“we’re playing hide-and-seek with the chicken b/c the disciples looked for Jesus…”

well, and we’re playing b/c it takes up time and keeps first graders quiet:)

“hide and seek with angels” – funny that we’d play with a chicken today when I devoted my week to finishing this book – a biography on jm barrie – the guy that wrote peter pan – really good book – barrie was definitely not of this era – it was neat getting to read about the fantasy worlds he created – brilliant, original writer that the world has forgotten

“timeless” – OH MY HELLO KITTY!!! – a high school BOB – on the oft chance that I’m reading for them, I decided to finish the BOB list – this was the last one – the good part of it? it was very easy to read – less than a day – the bad??? oh, where to begin… πŸ™‚ let’s just say the romance between the 112 year old and the 18-year-old, while heartwarming, was just a bit odd – but I think we all know I gag over romance novels anyway

“unreached people groups in the US” – great read – short read – free read – by one of my pastors at church – sad book – very, very lost world, even in the U.S.

so no anna Kathryn davis chats this week so I might get more blogs – joy… πŸ™‚


66 thoughts on ““we’re playing hide-and-seek with the chicken b/c the disciples looked for Jesus…””

  1. Hey Mayfield I’m taking on a nonfiction book as my personal nine weeks challenge. Wish me luck πŸ™‚

  2. Hey Mr Mayfield I am going to try to get intoz asfa again

  3. I’m here with an “Anna Kathryn Davis Chat.”
    So all through the Gifted I thought that it was the best book I had ever read and then all of my dreams were crushed by a few simple words……. Now leave me to myself as I sit in bed angrily rambling on about the ending of the book.

  4. fred – luck – i can only hope the challenge book for you is a 1D biography:)

    nicole – sorry for the angry ramble – are you rereading the book??? as i know we all love criticism:) one of you many flaws:) is that you fall in love way too easily…

    anna – that’s good – much luck and best wishes – we have one of your peeps going there next year

  5. I feel your pain, Nicole! I can’t wait for The Claimed! The end is a little surprising, though.

  6. This is a story about a criminal. His name is luther. Luther was number one on the fbi most wanted list. He j-walked and shoplifted candy bars. He littered. But worst of all, he didn’t buckle up when driving and he sometimes went up to three mph above the speed limit. You would never suspect a criminal of such epic proportions if you passed him on the street. He was normal looking but as you know, was a truly evil being. He even had a blog. Luther was taking a stroll one day when he saw a police man asking questions. Luther, expertly evaded the po po’s sight by ducking into a box he saw. Little did lutgher know, that his boxwas inhabited by an angry racoon/rat hybrid. The beast brutally attacked luther, until he fled from the box. Luther ran to the police for help, but before he could make it, the beast grabbed his leg and gave it a tug. DUU DUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN.

  7. And by the way, for all of the B.O.B kids- or big fans of Cinder… Today is Prince Kai’s birthday!!

  8. i forget if kai is better looking than 4, little help girls???

    (yes, sarcasm – i don’t understand why we read to fall in love with fictional characters…)

  9. Stop filling the blog up with your useless book rambling Nicole and Detective. Go start a book club or something!

  10. I don’t care about Prince Kai! He’s definitely a 2…. Anyways,

    And Fred, useless book rambling is for the cool kids. As if you didn’t already know becasue Rachael and I are the Ramblers…. πŸ™‚

  11. and Mafeld its very true that Rose can’t live anyways… but just wait until the Claimed!!

  12. rachael’s currently in a Fred’s Diner in Jamio cracking a case (as I write:)

    nicole, did she explain the title in any way or just tell it to ya’ll???

  13. OMG i totally care forget you Mr. Mayfield. I would give fore a 20 and Prince Kai a 18 out of 20

  14. billy, you don’t to ever poke the dragon – even a reluctant dragon – and princess sarah Elizabeth is not reluctant – she is a deadly, fire-breathing dragon – and while I will speak movingly at your funeral, you were pretty dumb to write your death sentence with that last post…

  15. If you think “The Gifted” is the best book ever then you obviously have never heard of “The Fault in Our Stars”

    Well in still reading an abundance of Katherine’s and they’re still on the trip. But it stopped in the middle of it and now it’s starting to tell about “the beginning of the beginning” and it starts telling about how his parents figured out he was a child proagy (started reading at two) read the missing piece by Shel Silversteen <<I didnt spell that right, but I love that little book, makes me cry all the time, well actually the children's book "The giving tree" makes me cry (im a sucker for stories lol) and how he got bullied when younger, verbally then physically later on by some kid and how his mom always said it was cause they were "jealous" and he would always tell himself that he was gonna end up doing something with his life and they weren't because he was "special", quote his mom (guess moms just like putting kids into false protection)

    That's all

  16. sooooo, I think I am going to do yet another creative blog. sorta b/c i can’t think of anything else…

    It’s funny how so many memories are held in one book. We open up the pages and memories of happy times flood our minds. We laugh as we think of the jokes told, or the funny comments said. We look at each face and remember what they did to you or what you thought of them. You instantly remember the crazy days or the snow days or late-start days and remember how happy you were at that moment. Thinking back to the work you put into that year. You think of the dreadful moments of sitting bored in class and sort of chuckle at yourself. You chuckle because you remember thinking the work was impossible. Not anymore. Then you think of embarrassing moments and quickly shut your yearbook.

    and another~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    What does this world need today?
    Kind hearts. The world would “spin much faster” if people would help out a friend. Some people could use a helping hand here or there. Some people need a donation or a small job. Something to get them through a period of time. But most people today just won’t humble themselves just a little to make a HUGE difference in someone’s life. They don’t realize how just a little time can really lift someone’s spirits. So these people get left unhelped. These people’s struggles get much greater then it’s too late. The people of the world aren’t helping out their fellow people.
    DONE!!! P.S. hey maf when can we do a debate?? i was just thinking about that πŸ™‚

  17. Mayfield, Some 6th grader thought that Me and Fred were brother and sisiter! I do not even know the kids name!

  18. Hunger Games
    That night Katniss could not stop thinking about Rue, She had a dream about her katniss woke up right when shehad the dream.
    Then up in the sky that next morning a voice said, “There is now a way for there to be 2 victors… There can be 2 victors if you both protect each other and are the last 2. But you have to come from the same district.”
    Then Katniss screamed, “Peeta!” Katniss once again covered her hnds over her mouth even though that is did no good. The sound waves had allready travlled through the air. Then Katniss remembered that Peeta was in bad condition because of what Cato said, “I know where I cut Hime… I am surrprised that the gong had not gone off yet.”
    That is NOT all for today!

  19. Hunger Games
    Katniss also hoped that Cato and his girl from his other district would come looking for her… Right into the traps of her bow and arrows. Kantiss did not feel like getting uo that day at all. She ate a little bit and dreank some water. Then finaly pulled her self out of the branch she was sitting in. She went on a search to find Peeta. She thought that her would be by a source of watter because of how bad of condittion her was in. But did also think that it was very close for in bad condittion is was close to the camp where Cato was at. So she asked her self what it could hurt and started looking at the lake.
    That IS ALL for today. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  20. Wow. 1/24 posts is actually a blog. Jason, we always ramble. Especially about the Gifted. This is an exciting week! The Hobbit: the Desolation Of Smaug came out today, and yesterday was Prince (or should I say Emperor) Kai’s Birthday, what will happen next? Maybe I’ll finally finish the case! And then begin the missing Billy and Tragedy Bear cases.

  21. Hunger Gmaes
    As she was looking she saw a path of blood on the rocks she folled it untill it stopped but there was no sign of Peeta anywhere. Katniss told her self to go ahead and look some where up the hill. Then she started walking and heared a voice that said, “You here to finish me off? Or what is rest of me?” Katniss new that had to be Peeta because the voice said it in a hurt kind of voice. “Peeta?! Is that you?! Peeta?!” Katniss wispered.Katniss falled the sound of the voice, “Well don’t step on me.” the voice said. Katniss looked down and saw Peeta’s blue eyes in the mud and pilles of leaves. Katniss rushed down to her knees and brushed gently the mud and leaves away from his face.
    That is all.
    I am for real this time. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  22. Fred’s goona kill me, Nicole’s gonna kill me, and now Sarah’s gonna kill me.

    Vote me for SGA President (if i survive until then)

  23. This is for last weeks journals.

    Sonnet 54 Shakespeare
    imagery -the rose symbolizes immortal truth and devotion, the two virtues that the he associates with the young man.
    Stylistically, the sonnet forms and follows the now-familiar model of most sonnets, with lines 1 through 8 creating an argument or situation, and lines 9 through 12, beginning with “But,” contrasting that original argument or situation. The first four lines describe how a rose is seemingly on the surface is beautiful, but its beauty extends to the “sweet odor which doth in it live.” In addition lines 5 through 8 describe canker blooms as also being externally beautiful. The diversity between these two flowers, however, is obvious in lines 9 through 12, in which in which the poet notes that canker blooms contain no inner beauty. Unlike roses, which “Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odors made,” canker blooms leave no such lasting smell when they die: “They live unwooed and unrespected fade, / Die to themselves.”
    The young man is like the rose, seemingly beautiful and inwardly sweet-smelling, two qualities that the poet characterizes as the youth’s “truth”; the poet’s sonnets are similar to the perfume made from dead roses, for after the persons beauty fades, the poet’s verse “distills” β€” immortalizes β€” that former beauty for others to enjoy.

    Sonnet 98 and 99 Shakespeare
    Sonnet 99 is an in-depth explanation of how the natural objects from lines 11 and 12 in the previous sonnet pale in comparison to the young man’s handsomeness: “They were but sweet, but figures of delight, / Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.” A delightful trait in this sonnet illustrates the kind of elaborate praise the poet could write to win the youth’s favor. Ironically, however, the sonnet also shows the poet’s ambiguous attitude in condemning such hyperbole: He practices what he criticizes. Containing fifteen lines instead of the usual fourteen, the sonnet seems a clever exercise in compliment rather than an expression of simple feeling. The first line β€” “The forward violet thus did I chide” β€” acts as a prelude, and the sonnet proper, composed of the next fourteen lines, describes exactly what this upbraid entails. Wherever the poet looks in nature, he finds colors, smells, and shapes that mimic β€” and thereby steal from β€” the youth’s handsomeness . Essentially he argues that the youth is the main source from which nature draws its many hues and odors: “More flowers I noted, yet I none could see / But sweet or color it had stol’n from thee.” The
    carefully wrought verse seems more an exercise in poetry-writing than it does an expression of genuine emotion.

    In the glass I look
    To see myself staring back
    I wonder what it would have been like to be Alice
    What would it have been like?
    To find Wonderland

    A rampant queen raging for my head
    Friends as loyal as they are mad
    To meet the all-knowing, Absolem
    To have tea with the Hatter
    where every day but one is a very merry Un-Birthday…
    Yet we all know of Wonderland
    If we take time to see
    The child within our hearts, has always been there smiling back at us
    We can’t help finding Wonderland
    We each hold Wonderland within us
    The time that we let our imaginations run wild
    To see ourselves as who we truly are
    To run as fast as a rabbit but babble as mad as a hatter
    To leap across the mushroom forest and feel like a genius with Tweedle Dee and Dum
    And as I fall down the rabbit hole…
    I’m back
    Again staring in the mirror
    I glance at myself once more
    And find myself with a Cheshire smile
    Friday- Haiku
    The Pale Moon Shimmers
    Across The Open Waters
    The magnetic draw
    The Wind Whispering
    Come Towards Me My Dearest
    Lowering Your Feet
    Silver Water Wraps Around
    Seashells Glimmering
    Early Sun Rise Dawns
    Inching Your Way Back Slowly

  24. Hunger Games
    Katniss brushed the leaves off of Peeta’s face and smiled. Then sat him up on a rock. There was an ackward scilence between the both of them as Peeta gazed at Katniss, while Katniss just looked at the left of him. “Well lets get you cleaned up1” Katniss says in a perky voice. Katniss thought that Peeta could stand up but with a little help… she guessed that very worng. When she got him to his feet he fell right back down. “Well… I will roll you into the water.” Katniss says with a sigh. Then all Peeta did was grunt every time he rolled over. “Ok no more rolling” Katniss says. Katniss did enough rolling where he was just enough in the water where she could clean him. Katniss started to unbutton his shirt then the paused.
    That is all for today read again! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

  25. Hunger Games
    Naked should be ok in the Hunger Games. Right? Katniss asked herself. She new that if she did not clean him up it would be worse for the both of them. She hoped that they would turn the camras but new that they probibly would not do that. Then Peeta leaned up and over to Katniss and wispered, “You no we are supposed to be the star crossed lovers… so if you need to you can kiss me at any time.” Katniss burst out laughing then saw that Peeta was not laughing so she stopped. Then Katniss new that is the angle that he was playing. Katniss cleaned up the top half of him and then held her breath to what was under neath his pants. She pulled off his pants and saw that the cut was bad.
    That is all for today read again! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  26. Monday –
    Sonnet 116
    This sonnet attempts to say what love is, by telling both what it is and is not. In the first stanza, he says that love—”the marriage of true minds”—is perfect and unchanging; it does not β€œadmit impediments,” and love does not change even when it finds changes in the loved one. In the second stanza, he says what love is through a metaphor: a guiding star to lost ships (β€œwand’ring barks”) that is not susceptible to storms (it β€œlooks on tempests and is never shaken”). In the third stanza, the speaker again describes what love is not: it is not liable to time. Though beauty fades in time β€œhis bending sickle’s compass,” love does not change with hours and weeks: instead, it β€œbears it out ev’n to the edge of doom.” In this verse, the speaker attests to his certainty that love is as he says: if his statements can be proved to be error, he declares, he must never have written a word, and no man can ever have been in love.

    Sneakers screech loudly
    basketball bouncing on the ground
    fans cheering
    whistles blowing
    arms waving franticly
    players shouting
    sweat dripping down your face
    palming the ball
    traveling like crazy
    coaches shouting instructions
    fouling left from right
    panting sounding like you put it up to a microphone
    feet behind the three point line
    score board times out
    it toilet bowls and and ………
    bounces out you’ve lost by 2 points

    Wednesday –
    Gloves smacking
    bats clinging
    Girls shouting
    Yellow ball flying
    Red dirt smudging
    Sun flowers everywhere
    coaches yelling
    Moms shouting
    cameras clicking
    little kids screaming
    hot sun beating down
    gnats buzzing
    eyes squinting
    second basemen diving
    catching the ball

  27. Alright, Im going to do a short creative blog.


    It is my life.
    It is my passion.
    Its my love.
    Its my dream.
    Its what I work for.
    Its what makes me happy.
    Its what k wake up for in the morning, and eagerly fall asleep for everyday.
    I dont care if others criticize me.
    I dont care if others mock me.
    I dont care if people say that I won’t succeed.
    Its what I love.
    Its me.

    Andrew-I thought you already had a name: Andrew West Coast-how dare you disregard the name Mr. Mayfield gave you?!?!?!?

  28. She should, because I’m taking off work to be able to attend, which is difficult because the business at the diner is booming. πŸ™‚

  29. Being part elf is surely interesting. I’ve had several people question me about my elf-ears. I have elf-things to do, like getting rid of Princess Sarah Elizabeth. Dr Maf, does this mean I’m like Legolas now??? πŸ™

  30. nah, you don’t really have the benefits of being an elf – you can just read elf – and look like one – but none of the super-great things – that’s why you’re working on the detective career:)

  31. Well I’m reading an awesome book called the gifted by Anna Kathrynn Davis, and let me say one thing real quick she’s a little twisted in her writing, She killed off an awesome bengal tiger who was the main character’s best friend for four years! I’m not going to give away any more of the book but just be warned when you see her in person and hear her read out loud she chooses the not so bad parts to read.

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