it’s all dark in downtown boston, do you know where your runner is??? :)

greetings from Beantown!!!

“Hope Runs” – i finished this book yesterday, unintentionally, b/c I had more time on flights with people I wanted to “avoid” – well, technically, I wanted to talk the old guy with the Boston jacket to death, but he put up “shields” – his ultrarunning magazine – and so I had to read as well – oh well – on the positive side, very good book about Kenyan culture – I learned a lot more about their schooling – for example, imaging being in eighth grade and taking a test that determines whether you can continue in school or not – we’d probably have a few more eighth graders taking school seriously…

“stronger” by bauman – written by someone who lost both legs in the Boston attacks last year – i guess i was reminded how incredibly difficult it is to rebound from amputations- particularly, the higher they go – bauman had to face a lot this last year that a lot of 27 year olds don’t have to – he had to grow up real fast and figure out who he was and what he wanted – his positive approach to even the bombers was amazing

“long mile home” – it just worked out this week, i had a chance to read a book about the week of the attacks – so i went rather overboard in everything that happened – the result is that i have a better knowledge base about it all – so yesterday’s 5k in watertown – the special on the officer that almost died in the shootout – the starter, bauman – i got all of that – and seeing survivors at the site yesterday when i went for packet pickup reinforced it all

easter blessings to you all


48 thoughts on “it’s all dark in downtown boston, do you know where your runner is??? :)”

  1. Nooooooooooo!!!!! I won like 5 weeks in a row last summer. Those were the good ol days

  2. Well, it’s not exactly summer yet. Today was a good day. I won on the blog, and I got to begin my Lord of the Rings Easter Marathon!

  3. Yeah nothing says easter like frodo

    Am i the only on who saw easter bonnets? I just saw them on ducks too (boston loves their ducks)

  4. How’d you do Mayfield? Hope you had fun! I was trying to look for you with mom on the computer, but we never did find you…. Too many people….

  5. i know right lotr is a good think to have on easter even when u got them all on blue-ray and play lord of the ring online! if you love lotr go to youtube and look up lord of the rings in 99 seconds by paint and you would love it. also look up one ring. Have a Lord of the Rings marathon after the boston marathon to cool off.

  6. congrats mafeld!!
    Cooling summer breeze
    Or cold, biting winter air.
    blowing in my face.

    It moves through the sky.
    Like a boat in the ocean
    Rolling on the waves.

    The wind carries birds.
    That soar upon their great wings.
    Holding it up high.


  7. Im sorry the old guy avoided you, i love talking to older people too (well really i just like listening to people tell stories) i ask so many questions that it’s probably very overwelming but its always fun.

    (Doing most of my journals today)

    Colin and his friend Hassen have been in tennesse a pretty long time with lidney and her mom and they even met lidnsey’s friends (TOC) The other Colin (her boyfriend) (JATT) Jeans are too tight and (SOCT) Short one chewing tobacco they got jobs at the factory too. they’re job is to interview pretty much all the town (since pretty much everyone works there, they make the strings that go on tampons…) lindsey and colin (not TOC) have been getting very close and colin has been working on this therom to make a chart that will help you determian how your relationship will last (based on his relationships wth all his 19 katherines)

    the theron is based on how old each person is and how popular each person is and if the person is a constant “dumper” or “dumpee”. then colin realized that he actually dumped a girl, he dmped k-3. and k-1 was also k-19, the most rcent person who broke up with him. and when they finally met up again and were at the coffee shop he was working in his ind how to ask her out and when and she goes “well other than french what i you good at now” and he goes “well im a fair kisser” (and in my mind i was like “go colin, smooth)

    Colin and lidsey are still getting close (i cant even explain) she showed him her “secreat place” and they almost kissed colin went hog shooting with hassen and all the boys and colin and hassen got attacked by hornets and they got hurt. then hassen and colin walked into the worst thing ever hassen’s new girlfriend was doing it with TOC and he yelled “im breaking up with you” and then long story shot TOC (a big muscly tough guy) told them not to tell lidnensey or he’d beat the up and colin started recording him on the recoding thingy he always carried arond

    TOC and lidnsday were flirting and colin just goes “im sorry i have to do this” and then he presses play and TOC is geneally surprised and lidnsey is heart broken then he tries to grab her and then everyoen ets in this big fight, everyone ainst TOC (even his buds SOCT and JATT) and everyone ends up like pretty much dead and then lindsey leans up and grabs TOC’s, you know whats and then she squeezes them REALLY hard and thne he falls to the ground and everyone rns away and goes home.

  8. Hunger Games
    Katniss washed his leg after she wrapped it up. You could tell Peeta was in pane but he said nothing because he thought she was snappy that day because of what she had said. “No!… Shut up and eat your pears!” (That is still my fav line!) Katniss walked Peeta up to the opening of a cave. She had saw it I while ago. She sat Peeta inside the cave propped up against the cave wall and then went back to where they had been washing Peeta off, and then picked up all of there food and first aid kid kit and also there packs. When she came back looking at the cave almost admiring it. But she was really thinking if the the cave opening would show big time in the night time.
    That is na, all! Keeeeeeeep reading! 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  9. Hunger Games
    Katniss decided that it wouldn’t. So she kept on walking into the cave.
    Soon the day time became night time. It was pitch black out side. But Katniss walked outside to look at the opening of the cave, just to be safe. Katniss gave Peeta some soup which he refused to eat. Then she gave him some fever pills and put a fever pad on his forehead. Then Katniss sat on the edge off the cave until she got sooooo cold that she could not stand it so she shook her embarrassment off and crawled into the sleeping bad with Peeta. She figured that it would not matter because they were playing a love role with each other.
    That is not all… I think!

  10. I thought this was funny. We learned this in Mrs. Vincent’s class today.

    “Did you know that one of our older presidents and the founder of playboy were cousins!?”

  11. Congrats Mr. Mayfield for running Boston in 3:08.28 (I’d die, like the dude at the battle of marathon actually did…). So I’m rereading the Mark of Athena and am at the eidolon part (not where Leo blows up most of no spoilers but in the part after the battle of Topeka 32), I’m reading slowly let’s just say that. But Mayfield how was Boston?

  12. sorry, sorry – it took a while to get back to the blog – boston was great – really hot for fast running – and so i totally faded in the last six miles:)

    but this city was just unbelievable – the crowds were amazing – just 3-4 deep all along the roads from miles 17 on – and unbelievably supportive just when i needed it

    so a truly great day to be a part of

    see you guys wednesday


  13. We won. Best round of by life. 45, only +13 compared to par. Cole had his best round and still only beat me by 1 stroke
    #golf team #math team # beat omms in math team

  14. Yay Mr. Mayfield

    Im reading the book ” The missing girl well so far all its done it told me that there is this dude and he basically stalks these five sisters and the other parts I’ve read are from one of the sisters points of view he talks about them like their objects well this dude has note books about these girls and I think the book is going to escalate up to him ending up kidnapping one of these girls. This dude actually took the time out of his day to reroute his work route just so he can see these girls. The girls don’t really have that good of a home life a lot of fighting. Anyways I thinks its escalating up to him to were its not enough to just look at them he has to have one or touch one and thus kidnapping one and the book tells about one of the sisters journeys.

  15. John Green is officially my favorite author. The references…AGGH EMBRACING THE INNER NERD

  16. HUnger Games
    Just then a loud sound came up above from the sky, “There is something each of you need and will risk every thing for.” said the people that injected there voice into the arena. Then it told all of the people that there would be something called a feast. And it would be where there would be bags in the cornacopea with each district number macked on one bag. When the voice got done saying that Peeta tightly gripped Katniss’s arm and said, “You can’t go to the feast!” “Don’t worry… I was never going to go… why would I risk my life for you?” I say trying to lie the best I can. “You are the worst lier ever known the the earth!” Peeta laughed.
    That is NOT all for today!

  17. Hunger Games
    Katniss went outside and kept thinking about how Peeta was going to die with out the medicine in the bag. Then she saw some berries by the stream just plane old blueberries. Just then a can hit Katniss in the head. It was one of those offerings that you could send to people in the arena. It was a small can so Katniss thought that it was the medicine and one drop of it could cure the wound. But then right before she opend the can she had a breife heart attack. When she opend the can it was syrup? Then she remembered that is was the kind of syurp that that you used to knock someone out with. It was just like the night lock berries. But this woould not kill you. Then Katniss had an idea! IF she could get Peeta to eat the syurp she could be able to go to the feast and get the meds. Then Katniss knew just what to do and how to trick Peeta into doing it. Katniss grabed 2 handfulls of blue berries that she had saw earler and soaked them in the syurp. She walked in to the cave and told Peeta to try the berries. “They are sugar berries!” said Katniss. “Hmm they are sweet!” said Peeta. Katnis shoved more and more handfulls of berries in to his mouth. Just when she was shoving the last bite he said, “They allmost tast like they have syurp on them.” them he opend his eyes understanding what Katniss was doing. Then Katniss shoved one last bite in his mouth and covered his face so he could not spit it out. But it was to late he started to fade away and Katniss saw his eyes and saw that there was a look of unforgivinble in his eyes.
    That is all for the week! 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  18. CONGRATS!!!! So glad to here you had a great time Maf! Here are the blogs for the week.

    The slice
    The stretchy cheese.
    And the pepperoni…
    You take a bite
    And a whole world opens
    A world
    Of complete goodness
    It makes your taste buds jump
    And when you finish…
    You sob because it is over
    Then you grab another slice
    And the taste buds go crazy.
    In the life of a pizza.

    *im eating pizza at the moment*

  19. Woah woah woah – who gave Billy permission to use hashtags on the blog??? I think he is evolving in to a…………white girl *collective gasps*.

    Heard you did really well in Boston – your mom and Mr. Smith had your time posted on their whiteboards for the day – if they would’ve started earlier, I could’ve watched some of the race in the newsroom – instead SportsCenter insisted on talking about the NBA playoffs and also showed a recap of the bombings last year as narrated by Tom Brady.

    Today, I read an article in the New York Times – I just read the 10 free articles it gives me every month – about a man who has come to every Raptors home game since 1998. He and his wife moved from the Middle East to Toronto after war threatened the area in which they lived. He worked as a salesman for a car dealership and sold an unofficial record of 127 cars in 3 months. After this accomplishment, he got earned a job of higher status at the dealership – giving him enough money to afford tickets to the Raptors game. He instantly fell in love with the SkyDome. He then bought season tickets.

    When Demar DeRozan joined the Raptors in 2008 – the man now owning 2 dealerships – met and had lunch with DeRozan – he also showed him all of Toronto’s sights. Demar mentioned he didnt have a ride, and the next morning found the man’s Land Rover in his driveway for him to use until he could afford one.

    If I could only remember the guy’s name – how unprofessional of me – almost more unprofessional than hashtags on the blog 🙂

  20. Hi Mr. Mayfield,
    I’m blogging last week’s journals because I was absent from school that day.
    Ok so Hazel got out of the tornado that she meet Hecate in and Percy and Annabeth got attacked by vampires and saved by a Titian. Ok so now the warship that the rest of the crew is on (Hazel,Frank,Nico,Jason,Pipper,Leo,and Coach Hedge the sayter) called a meeting at the mess hall. Pipper was taking watch with Coach Hedge. While the crew was below deck 2 dwarves tapped Pipper and couch Hedge and were stealing all of their stuff! Leo and Jason followed them as they tried to escape, but Jason got caught in a trap along the way. So Leo had to take on the dwarves alone. He made some home made bombs and went up the tower the 2 dwarves had gone up. He captured the dwarves and Jason finally found him. They then found the treasure that was supposed to help them on their quest, A minor god’s almanac.

  21. Hey Mr.Maf. I haven’t made any real progress but I DO have alot in my new Historical Fiction. “Russian Conquerer” is the title of the story of the invation of Russia during WWII from the perspective of Lieutenant Vladam. The Major keys of the story are the details pulled from history books and other references (and no I didn’t use google nor do I want to). One detail I’m trying to intertwine is the “scorched-earth policy” given by Joseph Stalin that was ment to burn any and all suplies that would be useful to the invading Germans. The next is trying to make it realistic. I hadly think that a Russian in that time would be flying in a car, let alone getting higher of the ground than what they could with their horses. In other words, I want more “Historical” than “Fiction”. The reality aspect should not only be implied to the Germans, but also the Russians. If temperatures are well below zero, things (such as hippothermia and freezing limbs to point of snapping) would reletively be happening to the Russian as well (although on a lesser scale b/c of their preperation and how much more they are use to the cold). The third aspect is the names, such as Vladimir. THIS is the part I’m having trouble with. Trying to google them, was not my best idea. [see what I did. My last sentence (outside of the marks) had an inverted order. Yay!] The proccess is about as slow as my last project for November. “Voodoo on the Bayou” developed at a pace I really didn’t like. I honestly thought my ideas on that would be alot stonger (thanks to my cajun ethninticity). Either way I can’t wait to see both novels come out as a success.

  22. I used them earlier in the year and you didnt say nothin so shut it will 😉

    (Oh no, im turning into miller with her salty language)

  23. anna, aspire’s more like ACT – it’s also tougher – although, that’s actually good for you b/c you’ll score higher than just like a 4 in something – the other good thing is that there’s no bonus/added time – so just one hour every day

    i get to test seventh grade so i’m excited about that – we have to come up with a good incentive for perfect attendance

  24. im almost done with fire and ash.Benny and the crew are flying back from the lab in death valley to get to sanctuary to make the cure.on the way back benny was told to get to the front of the black hawk.when he came to the from,he saw sanctuary up in flames,and saw mass hordes of zoms and reapers killing all of the Innocent people and the monks.some of the monks tried to stop the zoms from hurting the sick,but the R3’s(ultra fast and smart zoms)ripped it from the monks hands and tore them to pieces leaving behind the carnage of war.joe,as mad as he was,released the hellfire missiles and shot the remaining ammo in his chain guns.

  25. If I founded my own university, I would require every student to take a time management class. Time management is important, especially in college, because if you manage it poorly, you will lose time to do something else that you need or want to do.
    A time when time management is important is during big test such as the ACTs, SATs, or finals. If you ration your time wisely, doing the harder questions first, you will have plenty of time to double check your work and go over questions you did not 100% understand.
    Poor time management also influences other people. My mom, a high school math teacher, wishes she had more time to grade papers before report cards. If her students managed their time better, they would turn most of their work in on time and my mom would not be bombarded with late grades.
    Another example of time management is this essay. Time management helps me balance my schedule. I have golf practice after school; so I balance golf, homework assignments, and submitting this essay along with my other extra curricular assignment, band.
    That is why, if I founded my own university, I would require all my students to take a time management class.

    I posted my other one on last weeks blog… Fred’s right, I Am devolving

    Plus do I get to test with you Maf?

  26. I’m reading the left behind series and im to the part where buck has gotten wifi, somehow and his battery on his laptop is about to die so he gets out his extension cord which for some reason he has and plugs it in while hes in the airport and sends out a few messages about Hattie being safe to her relatives and a few back to his friends in New York, which by the way he is in Illinois waiting for a ride to New York. An employee that owns one of the counters comes over him and asks him to remove his extension cord because it’s being a hazard in the way if people and that they could trip on it and because of the time being she let slip of it when he asked her to ignore it and every once in a while he would randomly say watch the cord when someone walked by

  27. Dance

    The excitement
    Jumping up and down
    Singing all the words
    Sing with your girl
    Holding on tight
    Slipping away to get some pizza
    Returning to photos, screaming, and loud music.
    Dancing, dancing
    What an excitement.

  28. So the dance was fun…… 🙂

    I read an article this morning about the Georgia legislature passing a law allowing guns to be carried in schools, churches, etc. Governor Deal explained that the second amendment right needs to be at the forefront of our minds. Honestly, I think it’s kind of amusing that teachers and preachers can now carry firearms to their workplace, especially a church.

    I’m reading Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. I had planned on having this book finished today, but I’ve been slammed, so please forgive me. Next Thursday, I promise 🙂

    Creative time: Since the sixth grade doesn’t get to enjoy Hercules this year, I will give them my 12 labors

    The Twelve Labors of Gifted- Ninja Style

    First block Gifted is always fighting with fifth block Gifted. They never get along. The reason is because first block is brilliant, and fifth block… has issues. Fifth block blames AnnMarie, or AnnMarue Poo. However, King Fred, also the Ninja Master, needed to meet with fifth block’s symbol of power, so he met with Queen AnnMarue, also the person who spells things wrong. (By the way, they’re not married!)
    “We need to make peace between our classes,” declared Fred.
    “We could give you Shelby, but then your class would chase her away,” said AnnMarue.
    “Or maybe she’d run away on her own because she has to use the restroom so bad,” remarked Fred.
    “True.” Silence followed.
    “I have an idea. How about I send one of my ninjas to restore peace. This ninja is so small you have to be a ninja to see him moving.” It’s okay Christopher; you’ll be made fun of later. But yes, Will, I’m talking about you.
    Queen AnnMarue thought it was a great idea, mainly because she could have never come up with anything better. She and Fred sealed the deal with a handshake. Will, the smallest ninja, was to make peace between first and fifth block, without the Evil Dr. Mafeld knowing of their plans.

    “I will send him immediately,” said King Fred. “Farewell, AnnMarue Poo.” Fred left AnnMarue standing alone, who bore a scowl, oh wait, no she didn’t, she gave herself that name.
    That afternoon Will showed up in fifth block of Mafeld. Ten minutes later, when the class was finished with the poem, he thought, Man these kids are dumb.
    At the end of the day Will had no idea how to restore peace between the sixth grade classes.
    “It’s hopeless!” Will told Fred. “There’s this kid named Carden, and he thinks the bird is a waffle!”
    “You don’t here that everyday,” Fred replied. Then he added, “Did Dr. Mafeld see you?”
    “No, but no one’s seen Anna Carden lately, and the rumor is that she’s in Dr. Mafeld’s dungeon.”
    “Yes! No more stupid bacon poems! Wait, Dr. Mafeld has a dungeon?”
    “Yes,” Will replied, “that’s were Odel and Sam disappeared to.”
    “Really? I’ll have to see if this rumor is true. Anyway, think of a solution, and do it fast.”
    That night Will figured out how to make the peace. He would move Evan to fifth, Andrew to first, Saul to fifth, Janie to first, oh wait, a typo there, Kaleigh to fifth, sorry Kaleigh, your unicorns are out of here! Or are they allicorns? And finally Christopher to fifth, so he wouldn’t be lonely with the tall kids. AnnMarue could probably show him where to blog too, since she’s putting depressing poems on the blog all the time. See, your time finally came Christopher!

    With his ninja skills, Will changed the students’ schedules, and peace was finally brought together.
    Now, there was a part involved where Keaton dies for his soul eating children, but I guess that part can come later.
    “I didn’t think it was possible, but Will did it,” said AnnMarue. “Can I be a ninja?”
    “No AnnMarue, take your depressing poems elsewhere, and beware, I will someday take over the waffles!”
    “That’s soooo crassy!” AnnMarue exclaimed.
    “And, I’ll get Will to keep you from blogging forever!”
    “That’s impossible!” shouted the Queen.
    “We’ll see.”
    That afternoon, Will was given his task, and he was off.
    “Will, stop reading Inheritance!”
    “But it’s sooo romantic!”
    Reluctantly, Will put down his book, and on the journey to get AnnMarue’s laptop, he felt happy that Ayra finally kissed Eragon.
    Will felt to complete the task, he would need to venture back to fifth block. He “borrowed” Andrew’s Squishy Potato, something he left in the classroom. It was said to have magic power.

    When Will got ahold of AnnMarue’s laptop, (now pause, the information of getting AnnMarue’s laptop is classified, but I can assure you Will didn’t go to her house) he decided to use magic.

    “Brisingr!” he shouted, pointing his hand at the laptop.

    “YOU IDIOT THAT NEVER WORKS!” bellowed Fred.

    “AAAHH!” Will screamed. The squishy potato flew out of Will’s hand and landed on the keyboard, and it exploded into millions of bits that buried themselves into the creases between the keys.

    “I think you completed that task,” said Fred, dumbstruck. “Here’s your third labor: You must spell onomatopoeia backwards, while your hanging upside down, and you must have your eyes closed.”

    “I could never do that!” Will exclaimed.

    “It’s easier than the first two tasks,” Fred calmly said. He was lying when he said this. Everyone knew that the only person out of all of Mafeld’s students was Shelby Nesbitt.

    “I don’t think so,” Will told him.

    “I’ll let you read 300 pages of Inheritance if you do it.”

    “I’m on it!” And Will was already hanging himself upside down.


    “Shut up Anna!”

  29. Ok, so devolving it is Fred.

    I am going to do a 5 minute creative to complete my journals.


    Daily, we face the serpent.
    We either conquer him, or he overtakes us.
    Multiple times in a day he challenges us.
    But we have someone to help us.
    The gardener, he comes with his hoe.
    And we let him, he will behead him right there, even though he will return.

  30. This week I’m reading Crash. So far I have read about how he got the nickname Crash. The whole book is realistic fiction, and it’s about a seventh-grade kid who’s life isn’t exactly what he expected it to be.

    We use them for protection,
    We use them to fight wars,
    We use them to hunt animals,
    We use them for good things.

    We use them to hurt family,
    We use them to hurt friends,
    We use them for pain and suffering,
    We use them for bad things.

  31. NdSry to be blogging so late but Iwas doing other work and was too much of a lazy slacker with no workethic to blog sooner (I did actually write a few journals, but Ifelt this was the way to go)

    This is sortof an origins story. It is totally not a slightly different version of batman’s origin story, so no need to file copyright charges (I’m talkin to you christian bale michael keaton and adam west). It was a dark and ominous night young bruce wang was walking home from the movies with his parents, when his parents tripped over an unconcious hobo. They both died of unrelated causes the next day. But bruce wang didn’t know that. Now he has become…RICH VIGILANTE MAN!!!! His outfit, 100 percent of unnervingly tight spandex. His weapon of choice, any large blunt object or construction tool. He prowls the streets, searching for any of the homless, when he spots his prey rvm charges relentlessly, weapon at the ready, then brutally assualts the homless one. Wanted in 34 states and 12 countries, no one strikes more fear into the hearts of the homeless, or normal people, considering his tactgics. One fatefull day, however, our herowas assualting one of the deprived when around the corner came an old cop, about to retire, rich vigilante man drew his grapling hook for a quick escape, but was shot twice by the cop, who thought the grapling hook was a gun, and, quite honestly, had nothing tolose

  32. Prompt: Creative

    “It was dark. It was black. It was empty. It was a void. It was a vacuum. It was me. It was I.” they chanted, repeatedly. They were of a dark breed of man. An evil, sinister breed.
    I avoided them, as they were not exactly friendly. I moved on to a town, coated in a darkness, unknown to the villagers to this day. I stopped and rested at this town for a night, but left hastily. I saw a nice cave to set-up camp at for the next week or so. The following night was oddly calm for such an evil world. I thought the cave was a trap for a couple of days, but relaxed soon afterward. After that week, I left to find somewhere else. After several cold nights, I finally arrived in my home town, my destination.

  33. Man, 2 letters from 2 different colleges. Southern Mississippi and Vanderbilt.

    For once (never thought I’d say this) Vandy is cheaper

  34. I finaly finished american sniper. After like three months. (No shame in that right?).

    The end of the book is much less intesting then the violence and humor of the middle of the book. after his fourth or fith deplyoment, chris kyle decided to settle down to rebuild his relationship witth his wife and kids. He and his family moved back to texas and chris,along with some freinds started a sniper school known as craft international. He ended up being a family man and helping disabled vets. He did go through a low point becoming an alcoholic but isobered up.

    To end on a sad note, a few years later chris was shot and killed by a man with post traumatic stress disorder.

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