catching up on the reading…

phew, done with the school year – missed a week on the blog – so for those of you tuning in late, the first three books are from a week back – last week, there was just one book read (hey, i was a busy guy:)

“the born again runner” – great book for starting running – principally for adult runners – but it would work for anyone – the author had a wonderful back story to why he restarted running – very recommendable

“the kings of distance” – from 1968 in great britain, a book on the five best runners – the author updated the book at the end – just an amazingly unique take – a book like that would be hard to find today – so i really enjoyed it

“the baseball whisperer” – great for teachers and those who love baseball, a story of a man who for 30-plus years, took a group of college kids in the middle of nowhereville, iowa and built a great summer league team of champions – the way he involved the community would make you think of columbiana

“pudge” – great catcher of all-time – his biography – very different life than i thought – including that he now raises flowers as a hobby – neat guy

happy reading!
