teaching first graders the importance of walls…

the reference will be lost on my sixth grade and rayckhelle’s sister, but we played “Wall” today in first grade with the “battle of Jericho” – which, obviously, wasn’t much of a battle so much as a walk-a-thon – good thing it happened in the old testament – today, the fatties would’ve been too tuckered out to walk around:)

“the myth of the spoiled child” – what if kids today aren’t worse than previous generations? what if their voices weren’t being heard? what if adults were being jerks in schools, in families, towards respecting the voices of the next generation? what if the answer to making things “harder” for kids was to instead make kids feel loved and appreciated – and not driven through the prison-like environments of most schools? this book definitely got me thinking in good, rebellious, ways:)

“the evolution of pitching in major league baseball” – enjoyable to a point – the point being when the author went off on his assumed premise that pitchers today are spoiled brats – and that the game has changed for the worse – just very negative – I guess the positive was I skimmed over many chapters of the rants so I was able to finish quicker

I’m taking my spring break to the streets near you as boston gets closer – today, 17 miles in the rain – yeah!!!
