running through the latest books…

“lone stars” – great YA for guys – highly recommendable – I hadn’t read anything by Lupica, but i’d heard the podcast and tried it – and it was a great read

“educated” – by westover – sad book – makes you appreciate education – and learning to understand other people’s stories – i couldn’t put the book down

“lions” by beasley – great book – loved it – lord of the flies adapted to middle grades – clever – and worth reading – very recommendable

“running is my therapy” – new book on connecting running with fighting depression – really good book – insightful

“fire and fury” – the book on trump that’s been read by lots – good book – read it quickly – interesting – probably can’t say more w/o offending someone:)


after all the snow we’ve been through…

book update…

“this miscalculations of lightning girl” – cute book – story of a math savant who ends up in middle school – you know, nothing could go wrong from that:)

“legends of the court” – book about carolina hoops – duke, nc state, unc – from the 1980s on – enjoyed reading it

“the nix” – adult fiction which i actually liked – it was clever – but definitely for adults

“this close to happy” – disappointed in the book – read a good review but didn’t enjoy the actual book

“beholding bee” – great YA – middle grade – book – and included running spots in the story

“another season” – story of former alabama football coach – his special needs son – read this book almost 20 years ago – well worth reading again

ringing in the new year with an updated book count…

“i am not your sweet baboo” – peanuts book – great book – i actually had read many of the strips – but i really enjoyed it – laughed aloud at many things

“champions” – book on the resiliency of several athletes – large swarth of them – known and unknown – my fave read was on mark prior b/c i remembered his arc – it was good to get an update on his story

“patchinka” – one of the top reads this year from the NY Times in fiction – i don’t read many adult fiction books – so this one was purposefully out of my usual reads – but i did enjoy it – learned a lot about the relationship of koreans in japan

“nutrcaker” – just in time before christmas – i read both versions – technically, there’s only one version – hoffmann – but the book i got had two versions – dumas wrote the second – but he basically translated hoffmann’s account – so i thought that it would be a waste of time to read the second account – however, i didn’t do a great job reading the first version – it was hard to read – so reading dumas was good b/c it helped me get the first version:)

“baby bombers” – in honor of my first period – book on the new NY Yankee players – lots of good stories with those guys

“dreamer” – YA book on pablo neruda’s early life – easy to read – very recommendable

“race everything” – book from retiring runner’s world editor – bart yasso – everything from 5k to ultramarathons – his second book – i enjoyed it, of course

“alou” – book on a great baseball player – his life – both as a player and as a manager – he’s had an incredible life

“jordan: a life” – finished the break reading a 600 page book on MJ – the hero of my childhood – i’ve already read several things on him – this was still a good book though – sad book in ways

so i’m now caught up:) happy new year to everyone:)