nothing like a baseball book in the month of november…


“diamond ruby” – high school BOB – finished this morning – historical fiction from the 1920s in new york – a female pitcher who tries to protect those she loves – with a little help from babe ruth and jack dempsey – the book was dark for two hundred pages – the last 230 were much lighter – rather usual turn

“why read moby dick” – by nat philbrick – good book not just about a rather contraversial subject (most people, including myself, find “moby dick” very long about whaling and thus not so very good) but also about why we love books – what makes them great to us – to hear a book from an author i respect about why loves a book… great concept – enjoyable read – made me even appreciate melville even more

“the big dance” – book about the ncaa tournament – its history – definitely gets you read for hoops season (not that the NBA or the alabama offense couldn’t do the same thing:) – discovered plenty i didn’t know – lots i did so it wasn’t ground-breakingly new – or maybe i know more about college basketball than i let on:)

one high school BOB to go – happy…


23 thoughts on “nothing like a baseball book in the month of november…”

  1. First blog

    Monday- Danny told them what happened after they got to Michael’s Uncle’s house. He was nice and offered to let them stay as long as they wanted but watched Danny to make sure he didn’t get robbed. After alot of sitting they started talking about how to stop the bad people. It turns out that the bad people were using the spear of destiny that pierced Jesus’s side while he was on the cross. All they had to do was go to the astral plane which is basically a mirrored universe where you looked like your true self but could use magic powers. They went to a room that was supposed to help them get out of their physical body. That’s all for today.


  2. Hey,
    guess what I was inspired to read after taking your class. “Flowers for Algernon”… sorry I know that is improperly punctuated but I don’t know how to italicize on the keyboard yet. I’ll ask Mrs. Crumpton in BTA tomorrow. Anyway, this post is less about my reading but about something kewl to tell the middle school students about. at they can submit their work in for free and have it posted in the internet for free. I’ve been using it and I think it’s pretty neat. However very few know it’s there. If you don’t mind help get some publicity! I would not only like to be part of a big site, but have my work looked at and criticized by others. (That way I can hope to get better) Hope your year is going terrific,

  3. Hey,
    guess what I was inspired to read after taking your class. “Flowers for Algernon”… sorry I know that is improperly punctuated but I don’t know how to italicize on the keyboard yet. I’ll ask Mrs. Crumpton in BTA tomorrow. Anyway, this post is less about my reading but about something kewl to tell the middle school students about. at they can submit their work in and have it posted in the internet for free. I’ve been using it and I think it’s pretty neat. However very few know it’s there. If you don’t mind help get some publicity! I would not only like to be part of a big site, but have my work looked at and criticized by others. (That way I can hope to get better) Hope your year is going terrific,

  4. i am almost finished with eleswhere so i am going to do these last few blogs with this book.
    S-olive dunwoody
    O-olive,leopold,harvey, and horatio darted up the stairs to olives bedroom as fast as they could.
    A-the reader
    P-as olive was searching through the kitchen cabinits for anything that could give off the slightest bit of light, they all heard a very louder scream from upstairs.
    S-morton had tried to fight the shadows by him-self and was balled up under the matress when olive and the 3 cats had made it to her bedroom
    T-curious-what did the shadow do to morton and where was the shadow now?

  5. altenate ending on the book eleswhere.
    this isn’t really an alternate ending b/c i am not at the end of the story but i am very close so i am going to tell you how i think the story should end. but i don’t know for sure if this is how it really ends.

    at the end of the story, olive should acomplish what she had planed(to defeat the shadow of Aldous McMartain) and Morton could finally go back to his real home and not be a painting anymore.Olive would finally live in her house without someone trying to get rid of her and she could go into paintings without the spectacles b/c the lense was cracked and crushed into a bunch of little pieces.Also, Horatio,Harvey, and Leopold would be able to stay with olive in her house and still be able to do whatever they please.Olive’s parents would not find out about what all happened while they were gone and everyone’s life could go back to the way it was before.

  6. Second blog

    Tuesday-I’m doing a point of view shift from Danny’s perspective to Michael’s perspective. The room had four chairs with symbols under them. I sat in the one that was under the silver crescent moon. I could see it in a mirror above the chair across from me. We were supposed to look into the mirror and stare at the symbol until it starts floating in front of us and changes colors. Mine changed a little bit so that it was blue-gray and dull. It almost looked like it was floating inside a swirl that was supposed to hypmotize you. It kind of scared me at first but I went in it anyways. When I got there Opal looked less pretty, Danny was buff, I was buff and tan, and Nan was young. She said it showed your real identity and that that’s what we all look like on the inside. I saw a demon from my religion coming towards us and it confused me for some reason but it didn’t scare me at all. It kind of excited me. That’s all until tomorrow.


  7. Only four days this week! Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    Monday-Authors Purpose
    I think the authors purpose is to entertain. The problems that can occur with family and school. Most young kids enjoy this book because they like when kids have problems. How they always try to solve it the wrong way. This is a good book selection if you like entry type books. I enjoy reading these books not only for pleasure but because I can make a connection to my life. That is what I think the author is trying to get at. He is trying to make his books were they are funny but the reader can understand what the characters are going through. Books like that are often marked as “Best Sellers.” I think the author did an excellent job of reaching through to the reader He has the skill to write to the readers.
    “Candy, candy, candy, oh candy!”, Jill was singing while getting dressed. Jill is my six year old sister and she is so annoying. Well, as you can tell it is Halloween night and I have to take my sister Trick-Or-Treating so my parents can sit home. Staying safely away from the crowded streets of New York City. Sometimes my parents can be real butts. Go do this and go do that. I have a life to you know. Well, I better get going and get it over with. I hate Halloween night and I hate my little sister!
    Mimi O.o

  8. hey mafeld anyways my uncle was released from state and has a funeral tommorrow so ill check out at 11:30. if all goes well i can get back to practice and keep playing on the basketball subject i won my game with 7 point in total freethrows i had 5 so im happy enough i read colt mcoy ove the week i got to page 60 i think or 70 aroud there but he and his dad describe how they grew up and what they did like training in spirtal and i think they included this because he was proud how they changed his so thats it my mom has to paybills again

  9. So tomorrow is the weekend! A short week!
    Wednesday-Point of View-Rowley
    Wow,school is starting already. Maybe Greg can come over and play! I don’t know why Greg gets mad when I ask him to play. I’m hip and junk,right? So I can’t wait to make new friends tomorrow. It is going to be so fun. Everyone will like me, unlike last year. Not even Greg would hang around me except for at school.
    Next day
    “So how was lunch Greg? Hey, do you want to come over and play?”, was what I said to Greg today. Why doesn’t he answer me?

  10. well im going to do whole week blogging in one night 20 minutes here i go by the way im reading The Son of Neptune
    Well, Percy,Frank,and Hazel go on a quest to save Death from Gaea and her giants. this quest is full of monsters Jewelry and a Know-it-all Harpy.
    This book is full of love romance and other slightly less interesting things
    yeah so tuesday lets go percy is slowly getting back his memory he is on his way north to alaska to save Death he finds the amazons in seattle they have the boys captured and hey escape and take arion
    they find death and rescue him from the giants and they go back to camp jupiter and it takes arion hrs to get from alaska to san fransisco thats fast yeah arion is he worlds fastest horse

  11. Last blog I’m mad because it deleted my whole blog and I have to retype it

    Creative- My new housebot is supposed to be here today and I’m really excited about it. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get one like Tommy’s. It’s so cool and it even lets you play video games with it. I wish I had one like that. You see, they are like personal robots that do your chores for you. My last one was an old one from 1999 and it amazes me that it still worked after more that a century. If I get a good one the first thing that it’s going to do is make my bed. I hope I don’t get another messed up one. That would be depressing. When I got home I opened the shipping portal only to find the mail. The when I turned around I saw a brand new housebot with blood red eyes. They were supposed to be blue and if they were any other color then they had major bugs in the circutry. I was disipointed because that meant I had to wait up to another month for it to come in. When I got up close to it it swung at me. I jackknifed him in the stomach and to my suprise he stumbled for a second that was just long enough for me to get out of the room. That’s all for this short week.


  12. Monday: I’m reading Moon Over Manifest, and it may be the best BOB book yet. Abilene’s character shines in the first few pages of the book. When she jumps off the train instead of getting off at the stop like anyone else would. She also is a simple country girl girl who spends every moment possible with her daddy. That is until he sends her off to Manifest this summer, because railroad work isn’t the life for a girl. This would be okay, but she has stayed every summer so far. Suspicious?

  13. Tuesday: Im reading (re-reading) The Hunger Games, too. An alternate ending for the reaping is that Katniss gets chosen right away instead of Prim. Maybe that changes the motivation in Katniss. Perhaps it is strong, but not strong enough where she makes it out alive. Then Prim gets upset and goes into a deep depression along with the mother and they both die a long painful death. THE END

  14. Creative writing: It happened very quickly. We saw the presidentā€™s announcement while we were at school.
    ā€œI, Howard M. Smith, 73rd president of the untied states hereby declare that all children will be held underground in prisons until they turn 18 and are old enough to vote. Until they are 18, they are no use to society and will be treated as such things that are put away until they are of some use.ā€
    As soon as he said his last word government soldiers came in and took the kids that would go without any fight, but kids like me, they tazered and dragged until we regained control of our muscles again. Thatā€™s when they used the drugs, they made us lose all muscle control and then go unconscious.
    The next moment I remember, we were underground in the prisons just like he said we would be. I still had not gain muscle control so I just fell to the ground of my tent when they let me go. In what felt like an hour I finally regained control and surveyed my surroundings.
    It was dark, muggy, and enclosed. There was nothing but wall except for the cell door. I had about 14 ā€œprison matesā€ and I felt claustrophobic because we were in a 5 person cell. Each kid looked 13 or 14, like me (Iā€™m 13), and had a long scar across their back. I wondered how they got it until a guard came in and took me by the arm. When I resisted he hit the back of my head with his stick.
    As soon as I got up I kneed him in the groin and sprinted off. I heard cheers of joy at the possibility of a fellow teen escaping from each cell as I passed by. Thatā€™s when I figured out where the scars came from. CRACK! It was like an octopus wrapped a tentacle around my back, but the tentacle was as strong as steel and on fire. When I fell down he had no mercy and did it again.
    It was just as bad or worse afterwards because every movement meant the same pain, even the very little ones. He then picked me up. He carried me to a chair in an isolated room where they took my shirt to decrease the cushion between the whip and my back. They made me sit in the chair where I was facing the back of the chair. Thatā€™s when they tied me up and the real punishment came.
    ā€œYou are very naughty boy. Most of them only got one strike, but havenā€™t even gotten your punishment yet and you have two,ā€ he said in a sadistic tone like he was enjoying this.
    ā€œPunishment for what, besides trying to escape,ā€ I said in a cocky tone.
    CRACK! ā€œFor being a child who cannot behave and for simply being a child,ā€ he said. Oh, yeah, he was definitely enjoying this way too much.
    To be continued…

  15. hey im doing fifteen minutes for this week.

    Mon- as percy aproaches the door he sees two kids and one of the kids is aiming his bow right at percy. percy yells “dont shoot” but the kid lets the arrow fly and it goes right over percys head.the arrow hits one ofthe gorgons and it knocks her down. he shoots the other gorgon and she gets knocked down to.

    tues-the other kid (who was a girl) opened the door and let percy in. she tells fred (the other kid) to move thru the tunnel with percy. percy gets woried about the girl but fred says that shell be all right because shes good in tunnels. percy and fred keep walking for what seems like forever. then they hear and explosion and hear the cave rumble. hazel (the girl) comes running up and says that the gorgons are catching up.

    weds-percy fred and hazel keep running until they see a light in the cave. they reach the light and the old woman says that they are in rome. percy looks around and sees a city with huts every where.the two kids lead percy towards this camp called camp jupiter.pery sees a river and the woman says that this is his last chanse to back out. percy goes into the river and sets the woman down on the other side.

    well thats it see ya.

  16. Hey may I had to go to the funeral for my uncle today which you’ll read details tommorrow during the time to look at the journals because it was my creative which is my last blog for this week so…
    I think we should go to the park the clueless teens thought to them selves as they got to the park they saw a giant trash can had been torn into so they decided to leave it there the cop saw it and asked them if they did it they said no it was like that but they were arrested for vandalism

  17. alright, lets start with Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival (being a hippie today!) feeling like a creative one today. . . Josh was a young computer programmer, who specialized in robotics for the military. he was also a history nut and collected anything with a relation to past wars, especially vietnam. he was playing call of duty one day, and all of a sudden decided to build a robot that was controlled by the video game users, so that humans wouldn’t have to risk their lives for their country. he built a large robot, and tested it with a random user (who’s username happened to be the same as mine). the robot went haywire and did the exact opposite of it’s commands. it started to kill its creators, and josh ran for cover. he grabbed one of the guns used for the robots, and jummped out from behind the cover of the table. he couldnt bring himself to destroy his creation, but his invention had no such conscience, and immediately destroyed josh.

    We left off on harry potter six with harry and trelawney running to dumbledore. after trelawney leaves, harry really wants to launch into dumbledore because snape gave voldemort the prophecy of the chosen one (which trelawney actually had given to dumbledore). before he could vent his frustration, dumbledore said he found a horcrux, so harry’s anger was extiguished. dumbledore elaborates on why he belives that the horcrux is in this position: during tom riddle’s orphanage era, other kids seem to be creeped out by him, especially after a trip to the nearby shore, where tom and two others dissappeared, and came back some hours later, tom’s companions looking visibly shaken by something, yet tom is perfectly fine. this brings harry and dumbledore to the cave to which tom escaped during the beach trip. . .

    alternate ending- origionally, dumbledore found the eerie green boat in the lake surrounding the stone basin which they believe holds the horcrux. they start to cross the lake, during which harry realizes that the lake is full of bodies. . . DEAD bodies! they reach the small island without any interuption from the deceased humans, and start to drink the potion in the basin. in MY version, harry bends over the edge of the boat to get a better look at the shifting masses underneath the surface, and is dragged underneath. in his panic, he kicks out with all of his strength, casting spells left and right, causing several inferi to become trapped in a bubble or grow hair exponentially. he swims to the surface and, still casting spells at random, smashes the basin. he grabs the horcrux and dumbledore, who disapparates immediatley. that’s all for this week!

  18. This week i read the book Rangers Apprentice The burning bridge. At the point where i started will and horace were folllowing the wargals to find out what they were taking the celtic miners hostage.As the wargals passed will and horace one of the miners fell down dead and they threw himinto the woods 10 feet from where will and horace were hiding at. The wargal leader noticed something in the corner of his eye. He stood and stared at will for 2 whole miutes, but never realized he was there because of his rangers cloak. they waited for the wargals to get out of hearing distance because of the wargals insanely good hearing ability. After waiting 10 minutes will and horace headed out after the wargal group.The sun was settin and the wargals had finally reached their destination . It was a giant bridge that would be used to transport Morgaraths army over the giant crevice in the earth.

    We left off when will and horace had discovered the bridge that would lead to the Arulan armys defeat. So will and horace waited till pitch black dark to go and check out the bridge. For some weird reason Morgarath didnt station any guards to patrol the area and keep out any unwanted guest. Once will and horace reached the other end of the bridge they found a mortally wounded celtic miner that had nearly been beeten to death. luckily the man still had few breaths left, and was able to tell them that the bridge was predicted to be finished in about four days. Once the celt miner let out his last breath will decided to see where the huge cave that the celtic miners had tunneled their way through.

    Once will and horace got to the end of the tunnel they discovered the whole army of wargals had been camping out. Another interesting thing they found out was that five men from the scandian army had a tent set up out there. that could only mean that morgarath had hired the scandian army to be reinforcements for them.Will huried back to their campsite and got all of their suppplies together to get ready to leave once they burnt down the bridge. His plan was to burn the bridge down and hurry back to arulan to warn the army.

  19. hey mr. mayfeild sorry i havnt blogged lately internet troubles so i will go ahead and blog for next week. [creative]

  20. sorry my internet crashed and posted that hears my real blog

    There was a young boy his name was kenny. This boy loved to go to the park and play the only thing he dosnt like about the park is sammy, he is the bully, so kenny ignores him and stays his distance. One problem tho…
    sammy hogs the slides… witch makes kenny furious and makes him want to freak and just, never mind it gets ugly, so what is he gonna do. Well he wants to beat sammy’s face in but he is so afraid, the only thing he thought possible was to tell his mom, but what would she do she is a mother useless.
    Then he gets an idea, kenny will get his friends and double gang him, it kind of sounds like kenny is still trying to beat up sammy, he gathers all of his friends and heads to the park… To Be Continued…

  21. Monday

    This week Iā€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybe if he didnā€™t like the dog anymore ā€¦ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatā€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iā€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-paying people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean?!?!?!?!?!? Which is worse?!?!?!? Well, he doesnā€™t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers cuffs (hits) him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

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