“got me actin’ like an adolescent…”

okay, so i went whatever time i went without seeing that people had commented – i apologize – i blame the county for not sending them along to my e-mail – in their defense, maybe they block the word “foul” from their system – live and learn…

so for personal shout outs before i continue…

timothy – good to hear from you – glad summer is going well – yes, you’re welcomed to blog comments for the summer

marcy – funny about the book – although, aggravating – i can relate b/c i got a book last year with some of our boxtop money – “intelligence and how to get it” – ironically, the book contained duplicate pages and neglected others – wonderful experience (and you’ll notice we never used the book in class) – oh, best wishes with training with coach sutton (at least, i think that’s your trainer:)

st. k – did you read that bristol pailin is coming to town in july for a book signing??? i think you should totally go and then bug her for dance moves:) (i’d volunteer to take you but i know your father adores the republican party so i don’t think you’ll have a problem getting a ride for that one:)

olive-a – LOVED the blog:) and yes, i thought this morning about smiling – and remembered you – although, it would be hard to forget b/c i changed my desktop to the photo of you and i that last day of school – it makes me smile (in part b/c i’m wearing a twilight shirt) and cry at the same time (no, i’m not pregnant and over-emotional people – just a good last day this year – but sad – but good – still sad though…)

okay, reading…

WAIT – forgot – subject header – jordan knight, one of the members of “new kids” had a new album this week – first solo album since 1999 – so i was sort of excited about the deal – and the album was well worth the wait – i’ve only listened to it like 40 times through already – good pop to run to

okay, reading…

“massage” – something like that – it was a book on massage therapy – i read it b/c i’ve decided if i knew how to give massages that i’d be a better potential boyfriend/husband – and considering i haven’t updated my skill set of relationship things in like, oh, 85 years, i  figured it couldn’t hurt to learn how to give massages – oooooooorrrrrrrrrrr… i read the book to learn how to do some self-massage on my legs and feet – to help me recover from 80-mile plus weeks – it’s one or the other…

“alphabet juice” – ny times writer wrote about words – and the letters of the alphabet – the author would die teaching middle school b/c misuse of english bothers him (me, not as much b/c i know i’m first in line for having messed things up)

“connection in communities” – free nook book – not worth the free price – basically, i was encouraged to start a small group at my church – by inviting families in my neighborhood to join my family in cookouts and such (if you’re paying attention, you’ll know that i don’t have a family – even though that seems to be assumed if you’re my age and in the church – sigh…)

“ny public library book” – not the title, but another free nook book – great book – good reading – collection of authors about their favorite pieces at the NY library – good motivation to get to ny and run its marathon (a goal – not sure how much i’m progressing towards it)

“running with joy” – by ryan hall – oh, how i loved that book – the ups and downs of an elite marathoner as he trained for boston last year and tried to live out his christian walk – i too ran boston last year so it was cool on that level – and i run enough miles a week that the ups and downs hall goes through are similar to what i feel at times (you can live and die by the clock when you reach a certain age – like, when you start, every race is faster than you’ve ever gone – but eventually, the times don’t come down but you have to trust that things are okay – or try to)

okay, really long, but i was starved for attention this week so four e-mails make the week (again, it was a productive week if you exclude social communication – i cleaned the entire house, donated four bags to the thrift store – and managed to escape the store by only getting a cookie monster shirt in return:) and i’m up to 47,000 words in my third novel)

my sister tells me there’s a preview of “breaking dawn, part one” tonight on some awards show – i can only hope it involves bella and edward and a beach… 🙂
