 25 Quiz on Friday

Tuesday: Finish up any classwork not completed, C 25 Quiz on Friday

Wednesday: Quiz on Friday – STUDY!!

Thursday: Quiz tomorrow!!! – STUDY!!!

Friday: NONE – Enjoy your weekend!!

January 28 – Feb 1

Monday: Reread Chapter 24 – Section 1 & Study over notes

Tuesday: Study over notes – quiz on February 5

Wednesday: Chapter 24 Quiz on February 5 – STUDY notes and reread!

Thursday: Study over notes! Quiz on Tuesday!

Friday: Students received study guides today for quiz – Quiz on Tuesday!

Have a great weekend!!