Ye olde mid-January post…

Dear readers,
Just think… in a few months, it’ll be warm (at least, I’m hoping – that’s about all that’s getting me through this right now..)

since i have plenty of indoors time right now, i’m definitely prolific in terms of reading – finished “write it when i’m gone” – an off-the-record book a reporter did with president ford that was to be published when ford died (he passed away in ’06) – i guess what i enjoyed most about the book was some of the details from the 1970s – an era i’m not too up on

started “where men earn glory” by jon krakeur – a book about pat tillman – a pro football player who left the nfl after 9-11 to join the army rangers – he was killed by friendly fire in ’04 in afghanistan – the book has been a good read – even though it’s tragic – very motivating

on the treadmill, i’m reading psalms (read 90 of them in the last two days) and the ny times magazine for this week – i’m currently reading an article about the battle for florida’s senate seat – two republicans trying to out-republican each other

guess that’s most of it for now – hope you all have happy reading weeks


39 thoughts on “Ye olde mid-January post…”

  1. Well, i checked “Travel Tean” out from the school library the day before our Christmas break and realized today that the book was due January 7th and was going to check it in and check it back out but i owed a 40 cent fine and couldnt check it back out so when i got home, i started reading Orel Hershiser Out of the Blue and i am going to call it Out of the Blue for short.

    The author’s purpose is to explain to the reader who Orel Hershiser is and his feelings on making it to the MLB and being on the Dodgers team. The author does a really good job at explaining Orel’s feelings toward actually getting to pitch and play against other really good teams and players in the major league. Orel gets kinda afraid and during practice because he starts pitching and is not doing so well… Orel’s manager or coach, Tommy Lasorda, told Orel a little speech (not anything big but just a talk) and made Orel feel more comfortable being in the MLB. He told Orel just to throw the ball like he knows how and to just hit his target. Orel listened to his coach and wasnt worried anymore and as a matter in fact, he struck some people out after being called out of the bull pin and getting the nickname “Bulldog”.

  2. I am now reading the book the merchant of death because i have nothing el se to read in the library. I havn’t read much of it yet but i have memorized enough to blog about it. Bobby Pendragon has it as good as a 14 year old boy can get. then when he finnaly has it all after kissing Courtney… it all comes tumbling down. His Uncle comes in a nd whisks Bobby away on a motorcycle after a little explanation to his uncle about Courtney. They end up in the badlands of new york and hitch a ride on the subway railing and meet his yet to be mortal enemy, Saint Dane who drives a homeless guy into a subway train. OUCH! Then as the gun fires from saint dane bobby run throgh the subway chased by quigs( dogs on second earth) when he is then down the rabbit hole and into wonderland.

  3. Blogging for this week will be on Graceling-
    Tonights is for Mon., Tues. and Wed. I don’t feel well tonight and I have lot’s of stuff on Wed., better blog now if any time!

    Mon.- Okay, well I just started reading this book and it is pretty good, to any Hunger Games fans I would recomend it. So, like this girl Katsa has a Grace. (I mean, I guess this is a good thing) Her Grace is to kill. When She was younger she accidentally killed her cousin because she thaught she was in danger. So like she was eight then. I mean people with Graces aren’t ussually killing, I mean for a girl they are something more ordianary like dancing or cooking. People hate Katsa, and fear her for her exteme abilities to kill, but even though she’s kin to the king, she still is his servant. But anywho, I have to post tomorow nights.

    Tues.- So for tonight I will still write about Graceling. Well, Katsa has these missions she goes on for the king, because think about it, if the king has to send one girl with a grace of killing, or an army of hundreds with no graces, who do you think he’s going to pick? Well, he sends Katsa on this mission where she has to KO these men, and not kill them. She gives them these pills to give to the men after they’re knocked silly that makes them her slaves, so like their her zombie slaves-sort of-Pretty Cool right?

    Wed.- Well, tonight she flashes back to this mission where she has to reach these men in this guy’s name I can’t spell courtyard. So she’s running and this man stops her, well she thinks it’s a man. It’s really a young boy, like ninteen or twenty, she finds that out after she KO’s him. (She must be really fond onf doing that, or killing) So, this boy gets to talking about why she’s in this place and she says it’s none of his biz. (You know, a typical girl) Well, he blabs on and she finds out he’s a Leined or something like that. Well, I don’t know what that is, but he’s it. She knows because of his peirced ears and gold jewlrey. Well, he says he trusts her and let’s her pass by. So, like he actually tries to kill her because he’s graced with fighting. So, she knocks him out. Well, got to go. Have a good week of blogging! BYE!

  4. I am now on the book of eelong and pendragon has just lost his first territory. Veelox was doomed even before pendragon got there because it was already set in stone once pro. zetlin had the idea of lifelight. Then when mark and courtney arive a the flume gate Saint Dane comes rushing in and goes wild making his veins pop and going bald and in place of the hair flames. Then even more sickening they find the hand of a friend in a bag. Then after SaintDanes departure into the flume bobby comes out and askes what happened. When he sees the hand he jumps straight in to the flume and goes after Saint Dane with no help. He has no idea what is waiting for him.

  5. Book: Orel Hershiser

    A summary of what i just read is that Orel is convincing and giving some advise about HIS feelings toward pitching on the mound against really really really good hitters. He explains to the reader that whoever is up at the plate, don’t be worried whether Barry Bonds or Babe Ruth, whoever is up, dont be afraid that they are going to knock it out on you and you not get paid as much. He suggestes to just look at the catchers mitt and that only. Pretend that the batter is not even there. He advises you to always stand up for your self and to not back down.

  6. I am now reading a book called Ice.

    The author’s purpose of this book is to entertain, she is particularly aiming her book towards an adult crowd. I can tell because of the different type of language she uses. If this book was aimed at teens, the main character may be a teen, or the vocabulary would be more appropriate for teens.

    This book relates to character because over the years Polyl has changed and so has Gabriel, yet they are both still pessimistic that they are going to hate each other when they see each other. He doesn’t want to meet her, and Polly is trying to escape the claws of crazy kidnappers, and is surprised and somewaht dumbfounded when stumbling upon gab at her window.

    So far in Ice, there is the sheriff’s son coming back to his town from the army, to see his son while he is in holding, his father tells him that there is an ice storm coming and that he needs to go get one of the girls he used to go to school with from her house, because she is trying to sell it and the phones are disconnected. In the mean time, Polly is at the grocery store being followed by two meth addicts trying to kill her, and she was heading to her house to get clothes to stay with some old friends, but they capture her, and now she’s in a room trying to escape when Gab shows up at her window.

    Dear Son,

    I know that you may not want to take over the office, but I’m getting to old to handle this police department anymore. I know this may sound strange but I would like to informally like to ask you to take it over. I understand you may get deployed in cas ethe army needs you, but I could always take over while you were gone. It will bring you closer to your son if you are around me. Just think about it?

    – Dad.

  7. Glass by Ellen Hopkins:
    book summary-
    This is a sequel to Hopkins book Crank,a book she based on her daughter’s battle with the drug. At the beginning of the book, she gets back into meth– smoking a higher grade called Glass — and quickly loses control, starting a new dangerous downward spiral. This time around things are much darker for Kristina. She is kicked out of her home, loses custody of her infant son, and eventually begins committing crimes with her addict boyfriend in order to support their habits.

    MONDAY: authors purpose-
    I think her purpose for writing this book is to one entertain her readers and to show teenagers what you shouldnt do. I read a little about ellen hopkins and came to realize that she uses her daughter for the ideas of her books because her daughter became addicted to drugs in her early teen years and at a very young age had baby. So i think reading the books helps you realize who she is as an author and help you understand the book a little better. She does a good job with keeping her readers entertained. Most of her readers have either read the other book,Crank, or one of her others.I hope to read more books by her i think they will be good as well.

    TUESDAY: character-
    The main character is a teenager named Kristina, also known as Bree, has the baby. She is not even 18 years old yet. She names the baby Hunter. For a while she had given up on the monster, to save her life and the baby’s. However a few short months later she crawls back to the monster. One way includes lying to her family.When she goes back to the monster, she meets Trey. A roommate of a friend who would become the love of her life.However, one day being left alone with Hunter, things take a turn for the worse. She falls asleep and Hunter rolls under a chair and gets hurt. Kristina gets kicked out of her own home, and she is not allowed to take her own child.Kristina is like many teens she inst responsible.She doesnt need a baby and she doesnt even really know what love is yet. So i think her character needs to grow up and act mature because she has a kid now.

  8. Ok, I started a new book that I got for Christmas that is part of my favorite series. The book is called The New Breed, part of the Brotherhood of War series, by W.E.B. Griffin. The author’s purpose of this book is to entertain the military action lover, as well as tell of many problems and events of the 1960s from a military and government perspective. He does this in a very well way, by combining fiction and nonfiction, fact and fake events to add some spice to the story. So far he has done a very well job in reaching his goals as an author and a historian.

    Dear President Johnson,

    If you do not honorly discharge Colonel Stan Felter, then we will protest you and make everything you do a complete and total failure ( We may give you money as well). Do what we ask by the beginning of next month, or we will follow through with our master plan!! Mua…. muahah….muahahahahaha….*cough,cough*… ahh, Im ok.

    Signed with love,
    the senate.

  9. I an reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Right now it is dark in Missouri in the story and Tom, Joe Harper, and Huck Finn are still on Johnson’s Island. Huck and Joe are asleep and Tom can not fall to sleep. He swim’s to shore and gets on a steamboat that is going back to St. Petersburg, where he lives. He gets off and goes home to see what is happening. All the townspeople think the kids are dead and they are all thinking about how much they miss them.

  10. hi Mr. mayfield
    now i am reading the adventures of tom sawyer
    and so far i have read the toms aunt is felling so stupid and gullible for being tricked by tom over and over and over again.
    but i am here to blog about the character tom sawyer because my dad says that are just alike.
    tom sawyer is very smart and clever because he can trick any one and i mean any one like to get away from a wiping or tricking over people to do his chores so he can do stuff that he wants to do like sit around, eat jam, and goof-off
    and also he is lucky that the people he tricks to do stuff in favor are stupid enough to fall right in it.

  11. im still reading the third Narnia book. i haven’t finished because i have alot on my plate, like, A LOT. but anyway, it seems that only the boy seems to be uncomfortable in the group. it’s as if he doesn’t belong among the horses or the princess-type-person. he just sits and listens to their stories and tries to look like he knows what the others are talking about. the other three seem to mesh quite nicely, but he’s like a rogue gear, unable to fit in with the group properly, only making unnecessary sparks. and where there are sparks, come fire. i think that this uncomfortable situation may escalate into something worse. also this compares with a snippet of a book i read one day at school, from a book called epic. the way the characters mesh accept one reminds me of the way the book reads. in the book, the main character is the only one to actually take on the challenge of battling the head leaders of power, whereas the other people in the community just sit around and complain about the head leader. anyway im done. till later.

  12. so far in the territory of eelong withpendragon gunnys hand has just been discovered by pendragon and he jumps into the flume to rescue him…or what is rest of him. when he finds hims elf on eelong he finds out that the quigs there are humans! then after a panther saves him it gets up on its front legs and starts to talk to him. He ends up being the alcolte or at least the future alclote. then theyfind sasha in the city after work and pendragon actually has to use a leash around his neck becuase on eelong the hummans are the pets! thats all for this blog!
    😉 🙂 :0 😀

  13. today has been hard, but all is well…for I am alive and well. My book has gotten interesting in the fact that during post Vietnam War world, we were only really concerned with the WHOLE Continent of AFRICA. Which is scary, but one country forced us to keep one eye on them and the Chinese communist. This country is The Republic of The Congo. Now just before that time, the Belgians were being held responsible for keeping th country safe, but they gave it up, and so the people of Congo were able to choose their government. At the time, there were only 30, yes 30, total college graduates. That is not near enough to run a successful government. So they communist were trying to come in and make it a ally and communist brother of the Chinese, and the rest of the world did not want that.

    Opinions on the reading of today: Wow, I never knew we were involved in Africa other than Somalia in 1993. So this part surprised me, and drew me into the facts, made me research a little bit, but mostly just want to keep reading the book. I think any war/action lover who doesn’t mind extreme language used by the military, should read this wonderful book.

  14. WEDNESDAY:dialectical journals-
    Kristina is still living ith her mother dreaming about the “monster” and sometimes wishing she could just get high one more time.The only problem is though she has an infant son,Hunter.

    I think that she knows that if she gets high or whatever you want to call it she knows she will get addicted again,she eventually does try it again i know this because i have read farther into the book.She eventually starts living with her “lover” and leaves her mother’s house and takes hunter with her. She ends up not paying attention and falls asleep and hunter gets hurt,she then gets kicked out without her son. I think if she would have payed better attention she wouldnt have fallen asleep in the first place. SHe is very irresponsible, in my opinion.

    Kristina decides to give crank another try so she calls up her old friends robyn and she introduces her to glass.There she meets robyn’s boyfriend,drug friend, whatever you want to call him, and they show her the “new thing”, which is glass and basically that she has been missing out while taking care of her baby.
    Kristina pays robyn for some glass and then heads back home and doesnt get in until 3:00 or later in the morning.

    once again she just shows that she is irresponsible.She has baby now and i think she should forget about those drugs and tke of her baby because right now in the book she doesnt realize that she will soon lose hunter, and plus she really needs to take care of her baby because he is a drug baby and has a few problems all because she wasnt smart or responsible and was using crank while pregnant.I think this book is a good book for what not to do. it shows teens what they shouldnt do and how having a baby and getting addicted to drugs will effect you in the end.Thats just in my opinion though. (:

  15. Mr.Mayfield,
    Is cross country still running in the mercedes marathon?Because I want to run in it,and at open house you said that we were?
    But anyways….
    Still reading Beach Trip.One literary term that stands out CLEARLY to me is flashback. Because that is mostly what the book is about, every other chapter is the current and then back to when they are in college. But the chapters that are from when they are in college are gong backwards from 6 weeks before they graduate. And all the chapters switch from a point of view of sara,mel,annie,and lola.Right now they just settled in at the house,and mel wants to play a game. so they all write down something that they want to do while they are at the house,something out of the comfort zone. They then have to place them in a box and bury it outside the house. And at the end of the week they will go and read and see if they accomplished each of what they wanted to do. Then in the flashback they are at a party, and that is where sara falls in love with Jt and gets mad at mel for getting all over him, then she doesn’t even marry JT she just teases with him for the rest of their college years.Dear JT,I just want you to know that I have always loved you and will never stop, you have been my lover ever since my freshman year. When we met at that Barnfire,and you carried me home because I hurt my ankle. And you stood up for me when that guy tried to take me away. The minute I looked into your eyes I knew that I was in love. I may not have shown it,but i loved you from the start,and i will love you to the end. No matter if you hate me,hurt me,or love me. You will always be in my heart to comfort me,when i am hurt. Even if you are halfway across the world. I know you voice,and that will always comfort me. JT you are the most amazing person to come into my life,i will never forget you. I hope that you feel the same way about me. I love you til the end.

  16. I am still reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Samuel Clemens [Mark Twain]. Right now Tom Huck and Joe are learning how to smoke a pipe from Huck Finn. They then went to bed and about midnight [its always midnight isn’t it?] a huge storm came and all of the pirates are all super scared. They get soaked of course! In the morning they celabraate that they survived a storm. Tom has also told the other pirates about that he went back to shore and overheard his aunt, Joe’s mom, and Sid and Mary talking about the “dead” pirates and when the funeral is going to be.

    That is all that I have read tonight.

    🙂 🙁 😀 😛 :0 (^u^)

  17. i am going to type you a random story
    one foggy and clear after noon there was a brave, coweredish, incofedent little troll that dressed like batman all of the time and acted like tim tearbow every time alabama wins, gets hit, and when florida looses which happens all of the time (hahahhahahahahhahahaahhaahahhahahahhahahahahahahahaahh!!!!!!!)
    so day in gothamania there were a group of goth hippies and they were saying dark poems to save the earth then some colorful oil people were dumping their oil so bat-troll beats them up and takes them to jail but then he busts them out so they can dump oil together because it is really fun and very dirty
    but now there is no earth and every one died of oil cancer then the moved to a new universal earth universe and does the same thing

  18. Book: Orel Hershiser

    The book relates to another book i have read before, Around the World in 80 Days because in 80 Days, Phileas Fogg has his own little routine that when he wakes up, he gets right to it. He has repetition and does what he feels like doing and what he feels comfortable doing. In Orel Hershiser, Orel has his own strategy for pitching. He thinks about which pitch he is going to throw next, keeping the batter guessing and wondering. Just like Phileas Fogg has his own little routine,Orel likes to make sure that him and his catcher knows what Orel is pitching and that Orel hits his targets. Also when Orel is pitching, he tries to remember what he threw last time to that batter, whether fast, curve, splitter, whatever combination he threw last time, he makes a decision whether to do the same, or change it up a little. This is how these two books are similar.

  19. Jake, Tebow cried because that was his last game in a regular season ever, and he lost ok? and, he is a very good person that I have no idea why all you Alabama fans think you are cool to make fun of him. He is very Christianly person who has helped more people and inspired more people than you probably ever will. But, you can keep doing what you are doing, but he isnt making fun of ya’ll for losing to Louisiana Monroe 2 years ago.

    Anyways, My book has been very good. The book is a lot like another book by W.E.B. Griffin called “Line of Fire”. Both books are very realistic, as well as containing much action. Also, both books have very good character build up, and are very descriptive in their settings.
    Although both books are similar, they do have their differences. For instance, one is during the Japanese Campaign during World War II, while the other is in Pre-Vietnam war. Also, one involves what the military is really like, and what the military looks like to us. For instance, I thought before reading these books that everyone got along ok, but as I read I realized that people lied, killed, and desecrated people for their positions, or so that they could keep them.

    That is it for today, Peace out, I hope to see some of you tomorrow, Hoo-ah? Im jk for those of you who are truly offended by people faking to be a military person.

  20. i am reading the book the rivers of zadaa and when pendragon arrives on the territory the gee are suffering from a terrible drought. when saint dane shows himself he is in the form of a gee warior and he beats up pendragon untill the royal prince himself stops it. it takes pendragon over a month to actually heal a little but he is strong enough to leave. Then the royal prince comes to see him and invites him to the festival of azura. that is all for now. 😉 🙂 😮 😀

  21. well this has been one slow yet hectic week!!!!!! on the plus side though ive decided to start writing a prayer journal. yes i kno that was really random and outta nowhere but did it make ur eyes get big and wide??? that’s wat i was goin for lolz but seriously i am or im gonna try n e wayz. but yep so this week ive been readin reallin random books until this weekend when im gonna get mi next vampire diaries series book. ( i read the back of it cuz anna moe has it and stefans gonna try and leave elena that is soooooooo not cool maf!!!!!!! but twilight soooooo stole from vampire diaries so i dont like twilight n e more. well i kinda do still but now im in luv with the vampie diaries series!!!!!!!) n e wayz im gettin a lil side tracked but ive been readin the second book on the spiderwick chronicles which is a pretty low level book for me to read but it was the only thing i could find at the moment. so the children r back. jared simon and mallory r about to go on their next adventure. this time not to find faeries but to find goblins. jared comes home from school after gettin into trouble (as usual this past lately). when he gets there simons cat is missing and mallory is threatening to tell their mom about jared gettin into trouble. well jared decides to head up to arthurs hidden library that was left behind in the house which is jareds fave room. he pulls out the guide to the fantastical world around you. well thimbletack eventually comes in warning jared that something was about to happen and they better be aware but it was too late. jared looked outside the window only to find his brother simon being attacked by an invisisble foe and seconds later he was gone.

  22. after this jared has no idea what happened so he must go look for the sight which he does not have. thimbletack must help him get it as well or their will be no hope for the children. jared makes his way outta the house to the carriage house to warn mallory and get her to safety. mallory is not too thrilled with the idea so jared house to kinda drag her in their in a way. when they got inside they had to look for the seeing stone. it was the only way jared mallory and simon could see the goblins. they searched threw everything that they never even knew their aunt had. in each newspaper they found was an item. finally mallory happened upon a newspaper with the title ” Local Boy Lost” and the name was Arthur Spiderwick. and inside the newspaper was the seeing stone. thimbletack jumped in to grab it and it didnt make jared very happy! jared tried to take it away from him but he turned into a rat in jareds hand and bit it then he turned into an eel to try and slip away but it didnt really work cuz jared got it. it was wasnt a good move and it to the audience reading the book knowing that he would suffer from it later.

  23. that story was extremely random…oil cancer??? pretty contradictory with his characteristics too. anyway, i am almost done with Catching Fire!!! 85 pages left, and I will probably knock that out by the end of this week or the middle of next week.
    From what I’ve read this week, the book is just like Hunger Games with the actual Games and the way the author makes you feel like you’re in the story; which is kinda creepy considering she’s writing from the pov of a girl…but she describes it very well and i get lost in the book every time i read.
    Katniss and Peeta have teamed up with a deranged woman, Mags, who is a very good fisher and a very strong competitor named Finnick. They enter the arena, and they are in the middle of the ocean. Some have to swim to the island nearby, but a few are already on it. Katniss and Finnick get to the Cornucopia when they see Peeta (who can’t swim), still on his platform. Finnick swims out and gets him while Katniss gets weapons and Mags gets supplies.
    They all get together and start walking. They come upon a jungle, and start into it to find water. They keep walking and suddenly Peeta is blown backwards. He has hit a forcefield and it killed him. Finnick gives him CPR, and it brings him back to life though.
    They don’t find any water until Haymitch sends a spile.They get frustrated because they can’t find out what it is until Katniss remembers. She sticks it into a tree and out comes the water. They all drink and start to go to sleep when Katniss sees an unusual fog coming (she wasn’t sleeping). Katniss gets touched by it and starts blistering. She wakes all of them up and tells them to run from the poisonous fog. With Peeta, Katniss, and Mags hurt, it isn’t going to be very easy to escape.
    Finnick carries Mags, and Katniss carries Peeta until her arms start twitching from the poison. By then, Finnick, Peeta, and Katniss are all running and Mags is still being carried. Everyone gets too tired, and Mags does something incredible. She jumps off, kisses Finnick, and runs into the fog and dies. She risked her life for the sake of the others’. They all get out of the jungle and the fog stops. Then they seen monstorous orangutans jumping out of the jungle. They soak themselves in the salt water of the ocean, and get all of the poison out. 9 tributes have died, I think. That’s as far as I’ve gotten.

  24. Monday

    Sup’ it’s Mark blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley. That’s all for today. Bloggin’ from the NFL POV. Ingram


    Hey. It’s Ingram, wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didn’t like the dog anymore … sell the poor black lab. I mean that’s what I would have to do if I were him, but I’m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark. Mark “Heisman” Ingram


    It’s Mark again. After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots. Mark Ingram


    Mark here and I’m reading Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-payng people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean?!?!?!?!?!? Which is worse?!?!?!? Well, he doesn’t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers cuffs (hits) him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone. Mark Ingram

  25. ok so im sittin here w/ mi lil bro in mi lap eatin cheetos and doin mi journals. this is kinda awkward……. n e wayz!! simon is missing and jared and mallory r in the carriage house and the goblins know they r there. they r surrounding it and digging into the wood and n e thing they can. mallaory and jared finally realize they have to make a break for it so they open the door on three and tried to run to the house but the goblins were faster. one or so of the knocked jared down and teared into his clothes and while mallory was almost at the door to safety she turned back around to help jared until one of the goblins slashed into the skin on her hands then she screamed. everything ws no use and all they could do was kick and swing untiol jared finally got one off of him and he was able to get beside mallory then they started swingin the rapier at n e where that jared could see them comin threw the seeing stone. when they finally heard a barking shrieking sound the goblins retreated immediately back to the woods. jared pulled out his guide and read the signs of when u kno a goblin is coming. signs a cat or dog goes missing which in this case it wouldve been tibbs the cat simon was looking for b4 he went missing. the goblins get there teeth from eating animals cuz goblins r born with no teeth. jared and mallory had no idea wat was to come of them next but jared put the eyepiece on and grabbed a rapier and he and mallory headed for the woods cuz it was time to find simon……

  26. so they head out to the woods to find their brother with hope. while on their way jared notices everything looks so lively now with the stone in. the forest looks so alive and he never noticed it b4. when they come up to a stream everything is good until mallory is kinda pulled into the stream by this huge watery troll thingy. he may kno where simon is but jared and mallory cant risk losing to him since he is weird looking and twice theri size……. n e wayz!!!! they run away from him only to try and find their brother until they start smelling fire. they start to follow the trail hoping to find a goblins or possibly goblins but now they have no weapons cuz the rapier was left with the troll. they head threw the woods until they came across a brown shoe laying in the woods next to a tree. it was simon’s. by this point jared and mallory were worried that they were too late but they continued on n e wayz to the smell of fire that smelled like burnt hair. they ran threw the woods once more until they came to a highway covered with black asphalt. they saw the sun setting across the horizon and knew they wouldnt have much more time till complete darkness. they looked over and saw a fire with about ten goblins sitting around it.

  27. My journalin for this week is going to be on eclipse, I finally finished it :). It didnt really end the way I expected bc I thought Bella was going to go with Jacob and she didnt. I wanted her too because he isnt the one that left her in the first place. But in Edwards defense, the reason he left was a good one.
    The authors purpose of this book is one, to add more suspense to the series so that you want to read more, and two, to teach you that once you get past being enimies, your enimies arent that bad. Vampires and Warewolfs are the rivils but when it comes time they put away there differences and work together. Which, is one of the messages in the book.
    Anthother one of the messages Meyers gives is that you need fight for what you love. Edward fights the new borns that are coming after Bella. They want her so that they can change her into a young raging vampire. That would make her want to fight on thier side and she would probally end up killing the people she loves like Charlie and her friends.
    For some reasson this book reminds me of Cornicles of Narnia. The young kids battle the evil animals and the White Witch to overcome the land. In Eclispe, the vampires and wwarewolves battle with the young vampires to save Bella and for the good of the town.
    I enjoyed reading this book and I am ready to move on to Breaking Dawn.
    Kayle 🙂

  28. mayfeld,

    monday: I think the purpose of this story coming from th author is to target young teens about thing they are facing in life. The message of this story is really telling the readers not to give up on what they are striving for. Danny is this little boy who follows in his fathers foot steps to become a star basketball player. Danny is all the time being cut down by his team mates that he is too small or too short to play on there team, but he keeps trying. Danny was cut from the basketball team because he was small. Danny and his father both found out that Danny wasnt the only one that was cut for the wrong reasons, so danny is striving to get what he wants. The author is trying to make a fiction story come into play with real life situations, so the reader can take from this and make the right decisions and strive for wht you want!

  29. Okay, So i just dissed Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man It was getting stupider and stupider.. I’m reading another book thought. Live Like You Were Dying. Its a GREAT book so far! Its based apon the very famous song Live Like You Were Dying the Tim Mcgraw song. The first chapter is about this normal everyday working man is having family problems b/c of his work. He has missed his daughters gymnastics competition, her kindergarden graduation, and more. His father-in-law told him that dropping out of college he would never make anything more then minimum wage. Now, hes making twice as much as his father-in-law, and hes working at a papermill. Of course hes gonna devote all his time to work, if hes came this far his not gonna leave it for someone else. Him and my momma are just a like! Today we found out my grandpa was hospitalized b/c of internal bleeding, and needs open heart surgery but hes to weak for it, but when my mom found out she worked and thats all she did. Yes, she did cry but so she doesnt she works. Thats what this guy does, he was on his way home from a business trip and as he laid his head on the airplane window he was explaining how he could feel the air pressure on the window from all the family stress hes under. He was watching a magic show and as the magicians asistant was being cut into he was like thats how I feel my family is. One day his wife called him and asked “Are you living to work or working to live??” I don’t get that at all.. I mean living to work, you have to work to live everyday, but working to live yea you have to have a job to get food and feed your family. I don’t know but I think I’m gonna like this book b/c the first time I herd the song ,Live Like You Were Dying, I cried. Its a very intence song. I still don’t know what was wrong with him, Looking at the x-rays?? He didn’t have long to live?? What did he like break his neck?? Then all the options they have?? Obviously you have a chance of trying to live!! But maybe as I progress in the book I’ll understand the song more. Well toodles for now:) Peace Home Bruhh!!

  30. THURSDAY:ransom note-
    Dear Bree,
    I dont understand how you got inside me, or inside my head. I wish you would just go away, i think. You’re helpful sometimes but lately you have been making me take a wrong turn,my son got taken away from me because of you, or me. If you werent inside me i wouldnt be back on this “stuff” or have been introduced to the new “stuff”. I cant even be in love because i dont know if they love me, Kristina or Bree, my alter ego. Or maybe you are me and i just dont know it because i have been hiding behind this smart,goody-tooshoe face. I love you and i do love that you are inside me but do you think i can run my life for once? Please respect my wishes i always have to respect yours. Your way is not the only way you know, and i think its about time that you realize that.

  31. tuesday: I didnt think that Danny was going to have a chance on the second tryouts. Scince they cut him last season for being shorter than the other boys i thought he was going to get cut this time too, but his dad stood up for him and the others to prove that you cant measure heart.

  32. wed: In this book there is alot of character changes. Danny changes by saying that he isnt going to stop trying just because he is cut down all the time. The coaches change too because they start measuring the kids by how much they want play and how good they are willing to try but not so much by there weight or even height!

  33. thur: Extended ending…. I think that if the story was ending right here that Danny is going to ply for the championship on espn. I think that he is going to be recruted by a bunch of coaches and looked at to play for there team. I bet all the teams and coaches will finally see that Danny is one of the most passionate about basketball, and puts his all into everygame. I hope that Danny becomes the famest basketball players and just blows all the other basketball players out of the water.

  34. Journal for Thursday.

    I am reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain.
    Right now in the story All of the pirates came back and showed up at their own funeral. Tom goes home after the funeral with his Aunt Polly, Mary, and Sid. At breakfast the next morning Tom, of course told almost the whole story except with some exaggerations. For example, when he told them about when he visited the families at night when they were talking about the funeral and they were remembering Tom and Joe [Huck wasn’t remembered because he was looked down by the villagers] he said that it happened in his dream. That is all I have read.

  35. Book: Orel Hershiser

    The book relates to the class theme “change” because at first when Orel was just drafted in the MLB, he wasnt really that popular, his name wasnt mentioned really that much, and he just didnt do anything to make him known for or anything…well…yet. The word “change” comes in because as he started pitching more in the MLB, his name started being mentioned more and he was actually starting to be um, well, famous. Orel said that his wife helped him make decisions and that they always helped each other out. Orel also said that before every game, he would pray to God and not think about anything except for baseball.

  36. monday-summary
    I am reading the book BEAR by Paul “Bear” Bryant and John Underwood. It is a special book because it is autographed by him. I have read to the part where he can’t vs LSU because his appendix were inflamed and his doctor said that it was impossible for him to go to the game. So the team had to play LSU without coach Bryant. The team said the would win it for him.
    Tuesday-author’s purpose
    I think the author’s purpose is to inform. The reason I think this is because the book is telling about Paul Bryant’s life. I also think the author’s purpose is to entertain because the book is not all factual.
    Wednesday-How the book relates to change.
    I think the book relates to change because Paul Bryant changes throughout the book. Like you can never predict what is going to happen. Like he got an inflamed appendix before the LSU game and couldn’t go.
    I think the book Bear is like the book Touchdown Alexander because they are both about football. Each book is really good if you like football. I think that both of the books are alike because each one is informational and they both entertain.

  37. Hi Mr. mayfield it is me again I am still reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
    And now I have read that Aunt Polly is wanting Tom to go swimming (Aunt Polly all ready to give Tom a switching) but he is thinking that she is going to give him a switching. (it is also a hot day if you did not already knew) But right now he is sweating like a pig because he is burning up and the only thing that would cool him off is a swim. But he is not fooling for it. So he lies saying, “I am not hot right as this monument but how about later.” So he goes and hangs out with some friend who i forgot her name.
    good night

  38. Thursday Night is a joy-the night before we get to go home and do whatever we want and sleep really late!

    So tonight (I’m still reading about Graceling) Katsa took an old Leinid man to a king, then her Oll, and some other man tried to leave and stay safe so they could cme back to the city the next morning and complete their mission. So like tonight they stopped and camped and Katsa couldn’t fall asleep. (Not like camping where you roast marshmallows and you sing chesey campfire songs, which I don’t do when I camp, *weird*) So she was like worrying about trusting the Leinid boy/man (i guess he’s TECHNICALLY a man, but like ninteenish) So she also says how she hates the guys who King Randa always tries to get her to marry, like all gentlemen and stuff. So, like that’s all I’ve read tonight!

    Have a good weekend! And I still Have to say this because just because it isn’t football season, YOU still have to be a DEVOTED Bama fan- ROLL TIDE! 🙂

  39. Okiee Now That My Computer’s Not Being…Non-Smartiful Im Gonna Try And Blog Again. Um I Am Reading Thunder From The Sea. So Far It Is Very Interesting.

    Tuesday (1-5-10)

    Ok Im Reading Thunder From The Sea. So Far This Boy, Tom Campbell (No Relation To Ms. Campbell..I Hope…If So I Feel So Sorry For Him), Has Been Adopted From The Orphanage He Has Lived In All Of His Life. He Is Of Course Thirteen (Why Do All Stories Like This Have To Be About Thirteen Year-olds??) But Now His Life Is Starting To Look Up-ward A Little Bit.

    Wednesday (1-6-10)

    Still Reading Thunder From The Sea. I Was thinking About This Book And Other Books It Might Relate To And…Honestly…I Have To Say That This Book Doesn’t Really Relate To Any Book Ive Ever Read. This Is Prolly B/C Most Of The Books I Read Aren’t About Family Matters Involving Thirteen Year Old Orphans And Dogs Found In The Sea During A Storm. Actually…I Cant Think Of Another Book In The World That Has That Kind Of A Plot Line.


    Book:Thunder From The Sea
    This Book That I Am Reading Relates To The Class Theme: Character, Because The Main Character, Tom, Has A Character Building Experience As He Goes Through The Changes Of Getting A Family And Saving Thunder During That Squall.


    Book:Thunder From The Sea
    This Book Is Really Starting To Get Interesting Haha. Enoch’s Wife Is Pregnant And So Tom Is Afraid That They Will Send Him Back To The Orphanage Where He Came from.Then He Would Have To Give Up Evrything…The Family And The Dog…Which I Guess Are Rlly The Only Two Things That Are Better For Him.


    Wow…Walking Around Columbiana Is Really Fun Haha
    Book:Thunder from the Sea
    Really After The Climax Of The Book…It Doesnt Really Hold The Reader’s Intrest Very Much. It Just Kinda Turns Into A Boring Read. But Over All, This Book Has Been A Very Good One. One Of The Best One’s I’ve Ever Read.

    I Got A Haircut Today And It Looks Extremely Badd
    Book:Thunder From The Sea
    Yay! I Finally Finished It…And It Only Took Me About Two Weeks Which Taking Into Consideration That I Also Had To Do All Of This All State Stuff Thats Not Too Badd. I Would Give A Brief Summary But Since I Finished It That Would Give The Ending Away So I Dont Think Im Going To Do That…

    Peace Out,
    Aaron (DJ)

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