so i’m working the crosswalk at church – one of my third grade kids walks up – no Bible – but a warriors book – i told him to beware – there was a disturbed girl who loved nothing but loki and warriors – he seemed to take heed…
“flush” – a re-read – the good thing is i can use red herring with the sixth grade now as a lit term – the bad news is that flush is at best a fourth grade book – just ridiculously easy – and i’ll have plenty of kids who won’t read any of those books – sigh…
“the wells bequest” – good news for master victoria – i ordered two copies of the second/companion book to grimm – it read fine – but it was a troubling book if you put thought into it – like using a time machine to stop a death ray gun that a boy wants to use because he can’t have the time machine and go back and make everything cool with his girl – plus, the items were supposed to be no big deal in grimm – but obviously, time machine and death ray, they are in wells
“positive” – knocked out my first HS BOB – I doubt they love it – it was a biography – but i thought it was a book every educator should read – the story of an HIV positive girl who was bullied terribly in middle school – it was horrible what teachers and other people did to her – it’s a reminder that if we’d all take a minute to consider what we say and do, the world could be a better place
anyone watching the special olympics world games??? those athletes are awesome
Of course
Finishing second hs bob its horror teenagers one by one killed off
But it’s also a romance
I’m dead already…
Of course it’s a romance. Everything is a romance these days..
hey mr mayfield, are we going to be able to do crafts in grc?
loki lover – we will “try” crafts – my first obligation is to teach you to write – but we will craft more than the high school english will ever craft
billy – “ten” was awful – horror/romance – falling in love while everyone around you is systematically plucked off by the murderer – sooooooooooo, a bit different than middle school BOB – on the positive note, it was over quickly
Any word on what the middle school BOB books will be this year?
yes – but i don’t want to spill ms. blount’s thunder
i read one of them last year – brown girl dreaming – by jaqueline woodson – very good book – it won awards last year – it’s also free verse poetry so it’s easy to read
lokilover should play the world famous “20 guesses” game – and earn her junior detective badge…
there was a dead cockroach at the school door today, what happened???
Nooo. Not my cockroach army…
That counts as a guess but no worries there was no deserters from Victoria’s army trying to storm the front doors of the school only to be trampled
Did it get killed by the lightning that scared the band inside?
billy, you’re on the right track
i’m guessing lil bri is still researching for her first guess – invent a game for someone and then they don’t play, sigh…
my next guess – which is wrong – the cockroach drowned at the 500 club and they panicked and threw the body at the CMS door as a set up – we were framed – literally – b/c it was at the door fra-never mind…
I am an incoming 6th grade GRC student. I have completed reading “Flush” and really enjoyed it. I have also read the ” Long Walk to Water ” it was a very good book.
Look at Jamison earning big bonus by blogging – that’s pretty epically huge – never had an incoming blog – except lokilover – and she doesn’t count – particularly b/c won’t play my game
hiaason – the writer of flush – was a former news writer in miami – so he’s the rare young adult author that writes well – which makes flush okay with me – long walk to water just reminds me that like the band, the heat can be endured:)
It’s happening!! Mr. Maf, we can train the 6th graders before they even get to school!! Welcome blogger!!
Training tip 101: Billy is the high school bully who inhabits the blog – he’ll take your milk money from a hustle over a scholar’s bowl question if you’re not careful
I like pi (and… Basically all other types of math)
hElLo FeLlOw GrC fRiEnDs! hOw Is EvErYoNe DoInG?
i FiNeShEd fLuSh! iT wAs GoOd.
Mayfield, somehow i failed to put 2 and 2 together. I didn’t realize the red badge of courage was a war book until i started reading it. So far it’s good.
Enough with the Gamzee Font, Loki-child. Welcome to the blog, sixth graders. It’s a bit unusual to have sixth graders here this early…I’m a bit surprised. Yes, beware the Billy. He lurks on the blog.
Quick question: Does Detective still run the camp for incoming sixth graders? The one on Hello Kitty Mountain that we wrote a Let It Go parody for…?
Anyway, Welcome, sixth grade!! We’re going to have LOTS of FUN!!
billy – red badge is good – crane was a war correspondent – span-am war if i remember right – so it’s fairly descriptive of what happens
detective, i think you should definitely be a part of sixth grade camp – you can teach them all the songs we sing – and all the lore than is our class
there’s a musical called “band camp” that i think would be awesome
we should definitely write a CMS musical
So I finished Moon Over Manifest today…I loved it. To begin with, I wasn’t sure whether or not I would enjoy it because I had heard a lot of people say that it was boring and that they hated it. It wasn’t a bad book. I found the complex relationships between the different characters fascinating. The backgrounds that each character had, surrounding the whole principle that there is no “universal” type of person. Everyone has a different story to tell, something that makes them unique. Enough ranting. I loved it.
While I’m on the subject of summer reading books, I want to bring up “Out of the Dust”, by Karen Hesse. This book was beautifully written in free verse poetry. It sort of showed the idea that there can be a good side to bad things. People can change, times can change, but deep down, at the heart, there is a thread that binds us to who we are. That thread is what we can look to when everything around us is changing. Look to our friends, our family, anyone around us, and try to reach out, but never let go of the thread that keeps us who we are. For Billie Jo, her thread was playing the piano. She almost lost is, but she kept to it when nothing was alright, and remembered who she was, and grew from her past.
There’s my book rant. Okay. I’m done. More book-ranting to come this school year. There’s some of what I got from what I’ve read this summer.
detective – LOVE out of the dust – good historical fiction – good sense of place – hesse is a good writer – brown girl dreaming is another like that book – there’s another as well that’s actually set in alabama – i forget the title – but i love those books because they’re so visual in nature – for me, moon over manifest captures smalltown america – it was easy to see why it won newbery that year
so rant away:)