my Jesus is a lovely shade of piggy pink crayola crayon

my Jesus also had a messed up armpit this morning – connect the dots, and i missed the link from 39 to 40 – thus, one should never write in pen when one does connect the dots

“toughness” – by bilas – espn commentator – duke basketball player – attorney at law – not a lot the guy hasn’t done – good book about how most guys try and be “tough,” but they end up being “hard” – that toughness, on the court and in life, is about responding to life’s challenges from a core set of beliefs – not just being stubborn – or getting into fights – bilas wrote a column in like ’09 that went viral – i had thought, once upon a time, that we might spend a Wednesday defining a “tough” classmate – what does it mean to hang tough in the classroom – but we may run out of time

that was it for the week – i slacked off – actually, the library was closed – so it was hard to get anything new – i have one book from a boston survivor to read this week – there’s another book at the public library about the attacks themselves – but I’m not sure i want to read that one before next week

as for that, i may not blog next sunday either – i’ll keep everyone posted


54 thoughts on “my Jesus is a lovely shade of piggy pink crayola crayon”

  1. The 6th installment of the Slugger/Barnstormer (they reprinted and changed the title) series addresses change in multiple ways. First, the chancellor, the antagonist, stole the special baseball from the protagonists, Ruby Gramm and Griffith. Second, Uncle Owen, who was in a wheelchair, got shot and died. That is how Home of the Brave addresses change

  2. If I founded my own university, I would require every student to take a time management class. Time management is important, especially in college, because if you manage it poorly, you will lose time to do something else that you need or want to do.
    A time when time management is important is during big test such as the ACTs, SATs, or finals. If you ration your time wisely, doing the harder questions first, you will have plenty of time to double check your work and go over questions you did not 100% understand.
    Poor time management also influences other people. My mom, a high school math teacher, wishes she had more time to grade papers before report cards. If her students managed their time better, they would turn most of their work in on time and my mom would not be bombarded with late grades.
    Another example of time management is this essay. Time management helps me balance my schedule. I have golf practice after school; so I balance golf, homework assignments, and submitting this essay along with my other extra curricular assignment, band.
    That is why, if I founded my own university, I would require all my students to take a time management class.

  3. Hey I am reading RULES this week and I am going to do four today

    BEGINNING: If It’s to loud, cover your ears or ask the other person to be quiet because nobody is going to stand there and listen to all that racket the other guy is doing.

    MIDDLE: At someone else’s house, you have to follow their rules because if you dont you’ll usually never get to go back to their house and what if they make the most buttered up fluffy biscuits and you miss out on it.

    I am going to do two more today *THANKS

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