yes, sixth grade, you must blog on thanksgiving day – i’ll be waiting… :)

so happy early greetings for Thanksgiving – another year – another Detroit Lions’ loss…

“Running the Race” probably my third biography on Eric Liddell – an Olympic runner in 1924 – a Christian who died for his faith as a missionary in a concentration camp in China during WWII – an amazing man – i learn, i get encouragement, from every biography about the guy that i read – his dedication to so many things that i’d like to show dedication to – his God, his faith, his family, his running – just a great book – even better man

“the zen of zim” – my grandfather loved an old guy that was the Cubs’ manager back when we used to watch them on wgn – so when i saw that zimmer had a book, i requested in from the library – i was disappointed b/c most of the book was about why he left the yankees in ’03 – good example of a book that probably is relatively popular at the time it goes to print – but it loses it’s importance about a month later b/c it’s now frozen in time and is only an argument for that one moment – and nine years after this book came out, it’s hopelessly dated – i mean, zimmer’s love for barry bonds was even naive in ’03…

“hotdogs and hamburgers” – a dad realizes he’s not being a good dad b/c his son is struggling and so the dad learns to help adults to read in hopes of helping his son learn – the chicago references are great – b/c that’s where they are – as for the teaching aspect, this author seems to be in the first-year teacher mode where everything he tried with his class worked and made them all brilliant learners – oh, he has so much to learn in the years to come – that is, if he doesn’t stop teaching and write a book – oh wait, he did… 🙂

enjoy the break – hope you get some good reading time in – or good time with the family
