my Jesus is a lovely shade of piggy pink crayola crayon

my Jesus also had a messed up armpit this morning – connect the dots, and i missed the link from 39 to 40 – thus, one should never write in pen when one does connect the dots

“toughness” – by bilas – espn commentator – duke basketball player – attorney at law – not a lot the guy hasn’t done – good book about how most guys try and be “tough,” but they end up being “hard” – that toughness, on the court and in life, is about responding to life’s challenges from a core set of beliefs – not just being stubborn – or getting into fights – bilas wrote a column in like ’09 that went viral – i had thought, once upon a time, that we might spend a Wednesday defining a “tough” classmate – what does it mean to hang tough in the classroom – but we may run out of time

that was it for the week – i slacked off – actually, the library was closed – so it was hard to get anything new – i have one book from a boston survivor to read this week – there’s another book at the public library about the attacks themselves – but I’m not sure i want to read that one before next week

as for that, i may not blog next sunday either – i’ll keep everyone posted


54 thoughts on “my Jesus is a lovely shade of piggy pink crayola crayon”

  1. Well Tyler, welcome to the winning side. By now I’ve probably lost my spot on the winning side. šŸ™‚

  2. How is it that I can see the same person four times in the same shopping center in two months?? I don’t know… but just ask Tyler.

  3. arrachel – you’re not even No. 1 in your family (your sister is No. 1:)

    billy – clarify – you are standing me for rickwood and the barons game, right???

    good for you anyway – i’ll try and find a rebound bro

  4. I may have to talk to Bri… And possibly lock her in my closet, which would be impossible to escape due to the Elvish password…or I could just send her to the Dino-Diner. No one ever returns from there…

  5. Where were the other times Nicole. I only remember seeing you at Books a million and Walmart and that’s it. Oh and there was that time at Winter Jam. In other news, I GOT FIRST! šŸ™‚ I wasn’t expecting that. I’d like to thank my parents, friends, and teachers. I’d also like to thank the academy and wifi.

  6. yes, i did have an interesting weekend with THE annabacon.

    to clarify, let me just say (and this is something that only THE annabacon will get)…i will get you back with my stabby namecard next time, and yes, i do have to many wheatses on meow meow star acres. to be honest, i think i have somewhere in the triple-digits now.

    i will be back. and to any of you who read this just now, don’t ask.

    just…don’t ask.


  7. Okay this week I’ve been reading the best poems in the english languae and by the best has been Peace by Heny Vaughan

    personification is in the lone sweet peace sits crowned wih smiles
    Ab ab cd cd rhyme scheme
    it is a religious poem and all around amazing you should check it out šŸ™‚

  8. hi i’m olaf and i like warm hugs! not really i just like saying that.
    My Backyard~~~
    Small, Lonely Peach tree
    That I never watered, oops!
    No peaches I guess.

    Boring, ugly grass.
    Lots of little flower-things.
    Crowding the back porch.

    Nothing beautiful.
    Just normal backyard nature.
    We don’t really care.
    Now another for one I missed last week.
    A Bird’s Flight~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Up and Down it goes.
    Flying high and Flying low.
    Faster and Faster.

    Gliding for some time.
    Catching air on my large wings.
    Soaring in the sky.

    A beautiful sight.
    Flying low towards a tree.
    Until SMACK, it dies.


  9. Hunger Games
    Katniss new that the cut was beyond her. She would not be able to heal that with some of the leaves that Rue had put on Katniss. But Katniss kind of stared at the cut untill Peeta snaped his fingers in her face to make her stop day- dreaming about the cut. So Katniss took off her Back pack and got out the water, rue’s old socks, and the first aid kit. Katniss first ran a little clean water from the bottle and dabbed the blood off with a sock. Then after she cleaned it she took the first aid kit and looked around in it despretly for something to heal Peeta’s cut. But it did throw her off gaurd when she saw a pack of dried pears. Then she thought that maybe it was just some food for a sick person that would not eat. Then that remided her…
    That is NOT ALL for today. šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰ šŸ™‚

  10. Hunger Games
    (Then that reminded her) from last blog.
    Katniss gave Peeta a look, she looked at him for a while looking close at his face. Peeta had his eyes closed so he did not see her. But then he opened his eyes and saw her and said, “WHAT?” Katniss did not say anything and just looked back down, picked up the dried pears, and handed them the Peeta. “Eat these.” Katniss said with the same odd look on her face. This was a trick to tell if he was sick or na. “No… I am not hungry” Peeta replied. Then he crunched up his nose at the pears. Katniss could tell how sick he was. She told him he had to eat them but he kept refuseing the pears.
    That is NOT allllllllll. šŸ˜‰ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰

  11. Hunger Games
    After ALOT of beging. Katniss got Peeta to stop crunching up his nose, be quiet about how much he was not hungry and EAT THE PEARS! While Peeta made faces at Katniss while she made him eat the pears Katniss was doctoring up Peeta’s leg. Little did Peeta know… Katniss did not doooo very well with cuts, bruses, open wounds, blood, or any type of harm to the body that made a mark. Katniss’s mom helps wounded people all thetime and prim is like her asstint. One time there was a man that had so many knife cuts that Katniss almost threw up and her mom told her to go for a walk, witch is AKA for “Go hunting while I help this man”. Katniss almost ran into the woods becase of how bloody and bad the cut was.
    That IS ALL for today. šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰

  12. PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Hello. I will probably not disappear, but my computer will go bye bye for a short time. I am not happy about this. My screen is broken. Really broken. Like a huge black spot broken. And it’s not Jesus, it’s Gesus. Let’s just see how many people get that…

    Blue Screen-
    Loud, long sounds.
    A bright, blinding blue.
    “Advanced” Hexadecimal
    Simple code
    Simple fix
    Reboot, Restart, Reset
    Never do that again.
    Annoying loss of progress.
    Don’t go over that memory usage limit
    Of 40-60 MB.
    Ever again.

  13. Okay so I will explain Emily’s strange comment. This weekend I went with her to a church retreat thing and we got nametags. Of course I discovered the egdes were sharp, so I poked her with it many, MANY times. (:
    And the wheatses were me just kind of saying what was on my mind (she was playing this kitten game and they were planting wheat and I was liek, WHEATSES).
    Yeah that’s all. But I hate to break it to you Emily, you won’t get me back. I know of a disipline rock

  14. hunger Games
    Katniss told herself that she had to stay so she did but almost threw up at the sight of the cut. As Katniss was helping the cut on Peeta’s leg, Peeta said in a hugged voice, “Can you ese off on how hard you press?” “No… Shut up and eat your pears.” Said Katniss in a demanding voice. (By the way… what Katniss just said. That is my favorite line in the whole book.) Katniss pulled out some pills and looked at the lable… It read, “Fever Pills” Katniss, in a hurry, pulled out the fever pills and some water out of the water bottle and made Peeta put the pill in his mouth and drink some water. It took a few sip’s of water before the pill went down. Then Katniss pulled out some bandiges and wrapped up Peeta’s leg.
    That is all for this week. See you next week. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰ šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰

  15. This is for Monday and Tuesday because my blog just deleted and I have to go cut the grass and I’m not spending another hour recovering what I just lost.

    Never Again

    Your heart beat gradually slowing
    your vision blurring
    Is it from the tear? or the medication?
    The razor blade on the ground
    You just couldn’t do it
    Your hand writing becoming sloppy
    The tears stream from your checks staining the paper
    The inside of your head feels like a construction site
    Its almost time you can feel it
    Your blinks become more long, your eye lids feel weighted
    When you close your eyes you see darkness
    Inside you know that’s what is left of your soul
    You jolt up trying not to fall asleep, if you do it will be your last
    Tripping over the empty pill bottles you stagger to the mirror
    Discussed at what you see, you punch and shatter the glass
    Blood stains your shirt
    Your body feels numb
    Picking up the phone you manage to call the person you love and tell thm what you’ve done
    Promising them you will call tomorrow you hang up
    Knowing they’ll never love you
    You sit down on your bed grab your bible and pray
    Closing your eyes, Knowing you’ll never see anyone you love ever again, but never again will you be rejected
    Never again will you be made a fool of
    Never again will you walk this earth.

  16. LAST WEEK-

    Okay so their in Tenneesee now and they went to a waffle house (love that place) and apparently tennesse has this famous dead guy buried there (I forgot his name sorry, his death was the start of world war 2) and they went to go see it. they met this girl named something something lee. and on the way to see the dead guy (actually let me re-phase- the dead guys grave) Colin (the main character) fell and hit his head. he ended up okay and then somehow later on ended up telling the girl that he has dated a total of 19 girls named katherine and she laughs and turns out she has only dated one guy, and his name was colin.

    Colin is also telling his story of the first kathrine he ever dated, she was a family friend’s daughter and they hung out kinda and then one day he was trying to learn how to do this thing this other guy could do (right greek with one hand and latin with the other, which colin could not do because he “just was never going to be abdextreous) and then she did that thing where you keeping asking why, then after he finally didnt knwo an answer she said “do yo want to be my boyfrined (they were in like 3rd) and he was like “sure” then she kissed him (apparently the feeling of her asking that was better than the kiss…)

    The 19th kathrine he went out with was actually someone he thought he was going to stay with, they went to different schools but that stayed together and so one day they went out to eat at some sushi place, did this game (ill explain it in a second) then when they got home that had this kinda of fight then they just broke up (she broke up with him) it really wasnt even a fight, just an akward “you ont understand colin” kind of thing. okay the game is colin would make an anagram of a word (like an anagram for sushi is “uh, sis”) and then kathrine would come up with a sceneario where that anagram is used, it was a thing they always did, guess one of those couple things.

  17. Can some please explain to me why The Gifted (I claim no rights to the book the gifted all rights go to Anna Davis) ends like it does? It’s a worse cliff hanger than the end of the Catching Fire movie, read it you’ll see what I mean, but on a higher note I’ve to find yet another book so this can count as my creative for the week since I literally can’t think of any way to make an alternate ending to the Gifted besides: And Rose died (not really but you’ll have to read to find out). Not much I can to change that point two second alternate ending into a five minute blog… (Suspense is now building…)

  18. Haha LOSERS! My name is blue, and yours is black. HAHAHA now everyone is going to click on my blue name and see what website it is aren’t they? Go ahead, do it. I DARE YOU.

    In other matters, Mrs. Waites was not here today, so they sent us to Dr. C.’s classroom for that time period. She gave us this sheet to read on social media – one side pros of social media, one side cons of social media. She started talking about not wanting to “hurt people’s feelings online” and it got my opinions flowing. That’s what I am going to blog about, my opinion on cyberbullying.

    I don’t believe cyberbullying would be the same if it too place in the mid-20th century. In the 21st Century, adults and people of high authority have been, I believe “babying” kids – thus causing the slightest comment (sometimes a joke) to hurt their feelings and all of a sudden need to go to the guidence couselor once or twice a day. It’s even gotten to the point where the old phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is now being tossed out and taught that “words can hurt you” – which they can, but babying has made hildren more sensitive.

    On the other hand, you have kids who sometimes are victim of this critisicm and set out to bully others. It reminds me of an old fashioned scale – the ones where you set what you want to be weighed on one side and the other half rises. While kids are constantly being “put down”, other kids are trying to build themselves up by tearing others down.

    The solution to this problem, teach kids to “suck it up a little” or “grow up”. If this happens, the next generation will not be down on themselves, causing them not to need to put others down because they feel this way. Of course there will still bullies, but I would expect a noticeable decrease in bullying, as well as cyberbullying.

  19. (Now) Triannual all nighter study party
    Guest log: Billy

    Topic: who cares, stay up till midnight studying

  20. yeah – second block sends love – amanda says she knew ya’ll would be good – emily is staring off into space like she’s sending good stalker waves your way

    joseph had some sicki roller coaster moves today in class

  21. What about bob? I was in it in 4th and 5th. Beat Rosachals by like 7 points and got the medal in 5th…
    Also Emily stares into space a lot. I think she gets STALKER visions that reveal the location of her victims

  22. Yet another blog (CAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT) and I’m still reading the Grimm Legacy. In my last blog I talked (typed) about how Elizabeth meets lots of people at her rather “interesting” job. She sees lots of old and new faces and it seems like everything is just fine, temporarily. Her friends begin acting strange, as if they know something they don’t want her to know. She begins to wonder about lots of things, and soon a rumor begins to start around the library, about an employee who went missing on the job. When she asks people for answers, they all act strange as if they have something to hide and she becomes even more curious about everything…(TO BE CONTINUED)

  23. Well, I’m going for two blogs in one night again, and you all should by now know I’m still reading the Grimm Legacy. In the last blog I talked (TYPED) more about Elizabeth’s job, and her co-workers, but I also mentioned a rumor that is beginning to go around about an employee who went missing on the job, and is said to bother other workers on their errands. The rumor is becoming very popular around the library, ( or whatever you want to call it) and lots of other people other than Elizabeth are becoming curious also, but are also in fear of the so-called ghost or spirit of the worker. There are lots of unanswered questions and lots of mysterious things going on at the library and even I’m curious about everything…(TO BE CONTINUED)

  24. Oh my goodness Will Morris I’m going to kill you I clicked on it and I’m on a mac book so it took me forever to figure out how to exit out.

    Wednesday –

    Living your life to the fullest
    Not caring if people judge you
    Worried about the little things
    Changing your look
    Figuring out your personality
    Trying new things
    Arguing until the breath is all out of your lungs
    Thinking you know everything
    Blooming like a flower bud
    Telling little white lies
    Separating yourself from others
    Worrying about your body
    Making new friends
    Trying to grow up to fast


    Im reading The penguin book of classical myths. So far the books covered
    all the main characters in Greek myths but what I am really waiting for is the answer to the riddle go the sphinx. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about – I walk on four legs at morning, I walk on two legs during the day, I walk on three legs at night what am i ? From what i’ve read to help me come up with a pretty good knowledge of the sphinx and i have got a hypothesis of what the answer might be after the knowledge i’ve collected. My top three guesses are
    1.)Man 2.) Hydra 3.) Metamorphoses of one of the Geek Gods

  25. benny went to the plane to find the notes on D crate.while he was there he came across a reaper that wanted to send him to the darkness.benny fought fought and won against the reaper but he didnt want to kill the reaper.he went into the plane and looked for the crates.the plane has been striped clean of all it content,he went back out to check the reapers body for he reanimated and found battle plans to the reaper army which has mor than 46000 reapers in it.

  26. Heyy heyy her are some blogs

    “Roller coasters”
    Under the ground
    Throughout the loops
    And around the turns
    Then up up up we go
    I look around
    “Hey mom”
    We go
    Side to side
    Being tugged around
    At supersonic speed
    Swoosh whoosh *dramatic*
    And we start to slow down
    The track is broken!
    Then we go backwards
    Thought the loops over the high speed turns
    And above the high clouds above
    Them we stop
    Wanting to go again
    On the ride of our lives

  27. I’m reading this book by James Patterson called I Funny. In the book, a kid in a wheelchair dreams of becoming a comedian. I just got to the part where the kid is attempting to defend a kid who is being bullied. The bully then redirects his anger towards the kid in the wheelchair. Then, the school bully decks him in the parking lot and the kid feels it is the best experience in the world, for he finally he feels he is being treated normally.

    In the house
    In the town
    In the city
    In the county

    In the state
    In the country
    In the world
    In the universe

  28. I’m reading the left behind series and im to the part where the rapture is occurring and ray ford Steele and Buck are the main characters and rayfords wife was very religious so she is among the ones who had dissapeared and they had just landed the plane and had over 100 people missing. They had just gotten to the terminal and rayford gets an easy ride home with a chopper because hes a pilot and Hattie rides along because she can fit but she had to ride along in his lap since there were no more spaces and he had to use his arms as a seatbelt. When they were in the terminal there were lots of news reports and one showed a soon to be mother about to deliver her baby and the fetus dissapeared right out of her womb.

  29. Last time I had blogged on “The Cole Protocol”, I had sugested that there would be a battle on Cherydbis IX. I was correct, to a degere. The major city is in the middle of a riot. Major Keys has gone down to shut down a weapon smuggleing and traiding. The Inncerrectionist have come and attacted the missions station with high-grade, letal weapons. Thsi marks the beginning of the feud of Chyridbis IX. I’ll get you a printed copy of the new work in the morning. I’m gunna stay up all night to get the new piece for ASFA finished. I didn’t like the others so I’ll do minor tweeking to them just incase that I don’t finish. By the way, I had the name of my other Halo book wrong. The tittle is “Glassland”, but still, close enough right.

  30. Guess what, the football team actually won their jamboree (vs Vincent, score: 22-30, CMS)! If you said they’d lose you were wrong! On the other hand, heres my alternate ending to The Gifted:
    Rose died quickly and painlessly.

    Now here’s my actual blog (Creative):
    As We all know, Corbo has overcame his feud with Mayfield since it escalated into a full out war, that Corbo won since Mayfield surrendered when Corbo pulled out his secret weapon, an army with tranquilizer guns that not only knocked you out but also transformed you into a reg ed student. Now we all know how much Mayfield wanted Corbo to suffer from Mr. Baker, the only person who is worse than Mayfield in grammatical errors, one poor kid said a double negative in the sentence “I ain’t goin’ to no prison,” Mr. Baker said that a double negative means that you actually are going to do something instead of not doing anything and the poor boy hasn’t been seen since…

  31. Just won our football game 30-22!! Way to go CMS!!

    hitting, running
    the adrenaline flowing
    blood rushing in your veins
    watching your man to cover
    waiting for the moment to attack
    running behind your blockers looking for a hole.
    then WHAM!!
    your timing was right
    the announcer screams out
    you go back to the bench
    getting tons of high-fives
    you know you you want to be a player šŸ™‚


    We one the sprind training game. Gotta love it.

    I am going to do an alli in one creative.

    Part one- poem
    Parody of train tune.(it shall be called train verse)

    Back through oxeygen
    Back through air
    Back through unnoticed pollution

    Back through bovines
    Back through other four legged creautures
    Back through that crazy drunk homless guy who thinks the train is a cuddly rabbit

    Back through a general store
    Back through a farmers market
    Back through a super mall

    Back through a bp oil spill
    Back through a shell oil spill
    Back through a texaco oil spill

    Back through peter the police cheif
    Back theough geraldo the shoemaker
    Back through zues the yoga instructor

    Back through a small giraffe
    Back through an anaconda

    Part 2- shrot story
    Bob ate an apple. It was bitter. He did not. Like this apple. This apple contorlled eeeeeeeeveeeeerrrrryyyyyythhhhhhaaaaaannnnnnggggg

  33. Last night I finished The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan. Since it was a reread for me, I tried to see if I could more out of it than the first time I read it, and I did. The vocabulary was easier to understand, and there were things that I had totally forgotten about the characters.

    Now Iā€™m going to do a creative.


    When I woke up that morning, I was more tired than usual. More stressed. I got up and showered and ate breakfast as usual on Saturday, when I got a call from Jason.

    “Hey. What’s up?”

    “Not much,” he said, “Wanna fly down to the beach today?”

    Jason had just gotten his pilot’s license, and ever since he had gotten it, he’d ask me to go somewhere with him for the day. I always accepted, because we’d always go to the neatest places.

    “Yeah sure. Where do you want to meet?”

    “I’ll pick you up. See you in a bit,” he replied.

    “Ok. Bye,” I said, and hung up.

    Fifteen minutes later he pulled into my driveway. I said goodbye to my mom and got into his car.

    “Good morning,” he said.

    “Good morning to you too,” I replied.

    We drove to the airport in silence. There was an aura of awkwardness in the car. I had a feeling Jason had asked me to go to the beach with him for reasons other than a fun Saturday, but I didn’t ask him; I didn’t want to ruin the day. Once we parked, inspected the plane, and gotten in, we were both awake.

    The flight was about two hours. We talked about the events of the past week- the usual- the drama of school, the awful homework, the totally messed up song #SELFIE, stuff like that.

    When we got there, it was past noon. We had the whole afternoon to hang out on the beach.

    “Where do you wanna go first?” He asked.

    “How bout we build some sandcastles, and then go down to the pier?”

    “Sounds like a plan.”

    So the next couple of hours were spent building a mighty fortress out of sand. We decided we were finished when a humongous wave demolished our empire. The day wouldn’t last forever anyway, and we hadn’t eaten yet.

    We walked down to the pier, since it was only about a quarter of a mile away, so it wasn’t so bad. The pier was pretty much deserted, which was fine with me.

    We sat on the edge of the pier eating our peanut butter sandwiches. There was a veil of awkward silence, which was only present when he had something to hide.

    “What’s wrong?” I asked.

    He looked at me with a pained expression. I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I saw he was trying to hide it in his smile. It didn’t fool me though. I’d known him forever; I knew all of his faces, his expressions, his deepest secrets, and his hardest journeys. He couldn’t hide anything from me.

    “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” he said with forced consolation. I didn’t believe him.

    “You know I can’t do that,” I told him.

    I watched for a quiver in his lip, like he always does when he’s about to pour out his sorrow. It never came. Something told me he was hiding a piece of information from me, which was odd because he could never hide anything from me.

    “It’s almost dusk. We need to head back,” he finally said, finishing the last bit of his sandwich. He stood up, offered me his hand, which I took, and we headed back to the plane.

    The flight back was in silence. I kept glancing over at him, trying to read his face, but it was just blank. The only thing I could see was his pained eyes.

    When we reached the airport, it was completely dark outside except for a slim stretch of sun above the horizon. I helped Jason tie the plane down and make a last minute inspection of the interior and exterior of the plane. After we completed the inspection, we grabbed our belongings and got into the car, going home after a long and worrisome day.

  34. PROMPT: Creative

    Creative: Tiredness-
    Feel the darkness around
    The desire to escape it
    Feel drowsy and pained
    The desire to end it
    Feel endlessly vulnerable
    The desire to be immortal
    Feel the sleep
    The desire for more
    Feel the nightmare
    The desire to awake
    Feel the awakening
    The desire to sleep more.

  35. I just finished ‘the Fault In Our Stars’. Let me just say, Dr. Maf, I have never cried so much over a book before. It was a great book!

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