why does every first grade puppet show end in a fight???

hope spring break went well – I called it like Winter Break IV b/c of our previous snow weeks, Christmas, and then this blustery week we just had – oh well…

“Princess Labelmaker” – the latest origami yoda book – great – really, every book has improved the product in the series – in this one, there’s a continued fight over the remedial math the kids are forced to do – and their rebellion against it by threatening the school’s standardized tests – I love the spirit of these kids – they’re not beaten into “the system” like a lot of “good” kids are

“Wonder” – Nicole’s favorite book – it seems – meh, it was okay:)

“Wonder” – okay, the point of view thing never should’ve changed from August but it was okay otherwise:)

“Playing with a Purpose: Baseball” – a reread for me – 13 MLB players and their faith testimony – I guess some overpriced celebrities have cooler stories than others – always encourages me to hear of people who are motivated by more important things in life than fame/money

“Heartbreak Hill” – mystery/thriller from ’02 – I reread it from back in 2010 as I trained for boston – yucky book

hope everyone has smooth sailing getting back into school rhythm next week
