oh, an avalanche is coming and i do not feel prepared…

ooh… just one week left until there are no journals and all we can fight for is to be first on the blog…

“on the run from dogs and people” by hal higdon – just when i’d thought i’d read every running book there is, at least every book that’s decent, this book dropped into the public library – straight from florida state (surprising that jaimis winston wasn’t reading on it) on loan – book was published in 1971 and dated in many ways – but that was a good thing – like higdon spent a chapter talking about all the drivers that run him off the road – all the police that stop him – and all the things that are said about him – just b/c he runs – today? wow, we just live in a different age – this book definitely rejuiced me to get back on the road and collect miles – just a great read

hope your reading continues well 2


58 thoughts on “oh, an avalanche is coming and i do not feel prepared…”

  1. i finished reading fire and ash.
    benny watch helplessly as sanctuary burned to the ground.benny and the crew were loading four wheeler onto the black hawk for the trip back to a safer area.while they were loading the four wheeler,all the R3 zoms started running at the black hawk.the zoms took the heli over while joe was shooting at them with the chains.they drove into the woods with the sad thought that grimm and joe died.as they drove over the hill they saw the town of haven burning to the ground.

  2. Ok I just got to chapter 19. So i am going to do an overall review/go over of what has happened so far. Before the first chapter started it takes you to the future and when his sister dies the boys name is Donnie his sisters name is Karen she dies of anorexia. Then it takes you back and explains how it all got there like how they went out on the steps when their parents had an argument. And when i thought about it i realized there was dramatic irony in the fact that we know his sister dies and he does not yet. Anyways back to the story. Then it talks about there new neighbors and the girl named Amanda that is it for now. :p

  3. Creative blog

    It might rhyme
    It might not.

    It could have a beat
    It could not.

    It may be about nature
    It may be about cars.

    Here to protect and serve
    They pull you over if swerve
    Please do not resist arrest
    Or the law will forcefully protest
    They might seem racist
    Cappin fools on a skin color basis
    But its all for the greater good
    to kick some criminals out the hood

    Craving freedom
    Or some lunch

    Promised to turn in his work
    After lunch

    Lies dormant
    Until lunch

    Completley useless
    Until lunch

    Baseball team-
    A skillfull bunch
    Different and alike and similar and not so much
    A smug little group
    Their better than the rest
    Always craving to get on base
    Always dreaming of the big play
    Not so different
    Not so alike

    Known by most
    Straight from the west coast
    Probly unemployed
    Probly got no money
    Probly spent it all on crack
    Pants saggin to the ground

    Da end of dat poems

  4. Heyy so kinda late on journals…here they are

    You walk into the room
    Antsy and nervous
    You see your friends
    Lined up
    And focused
    The teacher slowly gives you
    The dreaded final test
    He passes it out ever so slowly
    He reaches you
    And the test begins
    Every question
    Looks like chicken scratch
    And you can’t seem to bubble
    In the correct answer
    But you finish
    And you feel the relief off your back
    But you will have to go through it again tomorrow

  5. Its books we cannot finish.
    Sarah cant finish the Hunger Games and
    Fred couldnt finish inheritence.

  6. Well, I’m blogging again, except this time at school. In my last blog, I mentioned that I’m reading “Freak The Mighty”. In the story, Max goes to live with his granparents. In school he struggles and his grades are not that good, but he also has to go to a learning disability class. He meets Kevin, a boy who lives next door, who is really smart. At first he doesn’t quite think he’s that “cool”, but he becomes good friends with him, but Kevin has an enlarged heart, that isn’t to good for his health, but Max doesn’t figure this out until later on in the story.(TO BE CONTINUED…)

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