why does every first grade puppet show end in a fight???

hope spring break went well – I called it like Winter Break IV b/c of our previous snow weeks, Christmas, and then this blustery week we just had – oh well…

“Princess Labelmaker” – the latest origami yoda book – great – really, every book has improved the product in the series – in this one, there’s a continued fight over the remedial math the kids are forced to do – and their rebellion against it by threatening the school’s standardized tests – I love the spirit of these kids – they’re not beaten into “the system” like a lot of “good” kids are

“Wonder” – Nicole’s favorite book – it seems – meh, it was okay:)

“Wonder” – okay, the point of view thing never should’ve changed from August but it was okay otherwise:)

“Playing with a Purpose: Baseball” – a reread for me – 13 MLB players and their faith testimony – I guess some overpriced celebrities have cooler stories than others – always encourages me to hear of people who are motivated by more important things in life than fame/money

“Heartbreak Hill” – mystery/thriller from ’02 – I reread it from back in 2010 as I trained for boston – yucky book

hope everyone has smooth sailing getting back into school rhythm next week


43 thoughts on “why does every first grade puppet show end in a fight???”

  1. I hope everyone’s Spring Break was as good as mine ๐Ÿ™‚ 90% percent of it was catching up on golfing, which was great because I beat my dad twice this week ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope to see you all tomorrow

  2. Really sidney…

    Anyways biscuits top rays 6-5 and the rays started all the usual starters except for the catcher, but the backup was really good too, while the barons lost 5-2 to the white sox which means 1 of 4 things

    1. Biscuits are good
    2. Barons are bad
    3. Rays are bad or
    4. White Sox are bad

    Back up pitching kills

  3. i’ll tell you what it means billy – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – that’s what one game means in baseball – and that’s, in part, it’s beauty

    happy opening day everybody – for one shining day, the Cubs are in first place:)

    (No. 4 on your list is closest to right though)

  4. We the people of many places it may seem that we have many difference’s between us all like religion but there is one thing we all have the same output on one thing Life you see every one has different opinions on how we should live our lives but the way were all the same is we are all wrong there is no way specific way to live your life its not printed somewhere or written in stone I mean yes there are not the best ways to live your life like partying every night or a life of crime , the way you choose to live your life shows who you are, your character but if people tell us to live it this way and force it down are throats either to things is going to happen we will rebel and it will be much worse than it should have been in the first place or we will accept it and we live it the way you or society tells us to and it doesn’t show are true colors so to speak its not really who were are its like putting a mask on and the way you choose to live branches out to what paths you are going to take focusing on school, career, family wise so if you force someone to choose the right way of living in your eyes then you are messing their future up you may think your improving it but they were meant for those paths if they aren’t on those they are going to feel out of place and eventually the universe will catch up with them and they will end up on their path even if it tears everything in its way to get them their.

  5. Hunger Games
    That night Katniss got cold and started to get her sleeping bag but then remembered that she given it to rue in case they got separated over night witch Katniss was cold but happy that Rue is going to be warm that night.
    Then that morning Katniss’s left ear was not bleeding but she could still not here out of it. But her right ear came to. She then went out to find Rue.
    Katniss stopped at a stream and caught a few fish. She also took a small bath.
    That is all for today!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Okay so last weeks blogs:

    Monday: I starting an abundance of katherines and its about this guy who only dates girls named katherine. im not very good with roman numerals but i think he;s on like 15. well the story starts out and his girlfriend (katherine of course) just broke p with him, and he’s like devastated because they apparently had been dating for a good bit. so he’s crying and all that and his parents tried to talk to him (which didn’t work out) and then his friend came over and tried to cheer him up.
    to me the main character (i cant remember his name) is trying to find something to belive in. (he’s not very religious) i think he going to like go on a quest or soemthing to show that all katherines are terrible and will break up with him and then maybe at the end he’ll end up with a girl named katherine. who knows?? we’ll not me, im only on like the 2nd chapter

    Phenomenal Woman

    Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I’m telling lies.
    I say,
    It’s in the reach of my arms
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    I walk into a room
    Just as cool as you please,
    And to a man,
    The fellows stand or
    Fall down on their knees.
    Then they swarm around me,
    A hive of honey bees.
    I say,
    It’s the fire in my eyes,
    And the flash of my teeth,
    The swing in my waist,
    And the joy in my feet.
    I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    Men themselves have wondered
    What they see in me.
    They try so much
    But they can’t touch
    My inner mystery.
    When I try to show them
    They say they still can’t see.
    I say,
    It’s in the arch of my back,
    The sun of my smile,
    The ride of my breasts,
    The grace of my style.
    I’m a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    Now you understand
    Just why my head’s not bowed.
    I don’t shout or jump about
    Or have to talk real loud.
    When you see me passing
    It ought to make you proud.
    I say,
    It’s in the click of my heels,
    The bend of my hair,
    the palm of my hand,
    The need of my care,
    ‘Cause I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.

    -Maya Angelou
    I like this poem. Okay, rhyme scheme
    then the last part is repetition
    ” I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That’s me.”
    The whole point of the poem really is saying guys think im beautiful (a knock out whatever) girls ask me how i do it, i say that im just a regular girl, its the way i carry myself, with so much confidence. And it hlps that im just a woman (something guys tend to love) and since im a woman, im pretty powerful when it comes to how i look affecting guys.
    juxapostion- when she talks about all the different features.

    little creative that ive been working on, not very good though…i think it might be one of those ones that starts off good then just goes *splat*
    The Story Of a Girl
    By: AnnMarie Yednak

    โ€œHi, my name is Alyssa and I am here today to talk about how the 6th grade changed my life.โ€

    Alyssa knew that everyone already knew her name, and she knew that she didnโ€™t need to say what she was talking about, everyone had the same assignment but she went to the front of the class and said that anyway.

    โ€œIโ€ฆ..uhโ€ฆ.*ehm*. The 6th grade changed my life by uhโ€ฆ..introducing me to new teachers that changed my way of learning and made me discover my abilities in school.โ€

    Someone from the back of the class said โ€œnerdโ€ and tried to cover it with a cough, but Alyssa heard it. Mrs. Emma hushed the class then made a hand gesture signing Alyssa to proceed. Mrs. Emma was Alyssaโ€™s favorite teacher, she was the only teacher that Alyssa called by their first name. To Alyssa she was โ€œMrs. Emmaโ€, to everyone else she was just plain old โ€œMrs. Bakerโ€. But the thing was Alyssa didnโ€™t have any more to her report. Well, actually when she practiced it in front of the mirror or her parents she had this whole report about how great Mrs. โ€œBakerโ€ was but when she got in front of the class, she froze. I mean, she came off as a nerd to the whole class. They would all probably have stories about friends or sports, but no, her report was about a teacher changing her 6th grade year.

    In the beginning of the year Mrs. โ€œBakerโ€ had told the whole class to be ready because at the end of the school year they were going to have a big report about what changed them over the 6th grade. Mrs. Emma had changed Alyssa a lot and to tell the truth it was a great story to tell, but maybe just not in front of some people in her class.


    Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly.
    Hold fast to dreams
    For when dreams go
    Life is a barren field
    Frozen with snow.

    -Langston Hughes
    Short but i like it. what it’s pretty much saying is hold onto your dreams because once you let go (stop trying, give up) it’s all over, life has no meaning, there’s nothing to live for, everything is worthless.
    “life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly” – metaphor
    “life is a barren field frozen with snow” – metaphor
    rhyme scheme:
    tone- kind of depressing but inspiring. saying “is you give up everything will be terrible. but inspiring you too stay with your dreams in fear of that depression

    KK thats all

  7. ONCE AGAIN I DOTH RETURN-ETH TO GIFT-ETH YOUR EYES WITH YE OLD LITERATURE! Who loves that shakespeare style I just used.

    So ima do a creative journal.

    (Its gonna be a recap of my spring break)

    SO, the first two days of spring break I was chillin wit ma homies. Then it was off to new orleans (nawlins) by way of train. The trainride took about 7 hrs. It was jim dandy because there were snack and diner cars. Most of my time on the train was spent wandering around or eating. Once we got to new orleans we were greeted by my uncle who then drove us to his families house which is were we stayed. The next day was spent being lazy. The day after we went and adventured and (sortof) partied on bourbon st. We woke up super early to get to the train station and after waiting a good hour we were notified that our train de-railed. We waited more and more and were then told we would be riding greyhound buses back to b-ham. After another hour’s wait we got on thebusses and left. The end

  8. hey, i may forget to mention it, but this month is Poetry month – so feel free to get some daily poems in – i would but i’m going to try and save my “creative genius” for my corbo stories:)


  9. hey people did you know that if you put an “L” in the word “bad” it makes the word “bald” hee hee.

    Sitting alone in her box sat a little (VERY LITTLE) orphan child. She had no friends whatsoever. She would just chill out in her box all day long. WELL one day she got sooooo bored of sitting around in her house all the time that she started doing drugs. She loved them so much she focused all of her time into drugs and drug dealing. This became her hobby. She started out doing drugs only at night, but that didn’t last long. She loved her drugs so much that she did them all day long. Now you are probably wondering where she got all of her drugs. WELL she stole her drugs from a nearby stalker, by the name of Emily, every single day. Eventually this little orphan girl took all of Emily’s drugs. The little orphan girl was starting to face withdrawal. So the little orphan girl put a quote to Emily’s head and demanded a lifetime supply of drugs or she would be sorry. The little orphan girl got her wish and lived happily ever after with her drugs. THE END.

    another one…………………………………………………………………………….
    Really amazing


  10. WHAT??! I thought March was poetry month, I am so lost. But since apparently April is poetry month then I guess I’ll write a poem (makes since right??)
    Every time someone says something really stupid or obvious (ex. It’s poetry month, I guess I’ll write poetry. ex. It’s called popcorn because it’s corn that you pop) I just feel the need to be like “Well, that makes since”, or something remotely close to that.
    To a certain extent. << I said that just because of Caleb since he says that I say that WAY too much. Which i don't, i only say that (saying this on purpose) to a certain extent.

    Well….idk what to do for a poem, pshhhhh, I'm totally great at this. I think i need to be mad, or sad or something, idk.

    I guess this is worthless, I'll blog later from my phone

  11. I my blog in the week of… well before spring break, I stated that the Halo novel, “The Cole Protocol”, the book had strted to hint at an epic battle. In chapter 9, the major antagonistic force is revealed. A tribe of Elites called Sangheili are planning an invation of Charybdis IX, which is where I found my mistake the week before last. In chapters 11, 12, and 13 are set there and is where the battle will begin (atleast). My conclution, never the less, was correct. I honestly thought that a place so dwelled upon by the author would be left unscathed. After reaching Part 2 (and yes there are parts in the book, much like Lord of the Rings), a reader (unknowing of the halo games/history/origins) would be able to predict atleast three battles at the beginning of Part 2. At Chi Rho (a refugee camp for the stranded people and military personel from some of the other outer colonies that where “glasses” by Covenant forces), Rubble (basicly a space port on steroids. the entire system is connected by fragile docking tubes. It also is a mining facility and home to many refugees from the now glassed planet of Madrigal), and Charybdis IX (a new found outer colonies to the Sangheili that may contain crutial navigational data that will provide them with the coordinates for the inner colonies, or worse, earth).

  12. Alright, I’m gonna try to-as suggested-get in a poem.


    I’ve always been told it’s the limit – actually I take that back, white girls’ social media sites are filled with the quote “Who’s to tell me the sky’s the limit when there’s footprints on the moon?” which now makes my previous claim false.
    We’re basically all penguins then.
    We can’t visit and explore the sky because we can’t fly – unless of course we tie millions of balloons to our house like out of that Disney movie – or take an airplane or something.
    I don’t believe anything’s impossible, the solution just hasn’t been discovered yet. I believe it took Edison over 500 times to perfect the lightbulb – I bet you no one thought anybody could control light other than by way of candle.
    So go get it.
    You can.

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Bet that my poem could be read on one of those motivation commercials – the ones that say “Honesty, pass it on. A message sponsored by the Foundation for a Better Life.” I bet I would make a lot of money.

  13. Good day to all my aquiantences of the blogging comunity.
    I am doing an authors purpose blog on the book lone survivor.

    As, you (didn’t because your to lazy) read above this is NOT the movie lone survivor. It is the book(yes, there is a book). The author (marcus luttrell) wrote this book to commend and tell the stories of his fallen allies. In the prolouge he tells about having to go to one of his freinds mothers house and tell about her sons death. At the beginning of the bokk lutrell gives a description of all his squadmates. That part was to make you feel connected to the squad. Like I said before, the authors purpose is to tell the story of his fallen commrades and how they died at the hands of insurgents

  14. Hey hey so…here are some blogs

    “Divergent…The remake”
    In a world far far away there was a girl (a very pretty girl) going to take her ACT in her college highschool. The highschool was divided into four groups…one was very immature…one was smart…one was tough…and one was…we’ll the wimps. Whatever she scored on her ACT would deside what life she will live*insert cheesy background music*
    *scene starts with beautiful countryside*
    *ends in really animated looking city*
    “Don’t look in the mirror to long…we highly dislike mirrors.”
    “Ugh…MOM,all the girls at school in the tough group always look in the totally cool mirrors” *white girl*
    “It’s time for school so hurry up”the girls dad said.
    “Ah” she ran out the door acting all graceful….


  15. Dang it, 0 for 3 on my brackets – michigan st.spartans ; kentucky lady cats, and none of the SEC teams will win the NIT

    Oh well better luck in next years NIT

  16. Hunger Games
    Katniss then relized that she did not see the last fire that was supposed to be set. But then she relized that she was not looking for it becoause she was so worried about Rue, and thinking about what Cato said, “If we find her… let me kill her and know one stands in my way of doing that, you all understand?!” That gave Katniss the chill bumps.
    So Katniss was going to save one of the fish that she cought for Rue. But as she was waiting around the site where the 3rd fire was supposed to be Katniss at it for her self. Katniss also thought that Rue would be watching people go by. So Katniss yells in a hushed voice, “Rue… it… it is me.” There was no voice that came back to Katniss. That made Katniss worrie.
    That is all For today! (But not really!) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Hunger Games
    So as Katniss kept wondering she kind of freaked out and without thinking she yelled at the top of her lungs “RUE! RUE!” Katniss covered her hands over her mouth even that does not work it was a constant reaction.
    Then out in the distance she heard a voice yelling, “Katniss! Katniss! Katniss, Help!” Katniss new this could be a trick but she could not stop running in the direction of the voice. Then she thought of Cato, but that did not make her stop for one minuet. When she got there she saw Rue tangled up in a net. Rue just has time to reach her hand through the net before the bow went into her body.
    That boy from district 1 dies before he can even reach his next arrow.
    “Are the more people?!” Katniss Yells.
    That IS ALL for today! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. hey who ever watches Pokรฉmon will like this
    The Snorlax
    I am the Snorlax and I speak for the zzz id like a word with you please.
    With all of your ruckus not a creature can sleep I’ll warn you now yet that is it. I can not promise that you will not get giga punched by mew he likes his sleep.

    That’s the best I can do right now there will be more

  19. This week I’m reading Wednesday Wars. I decided to get a head start on summer reading. I just got to the part where Holling didn’t have any cream puffs to give the class. What in turn happened instead of him getting pounded was the teacher, Mrs. Baker bought cream puffs to give the class. Then she said a Shakespeare quote that had to do with mercy (the quality of mercy is not strained) I think. I think the tone of the story is not everything is what it seems. I think that because of the way that Holling thought of Mrs. Baker at the beginning of the story.

  20. Hunger Games
    Rue has to say no before Katniss can hear her, because of her lack of hearing. Rue rolled to her side and her body curved in and around the spear. Katniss shoves the boy away and pulls out her knife and cuts Rue free from the net in witch she was trapped in. Katniss looks at the wound and knows right when she saw it that it was far from her reach to heal. It right in the middle of her stomach. Katniss thought that it was pointless to tell Rue that she will be allright because she thought that Rue probibly new that she was going to die. Then Rue looked up at Katniss and said, “You blew up the food?” “Every last bit of it.” Katniss says. “You have to win.” says Rue. “I will… I am going to win for the both of us.”
    Then they both here a cannon “Don’t go” Says Rue as she is tightning her grip on Katniss’s had.
    That is all for today! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. benny was talking to a monk about what happens when the plane leaves.the monk told him that the military pulls the sirens and it attracts the zoms away from the plane.the monk leaves benny alone and benny goes into the medical room to be ask some question if he he infected or not.he kept dissing the answers and making the doc mad.the doc just left and his door to the outside was open.he walked outside and talked to lilah about chong.the news he gave made lilah sad.

  22. Okay I think i want to do that ASFA thing do you think my poem “Till Time Changes Again” would be good?? Go read it idk, i made some little changes to it though. It has a rhyme scheme and everything (though i usually hate rhyming, well really just the a,a,b,b,c,c,etc. ones) So yeah, im think im gonna type it out. Do i pt my name at the end like “By: AnnMarie Yednak” Or something??

    So Im still reading an abundance of Kathrines (well of course, im on like chapter 3) turns out the guys only like Kathrines, like seriously, not kats, katies, ryans, any other nick name for Kathrine, and DEFINENTLY not Cathrines. And his friend (who tried to help him) convinced the guys parents to let him go on a road trip with him. and vice-versa
    FYI: I figured out the one that broke his heart was number 19, he’s dated 19 different Kathrines
    So now they’re on their way to where ever they choose (they’re really just driving at the moment

  23. (no intro today)

    I’m Free.
    No one can hold me back.
    I can do as I please.
    Sleeping in late.
    It doesn’t matter.
    Nothing matters.
    Not a worry.
    Not a care.
    No schedule.
    No rules.
    No boss.
    Just me.
    I’m free.
    Mind drifting
    Wondering off
    Another world
    Far away
    Another person
    Another event
    Something more exciting
    Perhaps an adventure
    Going on my journey
    Until I am snapped back
    Into reality.

    ddddddddoooooooonnnnnnneeeeeee ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Finally just took the “BOOK” part of this. I was inspired by Anna Kathryn Davis to start writing seriously again (yeah, I used to do that. In fact, most of my stories here on the blog are just copy-pasted from a HUGE word document.) I even got her signature. In fact, you should see quite a few sixth graders with shirts signed by her. To quote her exact signing to me, “Keaton; Thanks for being wonderful! Cool Shirt! Dream Big! Anna Kathryn Davis” I should be in some of the pictures. Also got some hints at characters from The Claimed, too.

    The Darkest Of Nights:

    The lack of light was overwhelming. I was wondering pointlessly, hopelessly. The world was seemingly gone, but I knew it wasn’t. It should of been destroyed. It served it’s purpose as host to life. That age is long over, and I’m one of few left. Hope is fading rapidly, as is the little remaining life. This dark rule of chaos and anarchy was what I was born, raised, and live in. My life will never even be similar to that before the era of no light or hope. I can’t plan anything, all I can do is roll with the punches, dodge as the bullets come. I learned how to defend myself early in life, I could injure a man at 3, shoot one at 10, and kill with bare fists at 12. I never like to think of the people trying to rule this world. The anarchy is the one thing holding this world back from suicide. Without it, many people would lose control. Corruption is what drove the world to this. That is the one thing that humanity has done that can never be undone. There will not be any life on Earth in 100 years or so. Might as well enjoy my time here. No rules, no limitations, No safety regulations. This is what I live and breath, this is what I can’t control. This is the Darkest Of Nights.

  25. this week I’m reading a series called Vietnam. I’m only on the first book but it is still great. It is about a group of friends and one of them gets drafted into the Vietnam war after he tells the other friends they all sign up to go into the military.

    That’s it for now

  26. I’m reading the left behind series and im at the very beginning where ray ford Steele is a pilot and he is admiring one of the the ladies on the plane but he has a wife but lately she’s been very religious and talking about Jesus bu he doesn’t want to accept it when she’s saying there is a heaven but he thinks that u just rot int he ground. Hes not liking this new phase but he sure is liking the girl that he works with especially when his wife is going through a phase where she is doing something he does not like.

  27. Starving

    I have nothing to eat you see, not a bone or a bean or a black-eyed pea.
    I have nothing to eat you see, not some cheese from the cold fridge’s breeze.
    I want some food you see, I dont care what is just give me some food, please.
    I am a starving child and no money to buy some food for me,
    So I need your help and provide me with some food to eat.
    I will eat crackers from all you big snakers,
    I will eat cheese from your expensive fridge’s breeze.
    Maybe some ice cream with whipped cream on top,
    Also some toppings to on the whipped cream.
    Thank You for all the food you see
    I am thankful someone cares
    I am so stuffed now you see,
    I weighed a little and now I weigh alot.
    Also while your at it do you have a cold ice drink for me?

    I’m going to blog on the little bit of the book “Goal” I started reading today. I’m going to tell about what I read, then make prediction on what’s going to happen.

    Santiago – I believe that’s his name – was only a child when his father woke him up in the middle of the night and told him to gather his things. He grabbed his beloved soccer ball, and a picture of the World Cup he cut out from a magazine.

    As they arrive at the US-Mexico border, he and a group of other people go through the gaping hole in the fence. While going through, Santiago drops his soccer ball, and it starts rolling down the hill. Santiago’s father would not let him get it though, whispering

    “It’s just a silly soccer ball, run!”

    Fast-forward ten years, and Santiago is ripping up pieces of cardboard boxes and putting them in his socks as shinguards – a required item for soccer games.

    I predict that someone will be generous and give Santiago something, leading to his career in soccer.

  29. The Watsons go to Birmingham:)

    Kenny Watson is the middle child in a family of 5 African-Americans. He has an older brother and a younger sister. His older brother Byron who is called By is always picking on his little brother with his best friend Buphead. The family moved from a warm southern Alabama to where their dad was from Flint, Michigan because of hard times in the south during the sixties. The one thing is,the mom grew up in the warm south and Flint, Michigan is ice cold, I mean it was -20* up in Flint. All she wanted to do was move back down to Alabama. That’s where the title came from. Kenny is the laughing stockmof his school until some country folks come on their bus and scream Howdy Yall.Kenny has to make the decision to be their friend because he knows how it feels to be laughed at, or not hang out with the new laughing stocks of his school.

  30. If you read my last two blogs, you know that I’m reading The Grimm Legacy, but if you didn’t, I suggest that you read them before you read this one, otherwise you’re going to be very confused (like I am about life).Well Elizabeth still works at her (crazy) library job (surprisingly). She feels kind of uncomfortable there, but is relieved and happy when she finds out her friend Marc Merritt works there also. She says he is the coolest, tallest, and best forward their school has ever had. A so called cool kid if you ask me.(TO BE CONTINUED… AGAIN)

  31. I’m blogging again (cause I have no friends, but everyone already knows that) and STILL reading the Grimm Legacy. In my last blog, I mentioned how Elizabeth’s friend, Marc, works with her. She also meets Anjali, and Aaron, two more of her co-workers who are her age (cause there not 100, that would be weird). Aaron kind of seems like a jerk when she first meets him, but later, he becomes friends with her, and the same with Anjali, a girl she becomes really good friends with, but they later start to act weird, in a place equally weird. (TO BE CONTINUED… has anyone else noticed all the parenthesis used?)

  32. I apologize for this blog on Friday morning- there were conflicts with my home internet so I had to postpone my blog, with will consist of updating on the book I’m reading: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan.

    Jason, Piper, and Leo have to visit Boreas, the god of the north wind, because he is the only one that knows about the enemy of the three demigods.

    The visit with Boreas doesn’t go too well due to the fact that Khione, the snow goddess, hated their guts for reasons unknown. She especially hated Leo, who was the son of the god with fire powers, and things don’t exactly go too well when the two opposite forces collide.

    After they leave Boreas’s lair, they venture on to Detriot, where they crash land into an abandoned warehouse, and Piper breaks her ankle in the landing. Unfortunately, it turned out that the warehouse was inhabited by three Cyclopses, which can mimick voices and lure demigods to their deaths. Leo, however, with his awesome mechanism skills, kills them all while Piper and Jason hang above a boiling pit.

    They are now on their way to Chicago where their journey is bound to get crazier.

    All for this week bye.

  33. Okay even though the power might go out I’m going to try and get one last blog in.

    The Homework Monster
    I swear I did my homework, I really do.
    I don’t know where it went I do have a clue.
    Everyone complains about the homework monster
    I think that’s where it went,
    I may be wrong I may be right but I wont stop until I’m spent.

    I swear i did my homework, I really do.
    I can prove it cause I’ve found another clue.
    I found some hair under my bed i think I’m getting close.
    I’ve almost found the homework monster,
    I know I’m almost there.

    I swear I did my homework, I really do.
    I know because i found some dogie doo. :/

  34. Well, I didn’t go to that thing at the library. I had steped on a rusty nail and had to go to the After Hours Clinic in the Children’s Hospital. On the plus side I got a new dog. We think the puppy is a basset/begal mix. Also I’ve finished the Kane series for the seventh time. I honestly love the series, expectially because of the mythology of the gods. I personally want a carrer in tomb excavation. I think it would be cool to find some of the hidden stories of ancient time, along with the treasure the kings where burried with. The field of forensic science has also struck my fancy. I find it amazing that I can compile the evidence faster than the actor on the shows, such as Castle and NCIS. The book I read is much better. I’m now taking a break from “The Cole Protocol” to read another of my halo books. The title is “Glassed”, it holds some of the history after the battle Reach. All of the Halo books are great reads, if you like war books.

  35. Dear Mr. Mayfield
    I’m reading the sea of monsters again. Ok so Percy had a dream, Annabeth saved his life along with Tyson a big homeless kid who was actually a cyclops. They rode to camp half-blood and battled some bronze bulls. Clareise got a quest and Percy Annabeth and Tyson followed her. Thats as far as I’ve gotten. Bye

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