“we’re playing hide-and-seek with the chicken b/c the disciples looked for Jesus…”

well, and we’re playing b/c it takes up time and keeps first graders quiet:)

“hide and seek with angels” – funny that we’d play with a chicken today when I devoted my week to finishing this book – a biography on jm barrie – the guy that wrote peter pan – really good book – barrie was definitely not of this era – it was neat getting to read about the fantasy worlds he created – brilliant, original writer that the world has forgotten

“timeless” – OH MY HELLO KITTY!!! – a high school BOB – on the oft chance that I’m reading for them, I decided to finish the BOB list – this was the last one – the good part of it? it was very easy to read – less than a day – the bad??? oh, where to begin… šŸ™‚ let’s just say the romance between the 112 year old and the 18-year-old, while heartwarming, was just a bit odd – but I think we all know I gag over romance novels anyway

“unreached people groups in the US” – great read – short read – free read – by one of my pastors at church – sad book – very, very lost world, even in the U.S.

so no anna Kathryn davis chats this week so I might get more blogs – joy… šŸ™‚


66 thoughts on ““we’re playing hide-and-seek with the chicken b/c the disciples looked for Jesus…””

  1. Well, it was worth a shot. This added a really interesting plot twist to the story of mine and Nicole’s. I bet Princess Sarah Elizbeth with be eaten by Collum.

  2. This week I’m reading Middle School The Worst Years of my life. It’s about a kid, Race Katchidorian, who gets to 6th grade and he hates it. So at the first school assembly he decides to try to break all of the rules in the Code of Conduct book. The idea is that each thing he does is worth a certain number of points.
    The tone of the book is light-hearted and I say that because the book doesn’t seem like it has a purpose other than entertaining. Also all of the rules are lighter, none of the rules are the ones that would get you into deep trouble.

  3. Well, an interesting week- Iā€™m ready for Friday.

    Iā€™d like to preface this blog with the oddities around the diner, and other venues, this week.

    1. Sarah B and I were mistaken for brother and sister.
    2. I was kicked out of our Prison game for inappropriate orders.
    3. Continuation of 2.- Out of everyone, I was the only one that said anything inappropriate.
    4. Drug selling is continuing on as normal.

    Now, I shall continue on with my blog.

    The I Ching- not really a book, I just wanted to share it. Imagine a book full of Chinese fortunes that you consult to predict your day. The Magic 8 ball on steroidsā€¦

    The Lost Hero- Rick Riordan- The first book in the spin-off off series from the Percy Jackson series. This series follows the next Great Prophecy. The difference between this series and the Percy Jackson is that the point of view changes from first person through Percy to third person omniscient, which in some ways I like and in other ways I donā€™t like. I like how I know what everyoneā€™s feeling and thinking, but I donā€™t like how we donā€™t get as in depth into Percyā€™s thoughts as I would like.

    I am currently reading Son of Neptune and it will be finished by next Thursday hopefully.

  4. I’m reading The left behind series. Im to the part where Russia was invading Israel and something like that was just easy for Russia but it wasn’t easy for some odd reason everything was going right for Israel and everything as the exact opposite for Russia. The missiles that Israel shot at the jets hit on target and the bombs that Russia dropped were hitting but mainly just hitting locations that didnt have a lot of people. The radar that Israel was looking at showed that only a few planes were left of the entire fleet they had sent. The planes were still coming in and the main damage was fire damage not explosive damage.

  5. Heyy heyy wazzzup! So reading Into Thin Air and it has really inspired me…so guess what? I’m going to start rock climbing…yup, excited about it!

    I climb
    Above others
    Over grand mountains
    Above the clouds,
    Into thin air
    And into the great dangers
    I climb
    Until the top of the world sits
    In my palm
    I see the world curve in front of me
    The whole earth…sits below
    Couch Stroken and red eyed
    So go out and do.
    As Nike said
    Just Do It


    Thnx for the gang name maf.
    So, in true gangsta fashion I am doing a poem.

    every day after school,
    Thought it would make me seem cool,
    It dosent change your social status,
    But nun dat matters
    Beast sport of them all,
    Brag to them losers as you walk down the hall,
    Last year our team kinda sucked,
    (Cheesey rhyme here)
    Take some steroids
    Take some more steroids
    Do you need some more steroids?
    I know a guy who can supply,
    But he’s from east side,
    If you need a ride,
    Call a cab wit yo stanky self cuz Iaint be goin over there wit dem east side fools

  7. Creative Writing šŸ™‚


    When you have the drive to do something,
    you can do anything you want.
    If you know you can do something
    then you can do it.
    All you have to do is believe,
    and anything is possible.
    Always encourage yourself and others to work hard.
    Because if you have the drive and belief to do something,
    Then you can do it!

  8. Dear sixth graders and your pointless The Gifted chatter, you ruined the book for me.
    I haven’t read it yet

    I will now write a poem about my feelings.

    Sixth Graders Ruined My Life

    I used to be happy
    Until the beasts came along.
    They shredded up my dreams.
    Ripped out my heart.
    I feel empty.
    I feel like HURTING Nicole
    For her dastardly deeds.
    I will find her
    And I will hurt her.
    It will be brutal.
    My plan,
    Send her to the dungeon with
    Watch your back Nicole,
    Watch your back…

  9. Benny and joe we’re talking about finding the D crates,said to contain the final info for the cure,inside of the plane.joe didn’t want to go since he was still suffering from his hangover.benny got mad at him since he got drunk because he said that alcoholics always made up lies about way they get drunk.the reason joe got drunk is because after all his hard work,the set back by the crates were like a punch to the gut.joe said the will go look in two days after he made his plan.benny didn’t like it so he got on a quad and drove down the airfield to go look for the crates,wherever they may be.

  10. Sup guys. I’m stuck at home b/c I’m sicki. Other than that I’ve been working on my short fiction for the ASFA. I haven’t completed it but I have about 900 wordsor more already. Were’s what I got.

    Fanged Nightmare

    Joseph Lucian Lee

    25186 HWY 25 Wilsoneville, AL 35186

    Columbiana Middle School

    7th Grade, Mr. Jason Mayfield, 2nd Block

    Chapter 1: The Beginning of My End

    For the past few moths, Iā€™ve been living my dream and everybody elseā€™ nightmare. I also might or might not have attacked the woman I loved. I just never imagined that I would hurt her. Thatā€™s why I shut myself in this log cabin in the Thick Woods. But Iā€™m jumping ahead of myself. Come in and warm yourself up, Hereā€™s some hot chocolate if you want it, and we got a comfy chair over there by the fire. So you want to know why Iā€™m shut up in here. Itā€™s a long, long story, but by the sound of that wind, were gunna be snowed in. So we got nuthinā€™ but time. It was about thirty years ago when I first started studying a rare race human. The vampires that I studied where calm and collected, but I knew there where vicious vampires. I can to know a few who have jobs in the human world, and one is my best friend. Why wouldnā€™t he when I too am a vampire. But strange thing is, I didnā€™t use to be a vampire. It was about twenty-three years ago when my work lead me to a ā€œhot-spotā€ of vampire spotings. That place was here, within the Terrebonne perish of Louisiana. I had met up with a girl that was suppose to be my assistant. It was true love at first sight. She had a degree in genetics and forensics, which was pretty impressive for a girl who seemed a little ā€œaccident proneā€. Our first run-in was when she was studying a book while carrying a cup of mocha. She spilt that all over my new dark blue, long sleeve, silk, button-up shirt. I was less worried about that when I got a look at the book she had dropped.

    ā€œIā€™m so sorry. Iā€™ll pick up on your dry-cleaning bill, if you want.ā€
    ā€œNo. Itā€™s okay. By the way, that book your reading, The Dark Side of Panama, I didnā€™t think anyone actually reads my books. Itā€™s not one of the best Iā€™ve written.ā€
    ā€œWait. Youā€™re my new boss?! The great Andrew Takatsuki is my new boss?! This is awesome.
    ā€œGlad you like it because no one else seems to care. Most of the time Iā€™m surrounded with fan girl and guys who all love my paranormal books, so peace and quiet is something I could get use to.ā€
    ā€œGood. Because your shop is on the edge of town by the BEST coffee shop in this area.ā€
    ā€œPlease, kind coffee-spiller, show the way.ā€
    ā€œFollow me.ā€

    She led me to a really nice part of the town, which is saying something because it all looked like a classy area to live in. We sat in the coffee shop for about an hour talking over the idea for the shop before my real estate agent came in to meet us. The shop was in foreclosure, which gave us the advantage of price. We had the keys to our business slash house within a few days. It was cool to be living so close to all of the action and still have a place to stay thatā€™s not a hotel or an apartment. The girl and I made a deal so she could have the master bed and bath and I got, well, the guest room. I didnā€™t complain but, you know, first time living with a girl and the guy is the one thatā€™s suppose to be courteous and let here do the choosing, but not on anything pink. I personally hate pink, donā€™t know why, just hate it. Anyways, one week of preparation finally came to the Grand Opening of Andrew and Annaā€™s Paranormal Services and Records, not the best name but we could work on that later. I gathered facts to create books and she helped in the editing and publishing phase. Other than that, it ran quite smoothly at the shop. Every once in a while a customer would pop their head in and buy a book or two, and maybe some jewelry. Believe it or not, the big companies made some really cool accessories that dealt with paranormal merchandise. Most where demonic but what paranormal events werenā€™t somehow connected to that?

    About half a year through the start of the shop, I started asking Anna out on dates. One led to another and we couldnā€™t stop having so much fun. We were going to meet up at the coffee shop for our next date after she got back from her trip. While I was walking in, a guy came out of the ally way. He wore a thin, brown-leather trench coat and a matching brown fedora. He started asking a lot of questions about vampires, most of which I knew the answers. He then asked me about Anna. That kind of creeped me out but I kept talking.

    ā€œSo. Does Anna know as much about vampires as you do.ā€
    ā€œWell, yeah everything I know she knows. We run a store with all kinds of information about them and other paranormal creatures. Sheā€™s actually getting back from a trip today Iā€™m /meeting her here later. Want to wait to talk to us both. I mean if you have other things to do we can talk in my office.ā€
    ā€œNo. Iā€™ll wait for your partner to get here, but it is some what important. Okay?ā€

    We waited for what seemed like hours. Then the taxi with Anna and here stuff finally showed up at the corner. I helped Anna with her stuff, and oddly, so did the guy in the trench coat. Anna, and I, didnā€™t really want him near our living area. He was extremely persistent for us to talk, to the extent that Anna didnā€™t get to un pack before he pulled us, literally, into my office.

    ā€œHey! Whatā€™s the rush?! I thought you said you didnā€™t have to hurry.ā€
    ā€œThat was when it wasnā€™t so close to dusk. The vampire you studied, did they ever show signs of hostility? Even in the smallest degree?!
    ā€œThey became extremely agitated at times, but only afterā€¦ā€¦ Oh now I get it. You said we needed to go somewhere, right?
    ā€œYes. Iā€™m glad you finally caught up with the situation.ā€
    ā€œWait Andrew! What are you to fretting about?!ā€
    ā€œVampire become aggressive after sun-down. Outside of the

  11. Friday. House of Hades
    Ok, so Nico and Jason just got taken by and almost killed by a cupid. Gtg

  12. Drumpp the Grump
    I’m Drumpp the Grump of the Garbage dump
    I’m a contradictory cuss
    I’m grubby and gruff and just as rough as an old rhinoceros,
    I never wash and I like to squash my fingers into worms,
    I’m full of flees and smelly cheese and fifty million germs
    I swallow food before it’s chewed
    I belch an awful lot
    I smell like a goat and wear a coat that swarms with slime and rot
    I’m mean as a bear that’s burned his hair,
    I’ve nothing nice to say,
    I don’t like YOU or YOU or YOU
    You better go away.
    I’m Drumpp the Grump of the Garbage dump,
    I’m hard as a battering ram,
    But I want you to know before you go…

  13. Really joseph, ill read the short blogs, just not the long ones.
    Whis with me? šŸ˜‰

  14. I’m beginning to suspect Will Morris of being part if Fred’s gang of kidnapping murderers….

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