oh, an avalanche is coming and i do not feel prepared…

ooh… just one week left until there are no journals and all we can fight for is to be first on the blog…

“on the run from dogs and people” by hal higdon – just when i’d thought i’d read every running book there is, at least every book that’s decent, this book dropped into the public library – straight from florida state (surprising that jaimis winston wasn’t reading on it) on loan – book was published in 1971 and dated in many ways – but that was a good thing – like higdon spent a chapter talking about all the drivers that run him off the road – all the police that stop him – and all the things that are said about him – just b/c he runs – today? wow, we just live in a different age – this book definitely rejuiced me to get back on the road and collect miles – just a great read

hope your reading continues well 2


58 thoughts on “oh, an avalanche is coming and i do not feel prepared…”

  1. Totaling up the past 2 weeks, i have lost by a combined total of 10 minutes…

  2. This weeks blogs:

    Well Colin and Lindsey have been flirting (subtly) and Colin finished his therum but he figured out (finally) that it can explain the past but not predict the future (ill tell you why later) and Lindsey found something out. ya know how the whole town pretty much works at that factory that makes the strings on tampons. well Lindsey followed her mom and found out that only like 1/3 of what they’re producing is being bought so Hollis (her mom) has been paying this guy to bury the rest of them so no one will find out. they’ve been almost totally beat by over seas companies and Hollis doesn’t want to lay anyone off but she says they could go on like this for about another 5 years.

    Lindsey and Hollis ride home together and Hassen and Colin ride together and when Colin gets home apparently Hollis had beat them and he was like” where’s Lindsey” and Hollis said that she said she was going over to a friends house but Colin knew where she really went (the secret place) so he goes there and they have this whole big talk about how Colin wants to “matter” or really make a difference in the world so people would KNOW who he is and Lindsey hates to admit it but she wants to matter too.

    TOC keeps trying to get Lindsey back and she doesn’t want him back (obviously, who would?) At the end of the book (NOT A SPOILER ALERT) it tells you how John Green (the author) wrote all the math in the book (its all correct, his smart math friend did it and loosely explains it in the end) you have to understand math pretty well the understand it better. And it also tells you a summary of each Katherine 1-19 and explains how each girls relationship went.

    Lindsey and Colin start going out. I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN SINCE THE BEGINNING!! And it was so cute once they started going out they kiss (well actually it doesn’t say that, but its implied) and then he goes “wow my first Lindsey” and she goes “and my second Colin” But ya see how he figured out that the therum only can explain the past (if you wanted it to be able to predict the future of relationships then you would need WAY more variables and the equation would be must more detailed) is that once they started going out he looked at it and it said they’re break up after 3 days. On the 3rd day he woke up to a note on his bed and id pretty much said “I know your therum said we’d break up today, and I’m sorry to prove you right but i love your best friend Hassen” then at the end it said “P.S. that was all a lie”. Colin was kind of sad, just a little (I mean he’d been working on that for so long and it didn’t work) BUT that made him finally realize that you can’t predict the future.

  3. have we covered that my subject header is from “hoodwinked”??? awesome movie – if your storm preparations are done, i highly recommend it:)

    library was closed after school – so no new book:(

  4. Ways to get out of school
    1. Threat of snow
    2. Rain
    3. Summer
    4. Christmas
    5. Nothing. Absolutely nothing

  5. No one is killing this elf. Even if you kidnapped me, I have put together a survival backpack, complete with a sword. (A wooden one, of course.) Again I say, No One Is Killing This Elf.

  6. Hunger Games
    Katniss went outside and started to clean her knives. She was wondering that any of the other people in there arena. They could be watching her and Peeta in the cave waiting for the right time to kill them both not taking much to kill Peeta. Katniss went back into the cave after she was done and sat there not being able to go to bed. She sat there the whole night. ———————————————————————————————-
    Then It was time to go Katniss was ready to go. She left a knife with Peeta though knowing that he would not be able to use it because he was almost not even alive because of those, “Sugar Berries”. Katniss left and started of to where the feast was supposed to be held. When she got where it was supposed to be Katniss was left confused because it was still dark outside.
    That is all for today! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  7. Yeah it is so rainy right now

    Anyways i am actually trying to finish 4 books before the last day of school the first one is called skin i can’t wait to start reading it sounds great my sister read it. :p

  8. I’m still on the missing girl case, aren’t I? If so, I have four possible answers for the second question.
    4-cheesy titles

  9. Fred is never coming. I’ve enjoyed many hours of sunlight since his kidnapping post. Where is the kidnapping Nicole and I were promised? Or is an elf just not cool enough to kidnap?

  10. detective, of course you’re still on the case – none of the answers are close though – which just fits your stereotype

    i think this week in the princess sarah elizabeth chronicles, there will be a delayed start and a storm shelter sequence – it’s a cheap excuse to throw everybody into one room for comic relief

    of course, i need time to write it – why didn’t they delay school today so i could???

  11. Oh, well. I’ve always been destined for failure as a detective. My elvish-ness will just have to be enough.

  12. yes, your elf-n-ness should be enough for anything

    nevertheless, you’re resurrecting your TV career this week in the story – i think the whole gang’s coming in – all the princesses – corbo – cole

    there will be a good joke about helmet hair too – hopefully, none of you get that tonight

  13. So the tornadoes will kill us all
    For the record Billy was my least favorite
    And I like pizza

  14. not if you have your trusty helmet on

    of course, knowing how well our football team plays, i didn’t ask coach smith for one:)

    pizza is good – and billy is everyone’s least favorite

  15. What if i told you that i got stabbed today…
    By a ping-pong paddle.

    Lists are mine Jason, i know you need a role model. Trust me, you dont want me as one

  16. Oh, sure. Of course. Or it could be that 9th period is better, as proved by our scholars bowl imitation.

  17. no, your scholar’s bowl win proves you’re a terrible role model – those scholars are the absolute worst kids ethically – i mean, look at how well billy does – only omms is worse – at least, in his case – with eighth grade, we’re, of course, far better than omms

  18. Ok i have started reading skin it is about two siblings and at the begging it skips to the future and tells you that the sister dies. Then it talks about when two new neighbors move into their neighborhood.


  19. Hunger Games
    Katniss could not see outside because of the complete darkness. But then light started coming up and lighting a small white table with some big some small and many different colors. District 12’s bag was small and orange. Which meant that there was medicine in there. Then right before anyone could do anything about it fox face ran from the trees, snatched her district bag, then ran strait into the woods. Katniss figured someone would go after her but then 2nd guessed her self and thought no one would g after her because of how sweet it looked to look at that bag on the table when you came back for it, it would be gone because of someone else taking it from you.
    That is NOT ALL!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ :0 :0 ;0 ;0

  20. And maf if that role model stuff is true why are me Brandon and Allen in 10th period oh and do not forget Jordan Ty Tyler Jones and yeah that is about it

  21. Hunger Games
    Then Katniss almost shunned her self being angry at her self because she thought that she should have came up with that strategy before fox face. Then Katniss thought it was probably not to late to do the same thing as fox face had done. So she ran as fast as she could with all force and grasped the bag tightly into her hands and kept on running when she ran right into Clove! (Girl from Cato’s district) Katniss shot a spear into Clove but then fell down in pane. hen as she tried to get up Clove pinned Katiss’s hand to the ground as Katniss tried with all her might to free her rist/hands. But it was know use Clove had Katniss in a lace where she should just give up.
    That is allllllllllllllll! πŸ™

  22. Hey Maf is this are last week of “Bloogging”?
    That is what my mom told me.

  23. Why must the storms not come, but they let us out early anyways? Two days in a row, what is up with the weather? Okay now that I got the rant portion out of my system I’ve been reading the house of hades and we all know who that’s by (right, I’m not guessing that?). So I’ve made it to the part where Reyna after the smoky guy and I can’t finish it fast enough like the blood if Olympus can’t come out fast enough!

  24. Im a bad role model. All i do in 10th period is play the periodic elements game. (Will i have extra work tomorrow because i “missed”

  25. sarah – yep, last week (although, i’ll still blog b/c otherwise i forget what books i’ve read)

    jason – sarcasm…

    billy – yep, i actually haven’t lost any class time the last two days b/c it’s cut off an entire grade for me – so you missed seventh grade

    seth – i mean, what are you going to do??? complain that severe weather didn’t hit us??? i’m sure not…

  26. Well, I’m finally about to blog, but I’ve decided to re-read a book. I found my copy of “Freak the Mighty”, and decided to blog about it instead of “The Grimm Legacy”. If you haven’t read the story (which I’m pretty sure everyone has), what it’s about is a kid named Max who meets another boy named Kevin, but he goes by his nickname Freak. They’re different lots of ways, for example, Max struggles in, while Freak is really smart, but they become really good friends and go on “adventures” and lots and lots of fun. (TO BE CONTINUED…)

  27. i know, i do not like sarcasm.

    and ty did you ever finish the middle school books? πŸ™‚

  28. Good timing lookouts, your MLB team’s ace gets to pitch against your in state rival

  29. Fred, it’s an analogy.
    Sarah is to Hunger Games as Fred is to ____
    Sarah likes Hunger Games, but what does Fred like?
    Quite a simple analogy.

  30. for the dum-dums out there (Fred)
    the answer is inheritence

  31. Got out of journals AND did a really cool creative exercise AND won a book.

    I like all caps

    Ps: thanks mayfield, i wouldnt have known about the joys of creative writing if if werent for the speaker or you who offered it for journal credit.

  32. I’ll slowly inching my way through “The Outsiders”. But then again I’m one of those people who take in all of the information and think about it. So far Pony has been jumped and (in Chapter 2) went to a movie (this would be Pony’s second in a day). He, Dallas, and Johnny had meet up with Cherry and her friend. That’s as much as I can squeeze from it at the moment. I’m litterally at chapter 3.

    Also in todays events, we had that ascembly about the “poetry”. It made me absolutly mad that they tried to put a cap on the creativity. O’Dell’s peom was the only one that went beyond what they had said. He had the brighter idea. The others were forced and simply accepted the bounderies that were given. His was neither on the face nor an object. What else got me was the complete overuse of similes. Are the students being tought other literary devices besides this? Or do they spend more time on other things? Any way, I honestly got mad enough to write on of my own. I showed it to my friend and we said it was really good. Almost like a Tim Burton version of Edgar Allen Poe. The others say it’s to dark and domented so I’m not going to write it on the blog.

    Laptop is almost dead so… peace off!

  33. ok i am far enough in that i realized something in skin. the main character Donnie is a little creep. he stares at a picture of his sisters friend every night before he goes to sleep i just had to share that.

  34. Alright, here is my belated play review.

    I thought everyone did better than I thought they would. However, I also thought some people could’ve done better than they did. I thought I did best – πŸ™‚ – I definitely plan to do drama again next year, but I hope we perform a play with more of a plot – the one this year was more of a compliation of different events.

  35. I’m reading the left behind series and im to the part where buck is talking about his vacation which he was going to England but the crazy dissapearances happened and they didn’t have enough fuel to get where they were going so they turned around and buck was saying how he was going to England to make up with a reporter that he met a while back and he was going to have tea and stuff with her because he stole one of the cases in their area and he was going to tell her another story she could use about the same one he had. She would have still been happy with him anyways because they had technically made up already while he was there the last time he visited

  36. Oh, well then it that case: Harry Potter. What brought up this analogy?

    I finished Mark of Athena, as promised. As a reread I was reading more to pull stuff out of the book instead of for enjoyment. Riordan does a great job of implementing Greek and Roman mythology into modern society, and it offers humor and entertainment from it. This one is the third in the Heroes of Olympus series, which is the spin-off series of the Percy Jackson series. Riordan also does a good job with the point of view change. He makes it to where you can know exactly what each demigod is thinking, and how they feel about the other demigods around them.

    I’m reading House of Hades next, and then I’m going to read…. umm… I’ll get back to you on that.

    And that is my last journal for this year.

  37. Ok I am farther in the book skin and the main character donnie is spreading a rumor that is too inapropriate for the blog. In other news it gets her made fun of at school and she ends up hating her.

  38. Hunger Game
    “I promiced that if I cought you I would make it a good show.” Says Clove, while Katniss is strugling o get her out from under Cove’s tight grip. Then Clove said, “What should I cut first?” As she was inspecting Katniss’s whole body. Clove took her finger and ran it up Katniss’s body untll her finger touched Katniss’s lips.
    “Well… Why don’t we start with your lips/ Shall we!” Clove said with a smerk on her face. Then Katniss loosend Clove’s grip from her rists and almost grabed Clove but then Clove reacted very fase and grabbed Katniss’s hand and shoved it hard onto the ground and put her foot back on top of her hands. “I am going to Kill you just like we killed your little friend… what was her name? Oh yea, it was Rue.”
    she said the paused then said, “Sorry crowd lets get back to the show and stop the small talk… Now where were we?” Then said nothing more and gently touched Katniss’s lip with a smile. Then Clove opend her jacket side and there was a ton of diffrent knive “I have a ton, but… which one should I use?”
    Then she ran her fingers through the many of knives and stoped at one. The one she stoped at looked as it was the meanest and most hurtful one. It was also jagged with one of the most sharpest tips. Then Clove said, “Lets use this one!”
    Clove pulled out the knife and touched the tip of it to Katniss’s mouth. And when she made the first cut and it started to bleed. Some giant force pulled Clove off of Katniss’s body and Clove was screaming. “Cato! Cato! Cato help.” she yelled at the to[ of her lungs. There was a silence then Cato yelled back in a pulzzed voice, “Clove is that you?”
    But you could tell that he was far, far away. Then Katniss saw that the force was Thresh. Thresh was the man from Rue’s district. She intarupedtid Clove and Cato and said, “You kill Rue?!” “No it was not me but…” Clove paused. But she had knowtime to finish and Thresh throuh her to the ground and at the same time hit her in the temple.
    Katniss was frightend by him and she new that it would probibly be a good time to run but new it would do know good. You could also hear Clove moaning on the ground and Katniss knew that Clove would die within a couple of minuets.
    Then Thresh turend to Katniss with the rock still tightly griped into his hand and said, “Did you kill Rue?” As he started walking closer to her. “Know She was actully me allly me and her were a team. I sang to her in her Honor while she died in my lap. I burried her in a pool of flowers.
    Thresh poited at Katniss with the rock like he was blameing her for something and said, “Just this one time Katniiss. Just this one time! For Rue!”
    Then They hered Cato yelling, “Clove are you ok?!” Then Thresh said, “It is probibly a good time to run!” Then katniss got up and they both ran in oppisite directions.
    Then Katniss turned around and saw Cato sitting beside Clove saying, “Stay with me Clove! Stay with me!” Then Katniss turned back and ran into the woods.
    That is all for today.

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