takin’ turn 4 hard and fast at the dega superspeedway…

the sixth graders that are new – i’m brain dead after a race so there’s no telling what i’m about to blog – i know, excuses, excuses…

“left for dead” – i’ll start with the one i finished yesterday – BOB – i can see why some liked it – i can see why some hated it – i thought the whole 11-year-old that saves the world plot of the book a little much – in the sense that just b/c someone’s 11, doesn’t mean we stop congress and override a naval decision from years ago – but that can be how things operate when the media gets involved – of course, none of that bring back a naval captain that killed himself 25 years later

“my conference can beat your conference” – by paul finebaum – sports radio – why the SEC dominates – it was entertaining, perhaps most when paul talked about growing up – loving sports with his father – finebaum has this persona where it can be hard to believe much of what he says – and the book has to be taken that way – but the family moments were nice – i hope to get the book autographed this december at the Ole Miss/Florida SEC Championship game (i would not be happy if those were the teams, by the way…)

“Buffy Vol. 2 Omnibus” – well, you request one book and get a better book – the buffyverse is huge – i’m learning that – these comics were older than the ones i read a couple of weeks ago – 300 pages – enjoyable – particularly b/c i have yet to start season 7 so starting season 8 in a comic is confusing

brain tired – tv pretty…


52 thoughts on “takin’ turn 4 hard and fast at the dega superspeedway…”

  1. Counting by 7’s
    Willow opens her eyes staring at bright green shoes with no lases, she new it could only be one person, Mia! Willow was about to crawl out of the hole but Mia went ahead and squatted sown and said, “They are looking at you… You got stiches!” Then Willow explained how she fainted and how she hit her head on an elephant. Then Mia and Willow got into Dell’s car and Mia basically just out her foot down and said they wanted to go to a burger shop, Willow thought, he has no chance against with her. When they got there Mai bought Willow a pie. (Mai <–)
    That is all for today

  2. Counting by 7’s
    Dell went to the restroom but he looked back before he turned around the corner, his face said he thought that they might run away. But Willow thought he did not have anything to worry about because she new that Mai was not leaving until she finished her fries. But Mai did get up and talk to the waiter and came back and sat down, Dell came back and called for the check but the waiter said, “You have to wait on your order, it is not ready!
    That is all for today!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ive been reading counting by 7s and it so far is a really good book.

    in counting by 7s it starts out with them getting ice cream and then time is shifted (or it least the plot) and it goes back and tells you about what happened before they were getting ice cream.willow (the main character) is going to middle school 6th grade the best grade until i get to seventh then seventh will be the best grade.so she gets a test and is the only one who makes a 100 in the whole state and the principal jumps to conclusions and says she cheated.
    join us next . no spoilers.

  4. How is it that when I get on here to blog every Monday thinking i’m going to be the first person, there are always 9 coments ahead of me!?!


  5. I do not like the schedule changes. Binder Girl and I are separated, and it makes me sad. Very, very, very sad.

  6. Alright, lets get down to business, shall we? 😀

    So i’m reading Warriors again this week, and Fireheart just got his warrior name (Fireheart), and he starts to find deep secrets that every clan wants to know. Tigerclaw keeps on comenting how that Fireheart is a kittypet and that he’s too “soft” to be a warrior. So he gets pretty fed up and starts persueding to Starclan (cat heavan) that Tigerclaw is a cold blooded murderer. he has a hard time telling the rest of his clan about him, and Graystripe (Graypaw’s warrior name) is the only one that trusts him.

    dat be all I got 4 now! 😀 😀 😀

  7. “When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.”
    (Joseph Joubert)
    I like this quote, it pretty much bleakly says if you want good you must be ready to deal with the bad. “When you go in search of honey..” (Anything good or happy in life) “…you must expect to be stung by bees” (You need to be ready to have bad things happen or things to get in your way)

    “We adore chaos because we love to produce order.”
    (M. C. Escher)
    I think this is totally true. People love chaos and drama and terror not because they like seeing the pain of others or because they like being hurt themselves but because people like fixing things. Nobody likes being hurt, but they like helping people who are hurt. or making people who are hurt feel better. I think that another main reason people like “producing order” is because even if their lives don’t have “order” then if they help somebody else then in their minds they metaphorically have helped themselves.

    “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” (Alice Walker)
    Everyone has power but the most common way people give it up is not having self confidence, when you don’t believe you have power and you let everyone just walk all over you then you’re pretty much just handing them your power and in turn making yourself weaker but you don’t notice because you never thought you had power in the first place

    “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” (Steve Jobs)
    You only have so much time in life so don’t live your whole life acting like other people. Everyone tries so hard to fit in that they forget who they really are. They live their lives how they think everyone else is living theirs. People spend their whole lives trying to shape themselves so other people will accept them, but what they don’t realize is that they are wasting their precious lifetime trying to be anyone but themselves

  8. In brightest day in darkest night no human shall escape my sight to those who play with beehives beware my stinger WaspMan can fly

  9. “romiette and julio”;Line:”i held the bleeding angelina in my arms until she died”
    Commentary:sad story.this is julios father telling him about his love.she was ran over by drunk college kids.he relates this to julio saying that the kids were black and basically that black people are evil.

  10. Brandon, you get here on MONDAY. There’s your problem. Mr. Mayfield posts the blog on Sunday. Get with the program, Brandon. 🙂

    Also- Bri is obsessed with the Warrior Cats books.

  11. Brandon Mr. Mayfield posts the blog on Sunday.

    in counting by sevens is very good so far and willow is currently in dells apartment because her parents died and Mia’s moms house is not fit for a child and they are in dells so they don’t take willow away. a few months had past sense her parents died and she is eating and talking a little again. they had some extensive cleaning so they are now waiting for the person who inspects goes away.

  12. yes, i did watch it.

    you have 59 views, mr. maf! 😀

    what if it went viral? that’d be sooo cool. i wonder if anna’s seen it….i’ll tell her!

    anywho…same ol’ same ol with reading. still in ALLEGIANT. i hope to finish it soon. it’s good.

    Tris and Tobias/Four make it to the welfare place, and this guy named David comes out and starts talking to them about the “United States of America.” and get this…they don’t know they live in the U.S. then he starts talking about who Edith Prior was, and how she was related to Tris. *if you haven’t read it yet, Tris gets to Jeneaine’s head computer, and releases this video left by Edith Prior, who talks about all this stuff and why it’s happening. this happens at the end of INSURGENT, the second book in the series. basically, ALLEGIANT is the conclusion to what she finds out about this.*

    well, here’s my creative for the week.

    by Blue

    Snowflakes and Humans
    have similar characteristics.

    They are always unique,
    but to see the difference,
    you have to care enough to look.

    They will never look alike,
    but they are built along the same structure:
    All snowflakes are hexagonal,
    All humans have arms, legs, eyes, and hair.

    But the combinations will never run dry.

    Our Creator is an artist.

    well, that was it. hopefully i’ll see anna this saturday. maybe then i can catch her up on everything that’s going on.

    ***also, some bad news…since anna’s school isn’t part of Shelby County anymore, she can’t do NANOWRIMO anymore! wah! 🙁 ***

  13. This week I’m reading the book Perfect
    Line:I couldn’t stop myself from throwing up it was the only way I knew how to get skinny.
    Commentary:She is insecure {don’t know what for turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or}-she was hurting herself even though she didn’t know it-she needed to go to an intervention which she does [ spoiler alert]-maybe she was doing this because it was her way of coping with something.

  14. I want people to know tommorow is not hump day it is nerd day.live with it!
    “romiette and julio”;Line:”I saw him!my soul mate!”
    Commentary:this is destiny finding out that the soul mate system worked.while romi says that julio was in her dream.not really a big reavel any one could have seen it comming.
    WaspMan out

  15. Line: All right Ive had it with our maid.

    Commentary: The Heffelys got a new maid named isabella and mrs.heffely for a weird reason always makes them clean the house before they leave wich makes no sense because isabella is there maid and they come home one day to find she is having her book club over to watch soap operas and they fire her so basicall now they are all back to cleaning there own rooms wich really stinks because greg had a really god thing going. but the wors thing is isabella stole all their food:/

  16. Line:on account of that Im the best.

    Commentary: June made a fruitcake and she entered it in a contest and the judges said it tasted awful and they said why should we let you win? And she said on account of that I’m the best! and then everyone else gave there cake to the judges and they tasted great and all the kids won a prize except for June and that’s why you shouldn’t be a brat.

  17. I’m reading short fuses and from what it says on the cover it has 4 short stories but so far ive read about 7 and still have about 80 pages left and the story im on, im to the part where there has been many explosions going on in London and they are in a store and all of the sudden a man on a motorcycle parks im between two stores and he has a package on the back , he goes through the store and to the other street on the other side and then the 25 pounds of c4 explode incase yall dont know, thats a lot. All they know right now is that there’s at least 15 dead and problably more than that.

  18. alright Kate Mckiller I’m going to have to beat you up for killing all those poor innocent bunnies.

    line: “I’m going running”said Dell. Gwangha started giggling.

    commentary: (hey Kate i did not notice that Greg Heffly was a church going man. you said that he had a really God thing going on.)
    dell, in counting by sevens, is a real fat councilor who supposedly counsels willow. he does practically nothing and is real lazy.

    line: your not movig any thing this apartment is bank owned.

    Commentary: dell does not want them moving red rocks to plant there sunflowers that need to be replanted because they are out growing there pots.

  19. Greg Heffely has a Hello Kitty thing going on. Notice the “g” wasn’t capitalized, a sure sign of Hello Kitty. Honestly, children, there is so much to teach you!

  20. Pledge to be(almost) smart:I(insert your name here) will stop myself before saying dumb things to elijah therefore removing my pathetic self from society.

  21. “Romiette and julio”;Creative:Ad for Scientific soul mate system(if it were being truthful)
    The very basic soulmate system
    Includes:the wax-scented wax candle of basicness,the recording of cliche sounds and lame odds and ends,ointment
    Instructions:light the candle,put on ointment,put in cd,turn off lights,hope that your dreams come true!
    WaspMan out

  22. Ok so here’s my creative work for the week.


    We all have goals
    whether we admit it or not.
    We strive to succeed
    often with hardships along the way.
    We push through the hardships
    to get the end result.
    Much like a kid eating his veggies
    to get the cake after dinner.
    A writer stressing over deadlines
    to finish their wonderful story.
    An athlete striving to get better everyday
    to make the team, to play in a game.
    Christians striving to read God’s word
    to see a change in their lives.
    We all have goals
    we all need goals.
    We all want results
    we all need to persevere.
    GO for it
    ALl the time.
    To reach your own GOAL.

    ps, has anyone else noticed Christopher’s blogs are just one big run-on sentence?

    Here’s my creative response to what Ive been reading this week, a story about a fourteen year-old spy. Ive gotta pick on Billy again since he doesnt read these.

    Agent Deep Fryer peeked around the corner. He saw the villian, dressed in all black, and a baseball jersey that wasn’t the Rangers’ or the Biscuits’. He was ready, and smeared some face paint of his face – Bryce Harper style. He approached a man known as Will Morris, the one wearing the Dodgers jersey, much to Billy – err – Agent Deep Fryer’s dismay. He moved in with his infamous autographed Biscuits bat, and hit Will so hard he left an ‘LA’ imprinted on his bat. Billy was infuriated. His bat was ruined now, and attempted to break it over his knee like Bo, and failed. He lay there crying for a little bit, but walked it off, and returned to his lair.

  23. Counting By 7’s!!!
    “I Am a shadow, I no longer dream in color, I don’t count by 7’s, Because in this new world I don’t count…”
    This is a quote in the book made by Willow, I believe that this means she has lost all confidence and ability to feel any longer, she is feeling so sad and dpressed right now that it has made her tuned out, she can’t focus on anything exept every thing that goes wrong.
    That is all for today!!!!!!

  24. So, I’ve been typing my Nanowrimo novel since May. The new Apple update deleted all of my documents, so I lost my entire novel, over 6,000 words, and I am very, very, very upset.

  25. everyone please note that even in a panic, the detective can spell panicking

    and the 6,000 words would be a terrible loss detective – i’ve been there – it’s not fun – i lost a midterm once – 31 pages – the day it was due – i rewrote 17 and called it good – i will hope though that you – or apple – can fix the problem

    in the meantime, story time – and i need song suggestions…


    “Where’s Binder Girl?”

    “She’s underneath our float, attached to the boarding with the rings of her binder. I think Agent Blue Hood is supposed to be watching from somewhere. Agent Hood, do you copy?”

    “Not copying, just watching, but it’s really hard with all these tall people around.”

    Fred and the detective shared a look: the road was packed with little kids – not giant tall people.

    “Um, maybe she should climb a tree,” Fred told the detective.

    “Ooh, wait, I see a stand up ahead. Give me a minute…”

    “Soooo…,” Fred said after an awkward silence, “You think maybe we should’ve brought candy to throw at the kids?”

    “Well, they did bring their eating hats and…”


    The “HIYA!” of Agent Blue Hood interrupted them.

    “Okay, I’m good. I took over a stand that a sharp shooter was on. Whew, that was close. He was hidden with some clever cammo, but I sneaked up and used my really big eyes to make him think I was a viscous ninja owl and he ran away.”

    Rachael’s elfish eyesight made her suspect Agent Blue Hood had just scared away a deer hunter on his stand, but she didn’t want to say anything because the parade was starting and it was time for her signature parade song

  26. Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat(Twain,1988)
    i can see huck being there pretty normal but why did he have to bring the dead cat.the thing probably smells like death and it isn’t pleasant

    “A body can’t be too partic’lar how they talk ’bout these-yer dead people, Tom.”(Twain,1988)
    No, they cant ,but you can you can at least talk good about them

    “That score is settled—d**n you.”(Twain,1988)
    well that’s one way to settle a score,just kill them

    “Come, now, that’s enough of that. This ain’t any time for blubbering. You be off yonder way and I’ll go this. Move, now, and don’t leave any tracks behind you.”(Twain,1988)
    Blamed every thing on potter,well he is an idiot.

    In order to make sure that they’re not tempted to tell, they write up a contract and seal the deal in blood.Soon after they hear a stray dog howl,which means one of them is going to die. they promise to change their ways if they survive, until they notice that the dog’s got its back to them.

  27. line: in a fleeting moment a blurry almost forgotten memory of my dads face seemed to hover in the ocean above me.

    commentary: the main charterer Callum is very attached to his dad or at least seems to be by this line of text.

    line: with the last bit of my strength i tore off the life jacket.

    commentary: he was very weak from being at the bottom of the ocean (well not the bottom) and from the storm that he can barley get the life jacket off.

    and i am so excited for the weekend and my friend Christopher wore is hump day shirt today because he did not wear it Wednesday. its really funny how some people are just like that

  28. Monday Dialectical Journal

    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I like this quote because well its meaning is said often but its said in a way you can understand it like its can apply for anybody not just like I don’t know athletes, employed , etc. So the meaning is don’t follow other people because you don’t know where their headed. Make your own path you know the way your going and ” Leave a trail” so others can follow.

    The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


    I actually agree with this quote so its saying don’t fool yourself thinking you know everything others wise your stupid thinking that but your smart or your ” Wise” if you admit to your self that you don’t know as much as you thought or you know nothing.

  29. Tuesday Dialectical Journals

    Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’

    Erich Fromm

    This is total middle school but I’m going to take a different approach on this
    Immature love says ” I love you because I need you ” They don’t really love you they just need you for some reason it maybe they don’t want to be alone or some other reason in middle school its because they have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend but Mature love they need a person because they love them not because they need something from them.

    There is no remedy for love but to love more.

    Henry David Thoreau

    So there is nothing you can do to ease the pain of love “there is no remedy” but just to get up dust yourself off and try again

  30. well time for the digital CONTINUATION of my story.

    I couldn’t believe what I saw. I passed out. I woke in a room all to familiar to me. It was Micheal’s experimentation room. I tried to run, but I was tied to a table.I look at the clock.It is 5:00 AM.I was out for almost twelve hours. Micheal must have given me an anethestic. I noticed some changes to my reptilian appearance. I had shorter(although still green and scaly) arms,also my fingers,wich now ended in claws,were stumpier. Micheal comes over to me with a gun. I claw his ugly, bearded face. He holds his eye. I claw my way through the straps. I get outside. But four large dragons have beat me there.

  31. Well tired after tryouts!! So………

    Dialectal Journal

    So gay people can kiss on national TV, but RGIII can’t where a Christian shirt during a press conference??

    His shirt says kNOw
    He was told he had to turn it inside out. Is this really what this world has come too. I mean two men shown kissing but no religion shirt. I mean if someone beliefs in Christ then they should be able to show their belief. I mean he has struggled through numerous knee injuries and without God he wouldn’t have been able to come back. I’m not trying to be a politic but for REAL????

  32. Creative Writing
    Softball Poem (this looks like a first grader wrote it :()

    The red clay dirt,
    The bright green grass,
    The mounds the pitcher,
    We play with our hearts
    And we all stick together
    We’re basically sisters
    Nothing can stop us it’s true
    We’re together forever….

  33. Another Creative Writing

    There’s always something or someone in this
    World who has nothing to do but to complain.
    And they don’t realize that they need to live
    There life and life is worth living. Ok done with
    The boring part anyway there was this girl named Bethany
    All she could do was complain about how she
    Was to hungry or fat or ugly but she didnt
    Realize it was making her life miserable
    So one night a ghost came in her room took
    Her to a ghost jail and all the ghost did
    Was complain and she had to sit there and listen
    Boy did she learn her lesson and anyway
    That’s why you shouldn’t complain! 🙂 or a ghost will get
    You just kidding just dont complain

  34. Another Creative Writing

    There’s always something or someone in this
    World who has nothing to do but to complain.
    And they don’t realize that they need to live
    There life and life is worth living. Ok done with
    The boring part anyway there was this girl named Bethany
    All she could do was complain about how she
    Was to hungry or fat or ugly but she didnt
    Realize it was making her life miserable
    So one night a ghost came in her room took
    Her to a ghost jail and all the ghost did
    Was complain and she had to sit there and listen
    Boy did she learn her lesson and anyway
    That’s why you shouldn’t complain! 🙂 or a ghost will get
    You just kidding just dont complain

  35. I am reading short fuses and im to the part where after the c4 blows up there is a guy that is called in for the case and hes a reporter so hes just getting information to put in the newspaper that they print in a couple hours. There was one member of the press taking a picture of a body and then the reporter told him that it was to gory but the mans response was just “so”. The fact that the man didnt care at all and still took the pictures surprised me because most people would learn from that but only a few people in the first place would even take pictures of that when they would soon hear about the horrible explosion on the news and in the local newspaper in a few hours.

  36. Counting by 7’s
    “All reality, I decide, is a blender where hopes and dreams are mixed with fear and despair…”
    This quote mean that in reality, when you open your eyes everything is a bunch of feelings from every person. Exactly like the ones she said, the good ones, “Hopes and dreams”, also the bad feeing ones, “Fear and despair”. That is basically what she said.

  37. Alright I guess it’s kinda sad that I’m blogging at 9:30 while watching the Auburn game… woooooww. Here’s my dialectal journals for the week.

    “You can’t make a threat and then have second thoughts about it, because if you do, nobody will ever be afraid of you again.”

    This was said by a sinister woman at the head of a criminal organization, Scorpia. I think that this statement often has to be put into play in other circumstances than with criminal organizations. If a football coach states a punishment, and his best player deserves the punishment, then he still has to punish him or else he’ll get a lot of parent emails – like the ones Mr. Mayfield gets from sixth grade ;).

    “Normally, we [Scorpia] would never have allowed an operation to become entangled this way, but your father had been extremely valuable to us…”

    It is amazing that even a criminal organization has feelings towards certain staff members. It’s not unusual for a criminal organization to find new talent if some is lost, since a man who left Scorpia had been killed by the very company he had worked for for 20+ years.

    “It automatically follows that nobody trusts us [Scorpia]…not even our clients.”

    This goes back to the first line I presented. Because they’ve followed this rule, they’ve gained an elusiveness almost to their name.

    “…if the father didn’t do what we wanted, we would kill the son.”

    This almost reminds me of modern-day terrorists, like ISIS, who get what they want by force, and it usually doesn’t end well.

    DON’T JUDGE MY BOOK CHOICE!!! It’s not as bad as it sounds…

  38. So…. I’ve been reading The Epic of Gilgamesh in the little spare time I have, and it amazes me how intelligent these people were, being able to write something with literary language. So far the book is pretty good, I have not been able to get very far. Right now Gilgamesh and Enkidu have entered the magical woods. Enkidu is afraid of the death of himself and his friend. Gilgamesh insist that as long as they are together, nothing can harm them. That is as far as I’ve done, oh how marching season has brought me very behind. Hence, tonight’s blog will be a simple creative.

    Another Rhyming Poem

    Tomorrow we have a homecoming game,
    Shelby County will probably bring us more shame
    But that’s okay, the band will rock out,
    Isn’t that what the games are all about?

    Playing our show without hats this time,
    So that the girls hair do not look like a swine

    Oh homecoming, the greatest of all,
    Marching season is the best part of fall

  39. Dave just a ate a chicken heart. And, made a time lord joke because he said he had two hearts….

  40. IT’S BACK!!!!!
    My novel is
    BACK!! I’m so excited right now I barely know what to think.
    It’s all back!

  41. Song suggestions ~
    What Makes You Beautiful – 1D
    Do a You Wanna Build a Snowman? -Frozen
    Come Sail Away -Styx
    Sweet Home Alabama -Lynyrd Skynyrd (correct spelling-that guy was crazy.)
    Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen
    Music of the Night- Phantom
    The Phantom of the Opera- Phantom

  42. My 2 journals,the book: The Rookie Bookie I’m doingg two on my I pad and 2 on my phone because I have 5%charge.

    Beggining:This boy loves football and one day he’s playing football at lunch outside on the field and gets a pass thrown to him. He see’s the ball flying toward him and he puts out his arms and bobbles it and falls on his face and drops the ball in front of all his friends.
    Beggining:He looks up and see’s a girl standing above him and she say in a sarcastic voice,”nice catch…..,you ever think about becoming a professional juggler?…” She ask if he is ok and he says I’m fine , I just broke a couple bones; also in a sarcastic voice. She ran back to the scrimmage line and runs out and catches a ball perfectly.

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