bonus for coming out to cheer your favorite runner in the liberty day 5k…

ah, liberty day – such classic Columbiana fun – fascinating Mayfield trivia – I was in the first two parades that were ever held

“good news to the poor” by chester – great book that addressed the degree to which the poor need just physical needs met vs. their spiritual needs – the best chapter was probably – ironically – the good news for the rich – lots of examples the author mentioned I will use with us in class this year – things like allowing students to make their own choices – having buy-in – vs. just telling them what to do

“John McDonnell” – biography on probably the most successful coach of all time – McDonnell won 40-plus track and field national championships at Arkansas – just ridiculous how great his teams were – how he built a program out of nothing – through basically hard work – the book had plenty of teaching times for me – coaching is like teaching – and it was good inspiration for running b/c what made Arkansas great originally was just athletes who committed to do doing the work – it wasn’t special gifts or talents – just work – and I think too often, people discount their abilities b/c they are afraid of working hard – desperately hard – for something

bonus if you’re out cheering me when i run by Saturday


16 thoughts on “bonus for coming out to cheer your favorite runner in the liberty day 5k…”

  1. First coming to you live from gulf shores (or orlando as bobby calls it)

  2. sorry billy – late this week – so you felt first for four whole hours… my bad – that’s funny about Orlando – I could see confusing gulf shores with other places but not mickey’s town – enjoy the beach


  3. Wassup my peeps? Yep, I’m doing summer journals! Extra credit sounds pretty good to me, especially after the fact that Tyler has told me about the great benefit…

    So I’m reading “Crash”, and it keeps me coming back. Crash Coogan seems like a pretty normal kid, so it helps me relate him to kids my age. In fact, there are lots of kids in my grade that share lots of the same traits. They make you think they are your friend, then make fun of you. This is a typical situation, but the way Webb reacts is the least bit normal. I will go as far as to say this, if some kid is always teasing me, I’m not sure how much I’d hang aroung him.

    ^^^Cool name, right maf? I think it gives some hopeless Cubs fans nightmares…

  4. Hello guys, this week my blogging schedule will be back on track because of being in Atlanta, my grandparents, and just being plain busy. Let me start off with my introduction, which consists of talking about my orthodontist appointment, because we all know thatā€™s super cool. But my Invisalign have been replaced with a retainer, so now I only have to wear them at nightā€¦

    Reading Harry Potter and the Socererā€™s Stone, and today I read chapters two and three, and chapter two contained Dudleyā€™s birthday, where Harry has one of the best days in his life because he gets to go to the zoo instead of staying with rotten Ms. Figg.

    Chapter three has the following week when he begins to receive Hogwarts letters, but doesnā€™t get to read them because of his aunt and uncle constantly taking them from him. The week also has Harry moving into the smallest bedroom because heā€™s ā€œgotten too big for it.ā€

    All I read, a good thirty pagesā€¦. creative will come either tomorrow or Wednesday, and youā€™ll enjoy that, because the end of chapter 2 of Episode 4: A New King will take place.

    Hope you didnā€™t get as wet as I did today,


  5. will m – glad to have you back – cub fans are definitely having nightmares this season – that said, it’s not like puig has brought the dodgers to life yet – they have really underperformed – except in fighting

    an webb is definitely unique – a unique character in young adult lit – we definitely have some crash types at CMS – we always have – webbs… not at much – if any

    and fred, I was about to run when I heard it thunder – and I decided to call it a day from the morning’s work – so I did stay dry – which was nice

  6. I was walking out of the courthouse when the worst hit, so I got drenched. Glad you were lucky enough to get caught in the messā€¦. but we went to Subway afterward, so I guess that made up for my miserable mood from being drenched, however, the air conditioner was on max in the place, and wet, shivered like crazy šŸ™‚

  7. I saw Jamie while walking out tooā€¦. Said hi, I donā€™t know if she recognized me from my ā€œBest Corboā€ feat. Iā€™m not famous yet, because my book has only sold twelve copies. šŸ™‚

  8. billy – mini golf is awesome – my sister and I used to come up with PGA names and play against each other – she was the type that could shoot really high – but have three hole-in-ones as well – I was the steady golfer that never hit one ace:)

    fred – subways can be very artificially cold – I was glad you weren’t out today when I went by – today’s not a day on the playground:)

  9. Today wasnā€™t my day either. Got so sleepy when the Daily Show was over at ten thirty that I crashed on my bed and woke up at ten fifteen. Almost twelve hours of sleep and Iā€™m bursting with energy šŸ™‚

  10. Where is everyone?

    Anyway, sorry I didnā€™t blog yesterday. Totally forgot. Iā€™m reading Harry Potter, and since I last talked about the book I had stopped at chapter four, and Iā€™m now currently in chapter ten.

    So Harry is taken by Hagrid to go get his things in Diagon Alley. They stop by Gringotts and Harry finds out that he has a small fortune in his vault. Then they go to vault 713 and Hagrid has to get the package, which is the Sorcererā€™s Stone of course.

    Then when they get all of his supplies, Harry goes home for his last month at the Dursleys, which isnā€™t fun for Harry. Even though the Dursleys ignored him and Dudley is now scared of him, he gets lonely.

    The Dursleys agree to take him to the train station to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, but in the Muggle World that doesnā€™t exist, so the Dursleys take him for a joke, but luckily for Harry a wizard family goes by and he gets on the platform and goes off to Hogwarts.


    I decided to find that friend being held in the prison here. His name was Will. Will Roberts to be exact. He was a friend that when I last saw him, he was nearly dead from the wrath of Annaā€™s cows. I saw him being dragged into the castle, and that was the last time I saw him. He was my best friend, and I wanted to save him then and there, but Jason told me we had to go, and what he said went. So I went.

    Finding the castle was very easy. It was the tallest building in the city, and it was also the only building made of stone. This saved me a lot of time. When I arrived, I used my Ninja Skills to climb up to the roof.

    There were guards all over the place. They spotted me at once, shouting and scrambling for me. I drew Brisingr and parried the first blow from a guard. After defeating all of the guards, I entered the prison through a trapdoor that let to the top floor of the prison. The top floor was a balcony level with the jeweled chandelier in the center of the prison. For a place to keep criminals, the place was extremely fancy.

    I scrambled down the long staircase that led to the bottom of the building. I was surprised to have not met a guard since the roof.

    Nevertheless, my big problem was finding the cells inside the place, which was huge. It was bigger than a million sumo wrestlers put together. It was one big castle.

    A shout came from behind a doorway. I burst through it, and found it full of occupied cells.

    I supposed it wouldnā€™t hurt to free everyone, so with Brisingr, I picked every lock and when I got to the one on the end, my jaw dropped.

    Will Roberts had changed. A LOT. His clothes that he was wearing the day I last saw him were torn to the point that they were nearly unwearable. He was skinnier than before, if that was possible, and he was paler than Nearly Headless Nick.

    ā€œFred!ā€ he exclaimed.




  11. DID YOU GUYS SEE ME??????????

    I KNOWā€¦.. AMAZINGā€¦.



  12. Just to come in second and i might do it next year if mafeld slows down

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